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Politics selectors, pages, etc.
Lindsey Graham says Trump will be 'hard to beat'
By HatetheSwamp
November 16, 2022 4:24 am
Category: Politics

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Graham lauded Trump for offering "solutions" to "restore a broken America."

"If President Trump continues this tone and delivers this message on a consistent basis, he will be hard to beat," Graham wrote.

"His speech tonight, contrasting his policies and results against the Biden Administration, charts a winning path for him in the primaries and general election," he said.

This is why pb is glad that he dumped the Dems about a half dozen years ago. The Dems are American Nazis...being run out of a smoke filled room, falling in line and doing everything they're told to do, no matter how insane...

...but the GOP is the party of openness and inclusion and tolerance and diversity...


OrangeMan absolutely can win the nomination among sweet-spirited GOPs. Graham is bang on. If Trump continues this tone, he absolutely will be the nominee and, if he continues this tone, he will, undoubtedly, beat "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" in 024 in a landslide (apart from the cheating.)

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Comments on "Lindsey Graham says Trump will be 'hard to beat' ":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on November 16, 2022 5:32 am

    "Good morning! It appears after Trump’s announcement, the “fact checkers” have returned to their desks." -Katie Pavlich

    Bang on, Katie! What a hoot. "That feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap,"...the Former Truck Driver, can't put two factual sentences together and fact checking has gone dormant for pret'near two years. The hypocrisy of the Blue MAGA Swamp is so dern cute!!!!!

    Love Trump or hating him, this'll be fun. It's like Trump is Tommy Smothers and the SwampMedia...and all Swampers are Dickie!

    BTW, for you progressive Swampcultists, Katie is from the crowd. She's a colleague of that Guy Curt never heard of. They tend to be anti-Trump but you Swampers sometimes make it so easy.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on November 16, 2022 5:52 am

    Newt Gingrich: "Republicans in 2024 are in grave danger of repeating 1964 disaster"

    The Republican presidential defeat in 1964 was so divisive it pulled down GOP congressional candidates, governors, and state legislators. It took years to recover (in the U.S. House, we did not fully recover until the 1994 Contract with America campaign).

    These next two years will be a blast...on both sides!

  3. by oldedude on November 16, 2022 6:33 am
    Yup! I was really hoping he would have waited and then supported others. But that was a pretty far-fetched idea...

    Nikki said she's not running. I think she's a realist and is vying for that VP slot. Not sure if she'd work for Donald though...

  4. by HatetheSwamp on November 16, 2022 6:51 am

    I'm with you, OD, as you know. And, I think that what you hinted at is becoming a big story. Some will vie for the Veep slot with 028 in mind.

    There are many brilliant options. Pause for a moment to imagine the Veep debate between Kammy and Nikki. Or Tulsi. Or Tim Scott. I'd watch any of those for the sake of the comedy.

  5. by Donna on November 16, 2022 8:39 am

    Since most networks weren't airing Trump's announcement, Sheri and I switched over to Fox. We stopped watching when Fox cut the Donald in mid-sentence and stopped airing it, which happened about 40 minutes into the hour.

    Trump read at least 90% of his announcement, which he obviously didn't write himself, from a teleprompter. It was essentially a litany of Republican talking points, most of which were lies and distortions, which of course the crowd of Trump dead-enders uncritically at up.

    I'm sure that every Democratic voter in America is ecstatic about his candidacy! I know we are!

  6. by HatetheSwamp on November 16, 2022 10:04 am

    More lies than distortions but, Donna, how is that different from the Flatulent Fool waxing nostalgic about his days as a trucker or incessantly lamenting the death of his poor son Beau IN IRAQ.

    It's such a hoot that you Blue MAGA Swampcultists only care about truth when Trump is talking. An absolute hoot! And, people who don't have TDS get that.

  7. by Curt_Anderson on November 16, 2022 10:21 am
    The difference is that you and your ilk can only come up a few alleged “lies” by Biden. Same with Obama, your kind regurgitates the same old one or two misstatements. With Trump any day he says anything, there is a new bald-faced lie.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on November 16, 2022 10:49 am

    A few alleged lies? The man is demented! He rarely says anything that is firmly connected to the real world. You? You are so since in your Good Germanism that you can't even tell...or, won't.

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