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President selectors, pages, etc.
White House accuses GOP of initiating probes into ‘long-debunked’ Hunter Biden ‘conspiracy theories’
By HatetheSwamp
November 18, 2022 4:07 am
Category: President

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The White House blasted House Republicans on Thursday for vowing to investigate whether President Biden is “compromised” as a result of his son Hunter’s foreign business dealings.

"Instead of working with President Biden to address issues important to the American people, like lower costs, congressional Republicans’ top priority is to go after President Biden with politically motivated attacks chock full of long-debunked conspiracy theories,” Ian Sams, a spokesman for the White House counsel’s office, told The Post.

“President Biden is not going to let these political attacks distract him from focusing on Americans’ priorities, and we hope congressional Republicans will join us in tackling them instead of wasting time and resources on political revenge,” he added.

Reps. James Comer (R-Ky.) and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who will respectively head the House Judiciary and Oversight committees next year, announced that probing the Biden family will be a priority in the next Congress.

“Our investigation is about Joe Biden,” Comer said. “Was Joe Biden directly involved with Hunter Biden’s business deals and is he compromised? That’s our investigation.”

Curt. isle, etc. There is already evidence, exposed by the reporting of Miranda Devine, that there's good reason to suspect that "the Big Guy" was smack dab in the middle of this and that at least one meeting of the Biden Crime Family took place in the White House when "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" was Veep. That will come out, whether Rachel reports it or not.

And, that's the point. It IS about Joe, not Hunter. Were Joe not vulnerable, he could have had his people promise full cooperation with any investigation so that the White House and Congress can move on and focus on working for the American people.

But, he didn't. He can't.

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Comments on "White House accuses GOP of initiating probes into ‘long-debunked’ Hunter Biden ‘conspiracy theories’":

  1. by islander on November 18, 2022 6:29 am

    For obvious reasons we fully expected the Republicans to try to start as many investigations as they possibly can, so this is not exactly “breaking news”...And if in their investigations, they find credible evidence that Biden or anyone else is guilty of committing crimes they should of course be held accountable. I’m fine with that since that’s the way it should be. Although personally I doubt these investigations will find any more criminal wrongdoing than they did with their Ben Ghazi and Hilary investigations etc.

    Naturally, if they are unable to find credible evidence, we also fully expect Republicans to cry that such evidence has been successfully covered up and whitewashed by the Democrats and that’s why it’s so hard for them to produce the actual hard evidence they need to indict or convict anyone.

    If nothing else, it will be kind of interesting to watch it unfold.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on November 18, 2022 6:38 am

    Go to the 644 page document OD linked to and scan a little. Hunter is FILTHY!

    But, honestly, for the sake of the nation, it's hearing out those FBI whistle-blowers who've been singing to Senator Grassley who are important.

  3. by oldedude on November 18, 2022 6:45 am
    They're only "debunked" for those who haven't looked at actual facts. The part the GOP needs to do is not to forget everything else and go after pedojoe. Newt said it the best. "10% on investigations (meaning all investigations), and 90% on keeping the nation running. That means at least bringing things to the floor. If it hits the House committee, make your adjustments and get it voted on. Then send it back to Schumer. See if he'll negotiate. If not. Oh well.

    One issue with that. Schumer signaled he wants "all aliens to get citizenship" by law. That's a showstopper even for the border dims. That said, he can blame the GOP for not putting through "reasonable legislation," which we all know is a pile of crap, but that's what the dims do.

    This is straight out of the Himmler book. "Tell a lie, make the lie big, and if you say it enough, it becomes truth."

  4. by islander on November 18, 2022 7:01 am

    Here ya go Hate:

    "What that Report Purportedly Authenticating the “Hunter Biden” “Laptop” Really Said"

    "I’ve reported on the WaPo story on the security review of the disk drive commonly referred to as the “Hunter Biden” “laptop” a bunch of times.

    But in advance of ripping apart this James Comer fan-fiction about Hunter Biden and before the Twitter thread I did disappears into the Elmo dumpster fire, I wanted to repeat it here. The WaPo asked security experts Matt Green (who worked with his Johns Hopkins students) and Jake Williams to review the drive to see what they could authenticate.

    They discovered that people had kept adding content to the “laptop,” making it impossible to say what was on the “laptop” when it was provided to the blind computer repairman.

    In their examinations, Green and Williams found evidence that people other than Hunter Biden had accessed the drive and written files to it, both before and after the initial stories in the New York Post and long after the laptop itself had been turned over to the FBI.

    Maxey had alerted The Washington Post to this issue in advance, saying that others had accessed the data to examine its contents and make copies of files. But the lack of what experts call a “clean chain of custody” undermined Green’s and Williams’s ability to determine the authenticity of most of the drive’s contents.

    “The drive is a mess,” Green said.

    He compared the portable drive he received from The Post to a crime scene in which detectives arrive to find Big Mac wrappers carelessly left behind by police officers who were there before them, contaminating the evidence.

    That assessment was echoed by Williams.“From a forensics standpoint, it’s a disaster,” Williams said."

    Click on the link to read the rest of this report.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on November 18, 2022 7:55 am

    I want you to keep a good thought, there, isle. As Annie sang, TOMORROW!

    It's a good thing that the record of that Biden Crime Family meeting at the White House has been preserved...IN WHITE HOUSE DOCUMENTS..And, that clean copies of Hunter’s emails exist on Tony Bobulinski's computer...along with hundreds of other BCF documents.

    The fun part would be watching the coked up stripper videos, but statute of limitations and all, eh!

    But, hey! Settle down this evening with some popcorn and your favorite adult beverage and watch ANNIE over and over again til the wee hours. "It's only a day aaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaay!"

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh!

  6. by islander on November 18, 2022 8:39 am

    I think it would be great to see a congressional investigation of Hunter Biden and the contents of his “laptop” using the Jan 6th investigation and hearings as a template. It was wonderful to see and hear the witness's testimony live rather than having to depend on someone else’s interpretation of it.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on November 18, 2022 8:51 am

    Oh, bubba. The hearings will be public and live. I'm sure that the progressive SwampMedia won't carry them but go to YouTube or find Newsmax. They'll be there for everyone who loves truth to see...and, you, too!

  8. by HatetheSwamp on November 18, 2022 9:08 am

    Ex-Hunter Biden partner Tony Bobulinski vows US will be ‘shocked’ by GOP probe

    Read it an weep, there, isle!

  9. by Donna on November 18, 2022 9:25 am

    I still haven't heard what crime(s) President Biden is alleged to have committed.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on November 18, 2022 9:30 am

    If that's so, Donna, it's because you're doing your ostrich thing or you're listening for progressive Swampcult propaganda. Seekers of truth can't help you with either. My advice is that you just tread water. That wave is coming to you.

  11. by Curt_Anderson on November 18, 2022 9:39 am
    You are setting yourself up for disappointment. Tony Bobulinski says he has the evidence. He says he gave it to the FBI and whistleblowers. Except in sites that traffic in conspiracy theories, it's not being reported. Any details of the alleged crime have not been published. Not even by the NY Post. What is Bobulinski waiting for to make his big reveal?

    Calling Biden "the big guy" is not a crime. Capitalizing on a famous name is no a crime. Your side needs to prove a quid pro quo.

  12. by oldedude on November 18, 2022 9:42 am
    I pray to God it doesn't take the template of the J6 circus. That was nothing more than a circus of smoke and mirrors with zero substance. NOTHING they could take forward to any US law enforcement agency that still supports the constitution. Maybe if they took it to Xi Zhiping or Putin, maybe they'd take it. Maybe the Congo and you gave it to the ADF.

    Should it be televised? Absolutely. With both sides presenting their cases. The one thing they need to prepare for are the sheep trying to break into the chambers like they blew up in 1971.

    "Mobs breaking into and occupying government buildings are always bad, but when leftists are responsible, a memory hole soon opens and engulfs the media's recollections. True conservatives support law and order and peaceful protest for redress of grievances, a sacred constitutional right. Rights bring with them responsibilities, and strict adherence to the law is a fundamental obligation of those who speak out in disapproval.

    The U.S. Capitol is a sacred temple of our democratic republic and ought to be viewed as such, not a target for violence. Period. But a little historical perspective is in order in understanding how mob violence directed at official buildings is no monopoly of conservatives or Trump-supporters.

    Just over two years ago, the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill was occupied by protestors seeking to block the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh."
    View Video

  13. by Donna on November 18, 2022 9:45 am

    "If that's so, Donna, it's because you're doing your ostrich thing or you're listening for progressive Swampcult propaganda. Seekers of truth can't help you with either. My advice is that you just tread water. That wave is coming to you." - Hts

    LOL! In the time it took you to post that, you could have posted what President Biden's alleged crimes were.

    You don't know what the alleged crimes were, do you?

  14. by HatetheSwamp on November 18, 2022 9:48 am


    Keep the faith! "Tomorrow is only a day away."

    As I understand it, what Bobulinski has is independent documentation of the most criminal of what Hunter, and the Big Guy, did...which is on the laptop.

    pb'd view this the way you do but pb remembers the days that you were denying the whole story, which, most likely, is your standard Good German-ism.

    But, it won't be long. We'll know, one way or another, soon after the calendar says 023!

    Please, though, keep believin!

  15. by Donna on November 18, 2022 10:54 am

    You should have just said "I don't know".

  16. by HatetheSwamp on November 18, 2022 10:59 am


    Didn't you watch the House GOPs news conference yesterday? Don't you know they held one?

  17. by Curt_Anderson on November 18, 2022 11:17 am
    We watched. Rep. Comer breathlessly announced that banks have reported "suspicious transactions". Those reports are a kneejerk CYA exercise by the banks. They are not evidence of crimes. The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) received more than 12 million SARs (Suspicious Activity Reports) between 2011 and 2017 – and more than two million in 2019 alone.

    You still don't have a clue as to what specific crimes Hunter Biden is guilty of, much less his father.

  18. by oldedude on November 18, 2022 2:09 pm
    "We watched. Rep. Comer breathlessly announced that banks have reported "suspicious transactions". Those reports are a kneejerk CYA exercise by the banks. They are not evidence of crimes. The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) received more than 12 million SARs (Suspicious Activity Reports) between 2011 and 2017 – and more than two million in 2019 alone.

    You still don't have a clue as to what specific crimes Hunter Biden is guilty of, much less his father."

    A SAR is exactly like your person that tell a cop, "I saw the guy do this or that" except it's the difference between your town drunk saying it, and a group of cops or operators who are trained and certified through their jobs to memorize things going on. You consider the town drunk "evidence." Now you don't consider what the cops say is evidence. Care to 'splain?

    You're "partially correct" that a Suspicious Activity Report is "not evidence." The form is done with the information in it to guide an LEA to the accounts (to and from) and transactions in question. Do they look suspicious? When someone transfers $9,000 five times to different accounts, this is indicative of structuring, which is the predicate act of its own (Citation #1). Or in pedojr's case it could come from an associate or known launderer of a person on the sanction list. The LEA then subpoena's the bank for those transactions and any others associated with 1. that entity (Person, company, address, etc). THAT information is as good as the suspect's DNA in a murder trial. Banking information is pretty iron clad, as the bank is considered a disinterested party (therefore it has no reason to create the records).

    When working on a case, you look for SARs first, it's easier. Then you start your link chart of who's connected to whom. What addresses are connected, or phones, or businesses, or other entities. We generally didn't go much further than that unless we had information from the Agents involved. If it was part of the Intelligence Community, we stopped there and just shipped them the information. An LEA, we might know the agents and we could call them and ask information about their bandits.

    So, in this case, what was on the computer was a running account of money going in and out of pedojr's accounts, which was pretty interesting. joe was paying for junior's porn addiction and hookers. If he knew that or not it doesn't matter. But the things you can find out from banking statements is definitely a fourth and sixth amendment issue. This is why pedojoe is trying to get all Social Security accounts sent in digital coin. It gives access to people's banking systems.

  19. by Curt_Anderson on November 18, 2022 2:18 pm
    "A SAR is exactly like your person that tell a cop, "I saw the guy do this or that" except it's the difference between your town drunk saying it, and a group of cops or operators who are trained and certified through their jobs to memorize things going on. You consider the town drunk "evidence." Now you don't consider what the cops say is evidence. Care to 'splain?"

    No, it's more like a person telling a cop, "I saw a suspicious looking person outside the bank". A SAR isn't saying this or that happened. A banker isn't a cop. Suspicions are not evidence no matter who says it.

    How many of these SARs are really illegal activity versus false positives?
    Our data indicate that about 4 percent of SARs result in any follow-up from law enforcement. A tiny subset of these results in an arrest and ultimately a conviction. Source: Bank Policy Institute

  20. by oldedude on November 18, 2022 2:51 pm
    "How many of these SARs are really illegal activity versus false positives?
    Working for 10+ years in FinCEN, I never saw one. The banks wouldn't waste their time on them if they didn't have the information. They're a PITA to the financial institutions. Do you think they're stupid?

    "Our data indicate that about 4 percent of SARs result in any follow-up from law enforcement. A tiny subset of these results in an arrest and ultimately a conviction."

    Are you saying that IF they aren't "used much," they're false information? Or the banks lie about the information? I don't understand why you would counter the argument with that other than to snipe at my post.

    A few things about that. First, most of the banking information is pleaded out.
    Second, California won't even use them because their "state" considers financial crime a victimless crime.
    Third, most jurisdictions other than the federal courts of Newark and NYC aren't skilled in these, so the prosecution stays away from them.
    Fourth, many of them are just used in the sentencing phase.

    Such as;
    "Joaquin Archivaldo Guzman Loera, known by various aliases, including “El Chapo” and “El Rapido,” was sentenced today by United States District Judge Brian M. Cogan to life imprisonment plus 30 years to run consecutive to the life sentence for being a principal leader of a continuing criminal enterprise – the Mexican organized crime syndicate known as the Sinaloa Cartel – a charge that includes 26 drug-related violations and one murder conspiracy. The Court also ordered Guzman Loera to pay $12.6 billion in forfeiture." WTF do you think they got that $12.6 BILLION? out of the air? Those are figures from FinCEN and global banking reports.

    Most of the cases we did were for the IC. Those would not pop up on your radar. Ever. Those are all about people you don't think exist in this world and are just evil.

  21. by HatetheSwamp on November 18, 2022 3:26 pm


    This is the article I linked you to what?, a month ago?

    The WaPo no less. Bahahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh!

    Maybe you should go to your doctor and have one of them there memory/dementia tests.

  22. by Curt_Anderson on November 18, 2022 3:40 pm
    Ok, so close, but no cigar.

    "Federal agents investigating President Biden’s son Hunter have gathered what they believe is sufficient evidence to charge him with tax crimes and a false statement related to a gun purchase, according to people familiar with the case." (You would be howling about unnamed sources if I posted that).

    "Tax crimes" are what Trump calls "doing business as usual". The false statement on the gun purchase was answering the question, "Are you addicted to any drugs?". Even the worst addict would think they can quit whenever they want so they would truthfully believe and say "No" to that question.

    Anyway, it's been about 40 days since that was reported. No charges as of yet. As the article states, "But it is ultimately up to prosecutors at the Justice Department, not agents, to decide whether to file charges in cases where prosecutors believe the evidence is strong enough to lead to a likely conviction at trial."

    Chris Clark, a lawyer for Hunter Biden, accused investigators of leaking information. “It is a federal felony for a federal agent to leak information about a Grand Jury investigation such as this one,” Clark said in a written statement. "Any agent you cite as a source in your article apparently has committed such a felony..."

    But for the sake of argument, let's say Hunter is charged on both the tax and gun issue? How would either allegation implicate Joe Biden?

  23. by oldedude on November 18, 2022 7:51 pm
    So the beginning is that I don't have "unnamed sources" which I don't trust. This if fukking evidence. You know. Those things in black and white?? I know if it's against someone you have a man-crush on, you don't like it. This is stuff I would give to a DA with full assurance they could present it and totally fuk the defense. Say what you want. When were you in a court trial after 1980? I'm accounting for "youthful pleasures."

    "But for the sake of argument, let's say Hunter is charged on both the tax and gun issue? How would either allegation implicate Joe Biden?"

    I already told you. We have the banking statements which you said were "Iron clad" against pedojoe.


  24. by oldedude on November 18, 2022 8:04 pm
    My main point is that if you hate them in one point, you can't love them in another. You're a pompous biatch to believe that. And whatever you say can't convince me to change your mind. You're a complete dogmatic prig. and you always will be. You will never look at anything from a "fair look" like you used to. You're an elitist prig. Just face it. I won't go into it anymore. Think about it. In this thread you've changed your "mind" three times. Think about what that means to you as a person. Are you willing to sell your family to keep yourself alive? I would think so. Your "morals" are replicable according to the wind.

  25. by Curt_Anderson on November 18, 2022 8:08 pm
    Yes, I have questions.

    Question #1: How would Hunter Biden's alleged false statements in a gun purchase implicate Joe Biden?

    Question #2: How would Hunter Biden's alleged tax crimes implicate Joe Biden?

    Question #3: What sort of evidence of either alleged crime would be in Hunter's laptop? Confessions of tax cheating or of lying on gun purchase form?

    Question #4: Why would Tony Bobulinski be privy to any of that, especially the gun purchase? Regarding the alleged tax evasion, it seems unlikely that Bobulinski would know his erstwhile partner's tax information unless they were colluding in tax evasion.

    Question #5: Where did you get the idea that I ever said, banking statements were "ironclad" against Joe Biden?

    Question #6: Do you think there will be case made that proves Joe Biden was the beneficiary of a quid pro quo deal? Or do you think Joe is guilty of some other crime?

  26. by oldedude on November 18, 2022 8:18 pm
    So you didn't read my post, nor my citation. So fukyou.

    This is going to be SO FUN! EWWEEeE. (like my 7 year old granddaughter would say...). and you're bringing up much more than just pedojr, which is what I addressed... Jussayin....

    Yes, I have questions.

    Question #1: How would Hunter Biden's alleged false statements in a gun purchase implicate Joe Biden?
    Because DOJ has admitted to it. as well as BATFE.

    Question #2: How would Hunter Biden's alleged tax crimes implicate Joe Biden?
    I don't know. I haven't seen that. I do know the information on the BSA implicates pedojoe if that helps.

    Question #3: What sort of evidence of either alleged crime would be in Hunter's laptop? Confessions of tax cheating or of lying on gun purchase form?
    Ties between sr and jr in a business sense. The lines between the two are evident with accounts and transactions.

    Question #4: Why would Tony Bobulinski be privy to any of that, especially the gun purchase? Regarding the alleged tax evasion, it seems unlikely that Bobulinski would know his erstwhile partner's tax information unless they were colluding in tax evasion.

    Question #5: Where did you get the idea that I ever said, banking statements were "ironclad" against Joe Biden?
    Look at YOUR other post. "This is how you make a case of political corruption. No hair-on-fire unproven allegations. No vague conspiracy theory ramblings. Just quiet, behind the scenes investigation, connecting of the dots and a prosecution that proves its case."

    Question #6: Do you think there will be case made that proves Joe Biden was the beneficiary of a quid pro quo deal? Or do you think Joe is guilty of some other crime?
    Both according to BSA. I believe he is responsible for treason. and the repercussions tor that.

  27. by Donna on November 19, 2022 6:26 am

    In order to be convicted of treason, it has go be shown that the person supplied material support to a country the US is at war with. I thought you knew that.

  28. by oldedude on November 19, 2022 6:58 am
    "material support" includes favors, intelligence, etc. Benidict Arnold was found guilty of providing intelligence. Providing favors in terms of allowing a country to access to our industries is material support. As is putting family farms out of business and allowing China to buy up the farms. Then by allowing things like fertilizer, water, and seed to only go to the chinese-owned farms.

  29. by HatetheSwamp on November 19, 2022 7:07 am

    Based on the reporting, there's a chance that Joe provided material support to China. If literal treason requires a declared war, Joe's not committing treason...But, a HIGH MISDEMEANOR? Impeachable? That's far from being matter what Rachel is ignoring.

  30. by Donna on November 19, 2022 7:30 am

    The US isn't at war with China.

  31. by oldedude on November 19, 2022 8:15 am
    In your dreams. But I guess if that's what your cartoon channel says, you'll believe it. fukkinsheep.

  32. by Donna on November 19, 2022 8:21 am

    od - In the legal sense, the US isn't at war with China. I challenge you to find one Constitutional expert besides yourself (LOL!) who agrees with you that one can be convicted of "treason" for lending China support.

  33. by oldedude on November 19, 2022 8:29 am
    You're thinking two wars behind. It's a common thing to do. Even military leaders routinely do it.

    You believe China needs to attack us with guns and bombs. That went out after WWII. CCP has said they are at war with us. And are setting us to die via lack of goods and services. And your hero, pedojoe, is helping them do it. When you have the 1984 in the US, there won't be a need to fire a shot. Especially to the sheep. You will fall in line and help the CCP to get food and services.

  34. by Donna on November 19, 2022 8:36 am

    Okay, find one expert who agrees with you that in a legal sense the US is at war with China.

  35. by oldedude on November 19, 2022 8:58 am
    I did a lead-up to set the stage, and then what global experts are saying. Again, this is not an attack (on you, or anyone else). The reality is that many in the US military aren't aware of this going on. It has many that do know scared.

    April, 2022
    "Ward is the author of “China’s Vision of Victory” and leads the U.S.-China relations consulting firm Atlas Organization. He began the interview with Fox Business’s Maria Bartiromo by noting a recent call between Chinese and Ukrainian diplomats. Ward assessed China is “playing both sides” and “trying to keep up an appearance of being a good actor” for its European trade partners, all while being a “fervent supporter of Moscow.”"

    US and China are already at ‘war’ despite what Biden believes: Japanese commentator
    Gabrielle Reyes
    November 16, 2022
    General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party
    The U.S. and China are already at "war" as Beijing expands its military exercises and geopolitical interests farther and farther into the Pacific, a Japanese political commentator told Fox News.

    "From my point of view, the U.S. and China have been in war," Yoko Ishii said. "America was fighting against terrorism, but now America has shifted the policy to fight against China."

    President Biden said Monday that there "need not be a new Cold War" following a three-hour summit with Chinese President Xi Jingping — his first in-person meeting with the Communist Party official since taking office. Biden also said the two nations are "committed to maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait" and that he doesn't believe China has imminent plans to invade the island.

    But Ishii said she wasn't convinced by Biden's statements. She pointed to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's October comment that China was pursuing "reunification" with Taiwan "on a much faster timeline" and said Beijing has gotten more aggressive toward the island.

    China already ‘engaging in irregular war’ with US in the ‘grey zone’
    Experts say a China war is already well under way with the United States but Australia needs to take advantage of its obvious weakness.

    It’s war. But not as we know it.

    Decades of writings by China’s top tacticians reveal this to be so.

    “National security leaders should look closely at what Chinese officials’ words and China’s military actions say about how the People’s Liberation Army might actually fight a war,” a US military academy analysis warns.

    They say it’s a war already well under way. That means the start of any ‘conventional’ conflict will be murky and confused. And, even once the shooting starts, sowing doubt and disbelief will be a significant weapon in its arsenal.

    It will involve police.

    It will involve militias.

    It will involve civilians.

    And all will serve to pave the way for the People’s Liberation Army’s more traditional weapons to find its target.

    It’s called the “Grey Zone”.

    It’s the space between peace and war.

    It’s where coercion, intimidation, propaganda and manipulation are at play.

  36. by Curt_Anderson on November 19, 2022 10:07 am
    Something else for Special Counsel Jack Smith to investigate and prosecute.

    Forbes estimates China paid Trump at least $5.4 million since he took office, via mysterious Trump Tower lease
    President Donald Trump, who declared “I don’t make money from China” in Thursday night’s presidential debate, has in fact collected millions of dollars from government-owned entities in China since he took office. Forbes estimates that at least $5.4 million has flowed into the president’s business from a lease agreement involving a state-owned bank in Trump Tower.

  37. by HatetheSwamp on November 19, 2022 10:42 am

    So, you thinking that Joe and OrangeMan might have adjacent cells in solitary?

    Sounds good o'er here in the antiSwamp.

  38. by Donna on November 19, 2022 11:41 am

    od - I don't think any of that would satisfy the high bar required for convicting someone of treason vis-a-vis their dealings with China. If that were the case, then Donald Trump could be tried for treason.

  39. by oldedude on November 20, 2022 9:12 am
    Okay, as long as you can articulate what charges you would bring to Trump. After seven years of lying and misusing the legal system, I'm sure you can make something up. It's can't be more of a hoot and a holler than shiftless and little nancy in their quest for "wrongdoing" which came up with absolutely nothing.

  40. by oldedude on November 20, 2022 9:28 am
    And Curt- If that's the case, it should be looked in to, for sure. Was it to Trump per se? or to the organization. I know it's a fine line and it may or may not matter.

    It should proceed as any case should. Not more, and not less. I don't look into Trump, Inc deals. And if it's found to be dirty money, then he should be dealt with accordingly. The same way biden Inc should be. That would actually help the GOP if factual and dirty money. I just think that after all this, if there was any issue they could literally hang Trump with, it would be done after all the chickenshtting in the past seven years.

  41. by Curt_Anderson on November 20, 2022 10:17 am
    "Okay, as long as you can articulate what charges you would bring to Trump." --oldedude

    I think the charges will be along the lines of (A) interfering with the electoral process, (B) the stealing and mishandling of classified documents and (C) the obstruction of justice.

    I pointed out the Forbes report on the $5.4 million that the Chinese paid Trump while he was president as a counterpoint to your claim that doing business with China is treason. If that were true, Walmart and many other retailers would be in big trouble.

    What would be illegal, though not necessarily treason, would be if Trump engaged in a quid pro quo with China. According to Forbes Trump got the "quid", but did he return the "quo" in exchange? In the case of Joe Biden, we don't have evidence that he got the "quid" much less did he return the "quo".

  42. by oldedude on November 20, 2022 10:46 am
    Business is one thing. Again, pedojoe relaxed the moratorium foreign governments to purchase vast quantities of agricultural land, which was a change from what Trump had. That 45 days is more than enough for china to move in and complete cash purchases of any farmland they wanted. That's just one to start. We also know that pedojr laundered money for russians on the financial sanctions list, which is illegal on several fronts. And yes, there were SARs on those, and CTRs. In connection with that, there are people that will testify in court that pedojoe took his cut from all this. This is what the RICO statutes were made for. So, conspiracy to commit money laundering on behalf of a foreign agent is not a good look for any politician.

    I guess if you're just countering with "you did something too" you haven't got much of a case. If it's illegal. It's illegal. At least for me.

  43. by Donna on November 20, 2022 10:55 am

    "In connection with that, there are people that will testify in court that pedojoe took his cut from all this." - od

    That by itself isn't incriminating for President Biden. My son owes Sheri and I lots of money. If he were to pay us back ten cents on the dollar from his income, we'd accept it and be very pleased, and we wouldn't be held criminally liable if the money we received was obtained by my son illegally. That would be on him.

  44. by oldedude on November 20, 2022 12:01 pm
    I agree with that. Although it's the sworn evidence of the crime. Much like whatsherface in the J6. The dims here said that since it was sworn to in the hearing, it must be true. I'm saying the same thing. I'm not changing your rules.

  45. by Donna on November 20, 2022 12:07 pm

    "I agree with that. Although it's the sworn evidence of the crime." - od

    In what scenario could President Biden be held legally responsible for money he received from Hunter that he obtained illegally?

  46. by islander on November 20, 2022 12:28 pm

    ""Much like whatsherface in the J6. The dims here said that since it was sworn to in the hearing, it must be true."

    What did she swear to that we sad "must be true"?

    And if what she swore to was false, how do you know it was false?

  47. by oldedude on November 20, 2022 12:28 pm
    In a RICO case, every time. Much like any other organized crime lord. Either way, if it's illicit funds, it's illicit funds.

    And it's worse if he knew the money was illicit. Then it turns in to conspiracy, and sr is held to the same standard as jr. It's the same as any other bribery or racketeering crime. And through the banking system, you can put that together.

    The people willing to testify were in meetings with both of them talking about jr's "business" and how much sr got.

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