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Crime selectors, pages, etc.
Emirates Has Spent $154 Million on Lobbying US Since 2016, and Has Illegally Influenced US Politics: Intel Report
By Donna
November 17, 2022 5:41 am
Category: Crime

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The UAE has spent more than $154 million on lobbyists since 2016, according to Justice Department records. It has spent hundreds of millions of dollars more on donations to American universities and think tanks, many that produce policy papers with findings favorable to UAE interests. The intrepid John Hudson at the Washington Post reports that the US National Intelligence Council has produced a secret report detailing the ways in which the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has intervened in US politics, sometimes in ways that appear to be illegal and to shade over into espionage.

The report details the way the Emirates takes advantage of the US electoral system, which is peculiarly open to dark-money campaign contributions, to push policies that favor it in Washington.

There are allegations that the Emirates worked behind the scenes to install Donald Trump in the presidency. Trump went on to offer Abu Dhabi access to tens of billions of dollars worth of high-tech US weapons.

The Emirates has also widely cultivated retired US military personnel, which is a problem since these individuals can at any time be recalled to active service and so are not supposed to have shadowy foreign ties.

The Intercept did an exposé on UAE ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba that alleged that he had plied US contacts with alcohol, high-life partying, and women...

UAE banks have been accused of laundering Iranian money, enabling Tehran to skirt US sanctions. The UAE has also pursued adventures such as the Yemen War, which the Biden administration opposes. The UAE recently voted to cut OPEC quotas, putting up the price of gasoline, after President Biden had asked them to pump more oil.

Informed Comment reported on some of these Emirati influence operations in May 2018, concluding that the Emirates sought to put Trump in the presidency in 2016. I wrote that:

“Another meeting between the Trump campaign and a representative of the leader of the United Arab Emirates has been uncovered by the New York Times’s Mark Mazzetti, Ronen Bergman, and David Kirkpatrick, this one in August of 2016.

The gathering at Trump Tower was arranged by George Nader, a Lebanese-American international fixer with ties to Israeli intelligence as well as to Erik Prince’s Blackwater mercenary company. In the past decade, Nader emerged as an adviser to Mohammed Bin Zayed al-Nahyan, 57, [crown prince] of the UAE.

Donald Trump, Jr., attended, as did Joel Zamel, head of an Israeli psy-ops firm called Psy-Group specializing in manipulating social media. Zamel appears to have been offered to Trump by the UAE and Nader, and the connection suggests that Mohammed Bin Zayed of the UAE has been deploying Israeli companies for various purposes for some time and offered to let Trump in on the deal. Zamel and Psy-Group are denying working for the Trump campaign according to the Times.”

I added,

“Mohammed Bin Zayed, having helped elect Trump, then slipped into the US incognito (highly irregular) in December of 2016, while Obama was still in office, for a meeting at Trump Tower with Jared Kushner, Michael Flynn and Steve Bannon. Kushner told the crown prince he wanted a back channel to Russia. Flynn had been communicating directly with Russian ambassador to the US Sergei Kislyak. Apparently the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency was so thick he did not realize that Kislyak was under NSA surveillance. Jared seems to have realized the danger of a direct communication, so he asked the UAE to set up a back channel.

In January of 2017 before the inauguration, Prince met with Nader and Kirill Dmitriev, an investment banker whose bank is under US sanctions and whose wife has long been best friends with and works for Putin’s daughter. Dmitriev, with whom the UAE has business, was being provided to Trump at Jared’s request as the back channel in place of Kislyak. Also at the Seychelles was Elliott Broidy, the co-chair of the Republican National Committee, who had done $200 million in arms sales with the UAE and is also close to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu . . .”

I concluded,

“So the plot had several angles:

1. Get Trump elected since he is corrupt and can be easily bribed and possibly blackmailed
2. Use him to lift sanctions on Russian firms in which the UAE had invested.
3. Use him to scotch the Iran nuclear deal and put downward pressure on Iran’s oil sales, which would help the UAE make more money from its own oil.
4. Offer lobbying money as bribes to Trump principals so as to reward them for past cooperation and to encourage future cooperation.
5. Enlist the US in a UAE/ Saudi raid on Qatar’s $300 billion sovereign wealth fund, while at the same time drying up funding for the Muslim Brotherhood.”

I once observed that since Americans put their politicians up for sale, they should not be surprised when someone buys them.

- Juan Cole

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Comments on "Emirates Has Spent $154 Million on Lobbying US Since 2016, and Has Illegally Influenced US Politics: Intel Report":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on November 17, 2022 5:55 am

    There are allegations that the Emirates worked behind the scenes to install Donald Trump in the presidency. Trump went on to offer Abu Dhabi access to tens of billions of dollars worth of high-tech US weapons.




    Donna, I know conspiracy theories fill your heart with joy. But, install?

    C'mon man. Gimme a break.

    You need to take a break from! Your sanity is already in question.

  2. by Donna on November 17, 2022 6:17 am

    Reader Supported News buys permission from other news outlets to republish their articles. I contributed $20 to them a couple of months ago.

    In the case of the article I just posted, it was originally published by Informed Comment, which is run by journalist Juan Cole.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on November 17, 2022 6:37 am

    I understand that Donna. The stuff all follows a exactly the same way the everything on Glenn Beck's, THE BLAZE does. I avoid those sources of information. I try to avoid being indoctrinated.

    Just sayin.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on November 17, 2022 6:49 am

    Donna, what follows is entirely serious.

    I've noticed that your mind goes in the direction of conspiracy theories. And, that's fine. Those theories are all around us. They're an interesting source of study.

    Have you read the old Robert Ludlum novels? Ludlum died 20 years ago. His Jason Bourne novels were continued by another author years after he died. His Bourne novels are good but, in my mind, no better than the others. Every Ludlow novel I read was, essentially, the same story, but it didn't matter.

    They were all about a conspiracy theory and one hero who figured it out and fought to stop it from succeeding. For me, those novels were the quintessential page turner. Ludlum really knew how to tell a story. Your local library probably has them. If not, these days you could buy them for a song.

    It strikes me that they just might be your thing.

  5. by Donna on November 17, 2022 7:34 am

    "I've noticed that your mind goes in the direction of conspiracy theories." - Hts

    I've noticed that you're full of shit a lot, like there ^^^^^^.

  6. by Curt_Anderson on November 17, 2022 10:48 am
    "I've noticed that your mind goes in the direction of conspiracy theories", said the guy who believes elections in America are rigged against Republican candidates.

  7. by islander on November 17, 2022 11:48 am

    What Hate does is accurately described by Psych Prof Barbara Dautrich as "a very common ego defense mechanism called projection. The accuser ‘projects’ his/her own flaws or shortcomings onto another person in order to shed or deny the discomfort of recognizing that s/he possesses the ‘loathsome’ flaw. Projection overlaps with a related defense mechanism, called displacement. Displacement is a way of shifting intolerable emotions and feelings onto others, by aggravating, taunting or provoking the other into expressing the ‘forbidden’ emotion(s)."

    The above are narcissistic personality traits. Hate used to call himself "The Malignant Narcissist" on the other board and it described him quite well just as his hatred of the people he calls "the Swamp" is a good description of the hatred he projects onto others.

  8. by Curt_Anderson on November 17, 2022 12:48 pm
    The opprobrium "The Swamp" used by Hate and other Trump apologists and supporters is in itself projection. Trump used the term at his rallies which is no doubt where Hate picked it up. The political term "The Swamp" has for over a century meant corrupt Washington politics. There isn't a better example of corruption inside (and outside) of Washington than Donald Trump.

    A week doesn't go by when there isn't a story about something shady Trump did like this one from today.

    Trumps had role in fraud scheme, Allen Weisselberg testifies at company's trial

    Btw, count on HtS to reply with his Trump mantra as he beats the rhythm on his tom-tom.

  9. by oldedude on November 17, 2022 1:14 pm
    "There are allegations that the Emirates worked behind the scenes to install Donald Trump in the presidency."

    I get some of these sites also (right side) because they give me offers on ammo and toys for my range time. I see a LOT of CBD advertisement and accusations that don't even belong on the enquirer front page. They're meant to entice their audience in to 1. Donate money. 2. Believing their preferred way of life is threatened so they donate money. If you cross-check them, it's usually pretty hard to find reputable sources to confirm. Some I do though and use the reputable source(s) to go with. I did use one once, curt called me on it. Further research- shoulda checked harder. So no fault, no foul.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on November 17, 2022 1:27 pm

    "I've noticed that your mind goes in the direction of conspiracy theories", said the guy who believes elections in America are rigged against Republican candidates.

    He believes no such thing.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on November 17, 2022 1:30 pm

    Trump used the term at his rallies which is no doubt where Hate picked it up.

    pb has never heard OrangeMan use the term Swamp.

  12. by oldedude on November 17, 2022 2:27 pm
    This is what I was talking about. We're pretty forthcoming and open. It hasn't been a stretch for me to look at what pedojoe has done in Ukraine. I don't like him, that's no secret. AND (meaning it's an inclusive phrase) I don't think he's done bad there. The only thing I disagree with has been the aircraft. You have to have air superiority if you're going to be on the offensive in a war. Ukraine needs to be on the offensive if the Impaler is going to negotiate anything on Ukraine's terms. I think it put them in a "vietnam" situation of no win. Do I hate him for it? No, not for that.

    But they'll make up anything because they have nothing. Lies are easier for them to manufacture. I just wish they would actually read instead of "ass ume."

  13. by Curt_Anderson on November 17, 2022 4:05 pm
    "pb has never heard OrangeMan use the term Swamp."

    What about your other personality? Did HateTheSwamp know that Trump used the term?

    Donald Trump to describe his plan to fix problems in the federal government. In the three weeks before the 2016 election, he tweeted "Drain the swamp" 79 times, usually as a hashtag, and he tweeted the word "swamp" another 75 times in the four years following that election.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on November 17, 2022 4:10 pm

    pb has never, ever...not even an OrangeMan tweet. pb joined Truth Social but he doesn't follow Trump.

  15. by Curt_Anderson on November 17, 2022 4:24 pm
    I suppose you never heard a Trump campaign rally either.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on November 17, 2022 4:31 pm

    I've heard many Trump rally speeches. I have no doubt that Trump has used the word. Nevertheless, pb has never heard the word from his mouth. Recently, his favorite dirty words are "Biden" and "Rino."

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