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Whether you voted for Trump in the past or will vote for him in the future out of necessity...
By Curt_Anderson
November 16, 2022 10:52 am
Category: Politics

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...please support Donald Trump by voting in-person on election Tuesday only! Never mind the fact that he votes by mail. You should stand in line regardless of the weather and inconvenience. This is especially important for you Georgia Republicans inclined to vote for Herschel Walker next month: DO NOT VOTE EARLY OR BY MAIL!

Last night Trump renewed his demand for sweeping restrictions on voting, including ending early voting (currently in use in 46 states) and voting by mail (available without an excuse in 35 states). “I’ll get that job done,” he said Tuesday. “That’s a very personal job for me.”

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Comments on "Whether you voted for Trump in the past or will vote for him in the future out of necessity...":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on November 16, 2022 12:10 pm

    Word among GOPs is that they're going to start voting by mail...and, as, uh, "creatively" (wink wink) as Dems vote. They have natural advantages in being creative in "mailing" in votes.

  2. by oldedude on November 16, 2022 12:40 pm
    My dog will vote. And he's a Republican! (which is odd for a dog, but he loves to work).

  3. by islander on November 16, 2022 2:11 pm

    ”Word among GOPs is that they're going to start voting by mail” ~Hate

    Are you sure about that, Hate?

    If true that simply shows the stupidity of the Republicans who fell for Trump’s line, “Allowing people to vote by mail makes it possible for Democrats to cheat and rig elections and that’s why Democrats win elections, and why we Republicans, and me especially, do so poorly and end up as losers,”

    Well that line obviously didn’t work for them. It backfired and apparently some of them have begun to figure that out Lol !!!

    If it were easy to cheat by voting early or by mailing in their votes, the Republicans, being the criminals and cheaters that they’ve been proven to be, would be in favor of mail in voting. But they know, and have admitted it themselves that they can’t win enough votes in a fair election "if enough people vote"... So if Hate is correct that GOPs are now going to vote by mail, they won’t be able to use that as an excuse for losing anymore and they'll have to come up with some other line to explain why Democrats beat them in fair elections. Whatever new plan they come up with won’t work unless they can figure out how to keep the people who might vote against them from voting. “And” they are going to have to put even more effort into destroying people’s confidence in our elections.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on November 16, 2022 2:44 pm

    I actually heard this from that gay Guy Curt never heard of. He ain't a Trumpster but he's a serious GOP.

    They're going to do the very sort of ballot harvesting that Dems do, but from their own natural and abundant least they're talking that talk.

  5. by Curt_Anderson on November 16, 2022 3:02 pm
    I know you think that "ballot harvesting" as you think that "ballot curing" is a nefarious plot by Democrats to cheat in elections.

    I explained in the last thread where you mentioned it that ballot curing is perfectly appropriate and sometimes necessary.

    "Ballot harvesting" which is the collection of mail-in ballots by somebody other than the voter is also perfectly legal with somewhat different caveats in every state in the union, except Mississippi. Of course, it makes sense to collect and submit ballots from areas that are of like-minded constituencies.

    Here is Oregon, where it's all vote-by-mail, I was reminded more than once by Democratic affiliated groups to submit by ballot. They correctly guessed that me being and Ashland resident would likely vote for Democrats.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on November 16, 2022 3:09 pm


    Can you understand how an unscrupulous person could commit vote fraud under the guise of ballot harvesting? Or are you going to claim no imagination? Or, perhaps, you have no imagination.

    There's increasing conversation among GOPs, including your buddy Guy Benson, that GOPs begin to accumulate and deliver mail-in ballots from their constituencies. No doubt, they'll be just as, uh, "creative" as Dems sometimes are.

  7. by Curt_Anderson on November 16, 2022 3:53 pm
    What you call "imagination" is really paranoia.

    In Oregon, like other states, our ballots have ovals to be filled out with a black or blue pen, placed inside a sealed and signed envelope. For a person to tamper with that vote, they would need to open and reseal the envelope, somehow erase or white-out and change the votes, all in a way that escapes detection.

    My elderly neighbor is less than fully ambulatory. If she has asked, I would have delivered her ballot to the voter drop box by our library along with ours. We also have the option of mailing our ballots in.

    Imagine a situation where a person has difficulty getting out of the house. Or it's inconvenient for various reasons. Then imagine a law that requires them to deliver their vote in person. Those sort of obstacle infringes on their right to vote.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on November 16, 2022 4:33 pm

    Could a less than honorable, say Republican, swipe your neighbors ballot and fill it out on her behalf?

  9. by Curt_Anderson on November 16, 2022 4:53 pm
    "Could a less than honorable, say Republican, swipe your neighbors ballot and fill it out on her behalf?" --HtS


    You are a less than honorable Republican, explain how you would do it.

    Do it before she had a chance to fill it out? If the ballot and envelope were stolen, she'd be likely to call the county clerk and say she didn't get a ballot. The thief would need to also forge her signature.

    I explained in my comment above how difficult it would be to change the vote after she voted and sealed the envelope.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on November 16, 2022 4:56 pm

    Of course before she filled it out. Do you think that's impossible!!!!!?

  11. by Curt_Anderson on November 16, 2022 5:04 pm
    And you'd be able to forge her signature? And you would count on her not to report the missing ballot?

    For the sake of argument, let's pretend that's all possible and you stole my neighbor's ballot and voted a straight Republican ticket. What have you accomplished? You changed one ballot. To impact an election, even a local election, you'd need to steal and change the votes of hundreds or thousands of ballots. Do you really think that would go unnoticed and unreported?

  12. by oldedude on November 16, 2022 7:45 pm
    Curt- many states don't have signature match as part of their systems. That's how they're harvesting...

  13. by Curt_Anderson on November 16, 2022 9:01 pm
    Ballot harvesting, as you probably envision it, is a stranger going door-to-door collecting people's ballots and putting them into election drop box (or not).

    But I doubt that many people would give their ballots to total strangers. I am sure that when the voter themselves cannot or doesn't take their ballot to the designated drop box or post office, they entrust a friend or family member 99.9% of the time.

    But if some smooth talking stranger was collecting ballots, it would require a lot of door knocking if they were not in one of the eight states listed below where voting is done entirely by mail. Elsewhere it would be hit and miss to see if a person was voting in person or not. But even those eight states they would also have to catch them before they mailed their ballot in themselves but after they decided how they'd vote. In Oregon, and probably variations of this elsewhere, the ballot envelopes are printed with the voter's name, address and a unique barcode.

    Eight states conduct elections entirely by mail (California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont and Washington)

    Twenty-seven states and Washington, D.C., offer "no-excuse" absentee voting, which means that any voter can request and cast an absentee/mail ballot, no excuse or reason necessary.

    As noted most states require signatures. The states that don't have bigger hurdles to jump through to verify that you are you.

    36 states require signatures: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Kansas, Maryland, Nebraska, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Vermont Wyoming and Washington, D.C.

    Three states require the absentee/mail ballot envelope to be notarized: Mississippi, Missouri and Oklahoma.

    Nine states require the signature of a witness in addition to the voter’s signature. Alabama (two witnesses or a notary), Alaska (witness or notary), Louisiana, Minnesota (witness or notary), North Carolina (two witnesses or a notary), Rhode Island (two witnesses or a notary), South Carolina, Virginia and Wisconsin.

    Arkansas requires a copy of the voter’s ID to be returned with the absentee/mail ballot.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on November 17, 2022 4:45 am

    Yeah, Curt. The reason that I vote in person here in Pennsylvania is because the ballot security measures are so stringent that it'd be easy to cast an illegal ballot.

    You may have heard about lawsuits here in Pennsylvania by the GOPs and Fetterman over the date being written on the outside of mail-in ballots. When the Dems lost, PHILADELPHIA CITY OFFICIALS WORKED WITH DEM PARTY ACTIVISTS TO GET FAULTY BALLOTS OF REGISTERED DEMS REPAIRED! Dodgy. Finagling.


    ...this is why those whistle-blower videos from 020 tell the story. If you create, say 10,000 mail-in ballots, or 50,000, and add them, here and there, through various precincts, and count them, along with legitimate ballots, no one can be the wiser. That's why chain of custody matters. It's what the whistle-blower PROVED!

    You're such a Good German but can you imagine the devious minds that ran those scams for Tammany Hall, or Jim Crow or the Mayor Daley schemes, being able to fiddle with mail-in ballots.

    Imagine that those people are Republicans. You know that Dems never would do such things. But Republicans!!!!!?

  15. by Donna on November 17, 2022 6:10 am

    You may have heard about lawsuits here in Pennsylvania by the GOPs and Fetterman over the date being written on the outside of mail-in ballots. When the Dems lost, PHILADELPHIA CITY OFFICIALS WORKED WITH DEM PARTY ACTIVISTS TO GET FAULTY BALLOTS OF REGISTERED DEMS REPAIRED! Dodgy. Finagling. - Hts

    Pennsylvania court rejects GOP push to stop fixing mail-in ballots with incorrect dates (11/7/22)

    A court in Pennsylvania ruled against the GOP on Monday when it decided that election officials can continue to notify voters whose mail-in ballots include errors, such as incorrect or missing dates, and help voters fix those problems before Election Day.

    The Monroe County Republican Party asked a judge to block the county election board from sorting through mail ballots and helping voters resolve problems with their ballots. The county's efforts came after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ordered local officials to set aside mail ballots with date-related errors, rather than count them with correctly filled out ballots...

    The Monroe County Court of Common Pleas said that where election law is unclear, it should be interpreted in a way that avoids disenfranchising people when possible.

    "Given that our Supreme Court's policy has been to enfranchise the voter when interpreting ambiguous statutes and considering the Commonwealth Court's recent decision on this very subject, I find that MCRC has not shown a strong likelihood of success at this very early stage of litigation," wrote Monroe County Court of Common Pleas Judge Arthur L. Zulick.

    The judge added that implementing an injunction the day before the election would cause more harm "than refusing it."

    "I do not find that MCRC has a clear right to relief in view of the recent Commonwealth Court decision, and I find that at this point after 150 to 175 voters have been advised that their ballot has been canceled and that they have an opportunity to file a correct one, it would adversely affect the public interest to grant the injunction," the judge continued.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on November 17, 2022 6:53 am

    As is so often the case, you misrepresent my point.

    The Court didn't say that the ballots don't have to be dated...AND...what I said was dodgy is that Philadelphia officials reached out to Dem party activists so the Dems could get DEM ballots fixed.

    You think that's election integrity!!!!!?

  17. by islander on November 17, 2022 7:18 am

    If it were only Democrats who were allowed to repair mis-dates on their ballots before the election you might call that a bit that what you are claiming?

  18. by HatetheSwamp on November 17, 2022 7:23 am

    Wow, isle. I think we're getting somewhere in understanding how easily Blue MAGAs cheat. So, you think there's nuthin wrong with Philadelphia city officials reaching out only to Dem party activists to correct Dem ballots.


    Splains lots.

  19. by Donna on November 17, 2022 7:31 am

    I don't think that anyone's ballot should be disqualified because of a technicality like forgetting to date the ballot.

  20. by islander on November 17, 2022 7:36 am
    "So, you think there's nuthin wrong with Philadelphia city officials reaching out only to Dem party activists to correct Dem ballots."~Hate

    Never said anything of the sort...Read my question to you again.

    i>"PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Philadelphia voters who had missing or incorrect dates on their mail-in ballots were allowed to file replacement ballots at City Hall or vote provisionally at their regular precincts Tuesday.

    Hundreds of people whose names were published Friday by the Philadelphia city commissioners, the city’s election board, showed up at City Hall on Monday to correct errors with dates, as well as other flagged issues, including missing security envelopes and missing signatures."

  21. by HatetheSwamp on November 17, 2022 7:40 am


    As Curt points out it's crucial when employing mail-in to assure that the ballot is legitimate. One way Pennsylvania does that is to require that the ballot is properly dated in the hand of the voter.

    Here, there are steps added that serve little purpose other than to make it virtually impossible for cheaters to fill out large numbers of fraudulent ballots. Dems are always the party opposing ballot security.

    Wonder why!

  22. by Donna on November 17, 2022 7:44 am

    If the ballot was turned in on time, then why does it need to be dated?

  23. by islander on November 17, 2022 9:12 am

    ”Here, there are steps added that serve little purpose other than to make it virtually impossible for cheaters to fill out large numbers of fraudulent ballots. Dems are always the party opposing ballot security.” ~Hate

    Pure Bull-spit!!! LoL 

You know that being able to repair errors on your ballot before an election doesn’t make it possible for cheaters to fill out large numbers of fraudulent ballots.

    If Republicans can’t win enough votes to win an election if all eligible voters vote, and the Republicans acknowledge that they can’t, what they have to do is try and make it as difficult as possible for those they think might vote against vote...then they call what they are doing “ballot security”.

    We all know what the Republicans are doing and why they are doing it and we know why they want to sow doubts in the American people’s confidence in their election process ...And you, Hate, being a part of it, know it all too well...Unless of course, you too have been taken in by the orange con man’s lies.

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