by oldedude on November 24, 2022 8:07 am
Okay on above. all is well. I used that term (maybe incorrectly) as more of a thought that this is a very convoluted issue that most are getting their information and not really seeing this is actually a fairly typical move of a major power in guerilla warfare. So I think this is a Sender=> message=> receiver. My message was messed up, so the rest of it, without being in a conversation was lost. So I'm going to take the credit for the mixup.
I agree those would help, although my main thought is that as horrible as these are, this is what happens in guerilla/ low intensity warfare. Russia lost the "hearts and minds" war early on. They thought they would be welcomed. And weren't. The Ukrainians are extremely resourceful, and it helps that your military came from theirs. You know their moves because you know their courses of action.
The issue for the Russians is they see strongholds and consider them held by the guerrillas. Therefore, in order to take out the fighters, they'll take out the civilians. As with all low-intensity warfare, it's hard to tell the difference. My worry is that if the Russians run out of rockets/ missiles, they'll opt for chemical agents like they've done in the past.
I think Vlad is really trying to get the Ukrainians to sue for peace. If he does, he comes in to negotiations from a position of weakness. If the Ukrainians want to quit, Vlad may get Crimea. That would make it worth the war.
Also remember the other countries that will help the Russians. DPRK, Iran, China (to a lessor extent).