"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution," he continued. "Our great 'Founder' did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!" ---Donald Trump
I am not sure who Trump means by "our great Founder". Whether he has one particular Founder in mind or is thinking of the men collectively known as the Founding Fathers or Founders, he knows next to nothing about our first elections.
Trump has complained about early voting. He has said the elections should be held om one day, the first Tuesday in November. The first U.S. presidential election was held over a period of weeks from December 1788 to January 1789.
In our nation's first elections, Washington ran unopposed. He won election with with 69 and 132 votes. If those numbers seem low to you, that's because there was not universal public vote then. Many electors were chosen by state legislatures instead of public balloting. In the states that did have a public ballot, it was limited, to white male landowners.
Of course, Trump also wrong that Twitter or Biden's campaign rigged the election. Twitter has a First Amendment right to publish or not publish as they see fit. The government did not force or coerce Twitter to quash the Hunter Biden report (that would be unconstitutional). Many news outlets and websites reported it. Biden's campaign, a private entity, made the request of Twitter, which after deliberation they honored. (Btw, most websites including this one, have a way for individuals to flag content that they object to)
It is the job of campaigns to the extent possible control what is and isn't reported. Campaigns routinely complain about unfavorable news coverage. That included Trump's campaign. For example, Trump's campaign demanded that CNN apologize for reporting on a poll that had Biden beating Trump. On election night, the Trump White House went ballistic and demanded a retraction when Fox News called Arizona for Biden.