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Crime selectors, pages, etc.
Trump Organization Is Charged in 15-Year Tax Scheme
By Curt Anderson
July 1, 2021 12:44 pm
Category: Crime

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The Trump Organization, the real estate business that catapulted Donald J. Trump to tabloid fame, television riches and ultimately the White House, was charged Thursday with running a 15-year scheme to help executives avoid paying taxes by compensating them off the books.

The Manhattan district attorney’s office, which has been conducting the investigation, also accused a top executive, Allen H. Weisselberg, (shown before and after being indicted below) of dodging taxes on $1.7 million in perks that should have been reported as income. Mr. Weisselberg, Mr. Trump’s long-serving and trusted chief financial officer, faced grand larceny, tax fraud and other charges.

“To put it bluntly, this was a sweeping and audacious illegal payments scheme,” Carey Dunne, general counsel for the Manhattan district attorney, said when the defendants appeared for their arraignment in State Supreme Court in Manhattan.

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Comments on "Trump Organization Is Charged in 15-Year Tax Scheme":

  1. by Curt Anderson on July 1, 2021 1:00 pm
    The NY Times article above reported that long-serving, trusted employee Weisselberg bragged that he never took vacations.

    That's a red flag when bookkeepers or accountants never take time off. Embezzlers don't like taking vacations. The thought of taking off for a few days scares them because they feel that someone may discover their dirty work, even if by accident.

    “The profile of a typical fraudster is a long-serving, trusted employee, who works long hours and is reluctant to take their annual leave,” says Jonathan Middup, Partner at Ernst & Young’s Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services practice.

  2. by islander on July 1, 2021 2:18 pm
    The organized crime ring that has held our country hostage for the past four years is beginning to unravel as our justice dept. begins the process of now “actually” draining the swamp.

  3. by Curt Anderson on July 1, 2021 2:35 pm
    In what is probably an indication of Trump's concern over what this does to his image (not to mention his bank account, and potentially his personal freedom), Trump went to his go-to distraction play, issuing a statement today: "Who shot Ashli Babbitt"?

    Trump also claimed this indictment was bad news for Biden. His logic being that it will be seen as a witch hunt and people will blame Biden. Either he's delusional or he's counting on his supporters to be delusional.

  4. by islander on July 1, 2021 2:51 pm
    I'm starting to seriously think the case is that both Trump and most of his hard core supporters are delusional. I used to think that Trump was not really unhinged, but rather, a clever and crafty enough con man to know that the BS he spouts is not real...But he knew his base well enough to know how to successfully sell it to them. Now I'm beginning to wonder, does he somehow actually believe it too?

  5. by Curt Anderson on July 1, 2021 3:05 pm
    In their world of constant lying, con men eventually become susceptible to believing their own lies. Do you remember what George Costanza solemnly told Seinfeld? "It's not a lie if you believe it".
    View Video

  6. by HatetheSwamp on July 2, 2021 3:35 am
    After how many years is this all the DA could come up with?

    And, please remember, a motivated prosecutor can INDICT a ham sandwich.

    This is much ado about nuthin.

    On the other forum I noted regularly that the post-presidential phase of TDS will be awful. I normally said that in response to po and Donna but, guys, to quote President Clouseau, "C'mon man, gimme a break!"

  7. by islander on July 2, 2021 5:13 am
    I think that when a person can start to believe the B.S. he’s spewing it’s still lying, it requires lying to “oneself”.

    This indictment is just the beginning. Unraveling a sophisticated organized crime ring is an extremely complex and time-consuming undertaking. It’s not like catching a shoplifter. I think this is going to get very interesting “and” damning for Trump at the same time as more and more of the facts come out.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on July 2, 2021 7:25 am


    The Swamp has placed trust in several investigations with Trump as the target to no avail. This one, in all likelihoo, won't produce as much as the others.

    Neither of us are Trump fans, isle. The difference between us is that you suffer from TDS. You're not rational.

    I've said dozens of times that I think that Trump is despicable. He is. I have no illusions that Trump's ethical. You're not factoring that into this equation. He's far too slick to get caught in this sort of investigation.

    Still, you choose to believe. The power of TDS.

  9. by Curt Anderson on July 2, 2021 7:47 am
    Your Trump derangement and faith in Trump's supposed slickness has blinded you to reality. Trump is already caught.

    Having your CFO in handcuffs, perp walked and under indictment is not a considered a good luck among financiers. Having the entire Trump Organization under indictment is even worse. It will make it harder for Trump to strike new deals, get bank loans and bring in new money to his sprawling and indebted business.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on July 2, 2021 8:36 am

    These are puny charges.

    One way I test the waters to tell when a right winger is in trouble is to monitor the tone of talk radioers...and, in the case of Trump, the more Trump afflicted people on Fox.

    Back in 2006, Rush and Sean were absolutely shrill as the election approached. The GOP was trounced. I learned then that, when I listen, it's not what they say but how they say it.

    The talk radio gang was almost joyful yesterday. Clay and Buck, Rush's replacements were gleeful. They were mocking the DA for producing so little in so much time.

    I've been monitoring the tone radio talkers for decades to discern the reality of what's going on. And, it's worked.

    No one I was listening to was upset. No one was defending Trump. No one was making the case for him. They were chortling.

    And, honestly, Curt, these charges are not serious.

    We're both going to believe what we want to. But, I'm confident that your hopes and dreams are going to be dashed on this one.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on July 2, 2021 9:15 am


    FYI, the Clay and Buck Show opened: "We're going to discuss how mindblowingly absurd the Trump Organization charges are."

    Now, they're laughing their butts off.

    Good times!

  12. by islander on July 2, 2021 9:37 am
    This is going to be quite interesting as we get deeper into this Curt, I’m looking forward to it. Apparently some people don’t know why organized crime bosses are ultimately brought down for tax evasion.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on July 2, 2021 9:45 am
    Thing is, isle, they have to be guilty of a crime.

    This is still America!

  14. by Curt Anderson on July 2, 2021 9:54 am
    Tax evasion IS a crime.

  15. by HatetheSwamp on July 2, 2021 10:25 am
    And, if a citizen is guilty of it, there will be consequences. But, c'mon man. You know how it goes with white collar crime. Try a little realism, here.

  16. by Curt Anderson on July 2, 2021 11:13 am
    "And, if a citizen is guilty of it, there will be consequences. But, c'mon man. You know how it goes with white collar crime. Try a little realism, here." -HtS

    Does Leona Helmsley who said, "We don't pay taxes; only the little people pay taxes", ring a bell? She was another New York billionaire hotelier. In 1988, then-U.S. Attorney Rudy Giuliani indicted Helmsley on several tax-related charges, as well as extortion. She was convicted of federal income tax evasion and other crimes. She spent time in the slammer.

  17. by HatetheSwamp on July 2, 2021 11:30 am
    Apparently, Trump's a little more slimy. But, listen, keep a good long as you can.

  18. by Curt Anderson on July 2, 2021 12:43 pm
    HtS, he hates the swamp, but votes for the slime.

  19. by HatetheSwamp on July 2, 2021 12:48 pm
    I despise Trump. I think he's despicable. But I recognize TDS when I see it.

    Since this is Friday, I'll note that Trump hasn't been effin charged.

  20. by islander on July 2, 2021 1:43 pm
    “I despise Trump. I think he's despicable. But I recognize TDS when I see it.”

    ---That’s what’s called a non-sequitur; non sequitur literally means "it does not follow."

    That you voted twice for someone you say you despise makes me wonder if what you call TDS (Trump derangement syndrome), might better describe those who do things like that.

  21. by HatetheSwamp on July 2, 2021 2:45 pm

    It grieved me both times to vote for Trump. I voted agin him in the Primary both times but in the General elections, you gave me Hillary and that perverted and demented doddering old fart from Delaware as choices. I plead not guilty by reason of no reasonable alternative.

  22. by islander on July 3, 2021 4:05 am
    HTS---why do you despise Trump so much?

  23. by HatetheSwamp on July 3, 2021 9:27 am


    My dislike for Trump is probably similar to yours except that you, I imagine, resent him also for his dismay over the Swamp.

    Trump is a narcissist. He's a bully. He's rude and boastful. What else would you add that's not ideological!?

  24. by islander on July 4, 2021 4:54 pm
    HTS, You despise Trump because he’s a narcissist. He's a bully. He's rude and boastful---You also despise Biden.

    Unlike you, I don’t despise Biden, and my opposition to Trump isn’t about whether I’m a liberal or a conservative. It’s about me as a decent human being rejecting bigotry, misogyny, racism, and an obnoxious disgusting person who doesn’t represent America.

    You also elevated a man you believe is despicable to the highest level of power and authority in the land. I never have, nor would I ever do such a thing.

  25. by HatetheSwamp on July 5, 2021 7:03 am
    July 4, 2021 4:54 pm
    HTS, You despise Trump because he’s a narcissist. He's a bully. He's rude and boastful---You also despise Biden.

    Whoa, Nellie Belle!

    I absolutely do not despise Biden. I've described many times the similarity between Joe and my dad as dad slipped further and further into vascular dementia and eventually died.

    As I've said many times, my heart bleeds for that poor, defenseless old man.

    If I despise anyone in the White House, it's Jill Biden. I've described Joe as being the victim of elder abuse. He's being abused by many but Jill is Abuser in Chief!

    Unlike you, I don’t despise Biden, and my opposition to Trump isn’t about whether I’m a liberal or a conservative. It’s about me as a decent uman being rejecting bigotry, misogyny, racism, and an obnoxious disgusting person who doesn’t represent America.

    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and accept that you are being sincere and truthful. But, that not how you come across to me.

    Every time I see Kayleigh on Fox, I see strong evidence that Trump is not misogynistic. I see evidence of your hate of Trump. Listening to Herschel Walker praise Donald Trump after nearly 40 years of friendship, I don't see racism in Trump. I do see TDS in you and people like you.

    Trump is an unabashed narcissist. He is a bully. He's self-righteous. And, I don't like him. You HATE him with a self-serving hate.

  26. by islander on July 5, 2021 9:06 am
    Bold“Trump is an unabashed narcissist. He is a bully”. He's self-righteous.”Bold Do you have a mirror handy? Bold“And, I don't like him. You HATE him with a self-serving hate.”Bold Wrong.

    You, HTS, have said that you despise Trump numerous times here. Hate and despise are often interchangeable, although despise implies a stronger emotional response toward that which one looks down upon with contempt, loathing, or aversion, and is usually reserved for a person. I can say I hate it when it rains on a holiday but I don’t despise it. See the difference?

  27. by islander on July 7, 2021 1:15 pm
    Will Trump be able to convince his followers that his organization is being targeted by the state for political reasons and that his organization is in no way worse than any other organization?

    After all, according to Trump, the bosses of his organization were just receiving a few company “perks” just like all companies reward their top employees. I’m guessing that a substantial number of his followers who still believe the election was stolen will believe Trump, and they will continue to defend him.

  28. by Curt Anderson on July 7, 2021 1:42 pm
    Trump's base are the voters who Lincoln spoke of: the some of the people you can fool all of the time. With them Trump has normalized lying. No surprise he can normalize financial crimes with them.

  29. by HatetheSwamp on July 7, 2021 1:42 pm
    I’m guessing that a substantial number of his followers who still believe the election was stolen will believe Trump, and they will continue to defend him.

    Followers? I'm not sure what you imply by that.

    What I'm picking up from conservative media is that these charges are puny and the result of the efforts of a prosecutor who's obsessed with Trump, that this is much ado about very little and that, in the end, it will never touch Trump himself directly.

  30. by islander on July 7, 2021 3:04 pm
    What I'm picking up from conservative media is that these charges are puny

    I know you've asserted that they are puny, but do you believe they are?

  31. by HatetheSwamp on July 7, 2021 4:28 pm
    What I just said is that the take I'm seeing from conservative media is that the charges are puny. Actually, if anything, I'm overstating the reaction of conservative media. As far as I can tell, some of the conservative media has ignored the story entirely.

    From what I can tell, the charges have to do with not paying taxes on fringies. From my experience, many businesses are less than careful about that sort of thing.

    The tax code is the tax code and the Trump Organization is liable to comply. But, based how business is usually done, I don't think this is very unusual.

    I recall how, on the old forum, Donna especially, was slobbering in anticipation of the humiliation Trump would face when he had to pay the piper over his past grievous abuse of the law. That's not happened so far.

    I will add that the New York state Attorney General had been threatening to being Trump to his knees. We haven't seen anything from her yet, so, who knows?

  32. by islander on July 7, 2021 4:40 pm
    HtS. All that and all you had to do is say "yes" you stand by your assertion that the charges are puny.

  33. by HatetheSwamp on July 7, 2021 5:03 pm
    And I PROVED, bahahahaha, that they are puny.

  34. by Curt Anderson on July 7, 2021 5:22 pm
    What is the number of the comment in which you proved the charges are puny?

  35. by islander on July 8, 2021 4:14 am

    Grand Larceny is not a puny charge no matter what HtS believes or says he believes.

    Curt, I don’t know if you follow or have read any of Teri Kanefield’s blogs, but she does a very good job of outlining the case against Trump’s organization. Here are some excerpts;

    “we’re not talking about a few isolated incidents, but a pervasive pattern over a period of more than 15 years. They’re cheating left and right. They’re cheating coming and going.

    That’s not all. The Organization provided goodies. The Organization rented a Manhattan apartment (not in one of the buildings that they owned) and provided the apartment rent-free to Weisselberg. The Organization paid his utilities and even his garbage and garage parking bill. He lied and said he didn’t live there, which meant he paid no taxes to New York. The Trump Organization also paid private school tuition in Manhattan for two of his family members, plus (if all that wasn’t enough) the Organization provided a leased Mercedes for him to drive. I don’t know about you, but I don’t consider a free Manhattan apartment plus a Mercedes plus private tuition for family members to be a few fringe benefits.”

    Regarding the indictment, As Teri says, “Notice the wording: “Substantial portions of their income.” Think how much money these Trump Organization executives are paying themselves. Think about their lifestyles. We’re not talking small potatoes here.”

    These are serious crimes and the indictment also states;

    ”the Unindicted co-conspirator #1, in the County of New York and elsewhere, during the period from on or about March 31, 2005 to on or about June 30, 2021 with the intent that conduct constituting a class C felony, to wit, Grand Larceny in the second Degree, be performed, agreed with one or more persons to engage in and cause the performance of such conduct”

  36. by HatetheSwamp on July 8, 2021 7:26 am
    What is the number of the comment in which you proved the charges are puny?

    What I actually said is that "I proved bahahahaha" it.

    I'm the subjectivity is truth guy. I get that all of this is opinion. It was a joke based on previous exchanges between isle and me.

  37. by HatetheSwamp on July 8, 2021 7:52 am
    Grand Larceny is not a puny charge no matter what HtS believes or says he believes. -isle

    As far as I can tell Weisselberg ain't charged with grand larceny. Link to an article that says he is, if you can.

    Perhaps the most striking characteristic of you woke Swampcult Blue MAGAs is your blood lust.

    Back in my day, progressives were all about love.

  38. by islander on July 8, 2021 1:02 pm
    I’m sure there is a great deal that you are unaware of HtS…This is just a smattering of that…

    This is who is indicted;

    * From the indictment.


    “9. Beginning in 2012, one of Weisselberg’s family members began attending a private school in Manhattan. Beginning in 2014, second Weisselberg family member began attending the same private school. From 2012 through 2017, and as part of the scheme to defraud, Trump Corporation personnel, including Weisselberg, aranged for tuition expenses for Weissclberg’s family members to be paid by personal checks drawn on the account of and signed by Donald J. ‘Trump, and later drawn on the accountofthe Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust dated April 7, 2014. The payment of tuition expenses for Weisselberg’s family members constituted employee compensation and taxable income to Allen Weisselberg and was treated as part of Weisselberg’s annual compensation in intemal records maintained by the Trump Corporation. However, the indirect compensation in the formof tuition payments was not included on Weisselberg’s W-2 forms orotherwise reported to federal, state, or local tax authorities, and no income taxes were withheld by. the corporate defendants in connection with the tition payments. Weisselberg intentionallycaused the tuition payments to be omitted from his personal tax retums, despite knowing that those payments represented taxable income and were treated as compensationbythe Trump Corporation in internal records. Because the indirect compensation in the formoftuition paymentswas not reported by the corporate defendants to the tax authorities, was not subjected to income tax withholding by 7 thecorporate defendants, and was not included by Weisselbergon his personal tax returns, he did not pay taxes on approximately $359,058 in compensation he received during the tax years 2012 through 2017.”

    “20. As a result of the defendants’ underreporting of Weisselberg’s income from 2005 through 2017, Weisselberg concealed approximately $1,760,630 in compensation from tax authorities, unlawfully evaded hundreds of thousandsofdollars in federal, tate, and local taxes, and requested and received refunds to which he was not entitled, including approximately $94,902 in refunds from the United States Internal Revenue Serviceand approximately $38,222 in refunds from the New York State DepartmentofTaxation
    and Finance.”

    Financial Institution #1 a federal tax refund in the amountofapproximately $10,049 based on his 2015 tax return, which underreported his total taxable income. 10) On or about September 2016, Allen Weisselberg directed a staffmember in the accounting department to remove the notations “Per Allen Weisselberg” from the entries in Donald J. Trump's Detail General Ledger relating o tuition payments paid on Weisselberg’sbehalfto his family members” private school. 11)On or about April 26, 2017, Allen Weisselberg caused to be deposited into his bank account at Financial Institution #1 a federal tax refund in the amountofapproximately $8,308 based on his 2016 tax retum, which underreported his total taxable income. 12)Onorabout April 27, 2018, Allen Weisselberg caused to be deposited nto his bank account at Financial Institution #1 a federal tax refund in the amountofapproximately $9,066 based on his 2017 tax retum, which underreported his total taxable income.

    THIRD COUNT: AND THE GRAND JURY AFORESAID, by this indictment, accuses the defendant Allen Weisselbergof the crime ofGRAND LARCENY IN THE SECOND DEGREE, in violation of Penal Law § 155.40(1), committed as follows The defendant Allen Weisselberg, in the Countyof New York and elsewhere, during the ‘period from on or about April 5, 2010 to on or about April 27, 2018 stole property from the United. States Internal Revenue Service and the valueofthe property exceeded fifty thousand dollars.

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