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Exploring the difference between TDS and Reasonable opposition to Trump
By HatetheSwamp
November 12, 2022 6:18 am
Category: Politics

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Since pb decided that he specifically supports Ron DeSantis for President, he's been reconsidering what he thinks about "the Bill Barr Rule," i.e., the commitment to vote for OrangeMan but only if he's the GOP nominee...

...and, also, the boundaries that separate not liking Trump, in the way that rational people might, from the irrational, deranged hatred that smites some here and millions of Blue MAGA progressive Swampcultists.

Just moments ago, isle entered this here:

"I have to wonder if the Trump voters and enablers still embrace Trump's description of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as “genius” and “savvy,...”"

OrangeMan never called Putin nor the invasion of Ukraine "genius" no matter what Rachel and Joy and the HuffPo and the WaPo and the NYT and NPR claim.

pb's disgusted with OrangeMan. He's had too much of the narcissism. pb just might not adhere to the Bill Barr Rule, though he would never vote for any candidate currently likely to be the Dem candidate. Still, pb won't mindlessly believe and pass on lies about Trump, as those of you with TDS do easily and with apparent joy.

Recently, OD asked pb if Trump lives in pb's brain like Trump does with the TDSers. Trump doesn't. pb's always said he thinks Trump is despicable and that voting for Trump has always been difficult but pb doesn't wallow in Trump.

So, pb will, no doubt, be exploring the boundaries between opposition to Trump and the insanity displayed by so many.

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Comments on "Exploring the difference between TDS and Reasonable opposition to Trump ":

  1. by Ponderer on November 12, 2022 7:27 am

    "OrangeMan never called Putin nor the invasion of Ukraine 'genius' no matter what Rachel and Joy and the HuffPo and the WaPo and the NYT and NPR claim." -Hate

    “I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful,” Trump said in a radio interview with “The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show.” “He used the word ‘independent’ and ‘we’re gonna go out and we’re gonna go in and we’re gonna help keep peace.’ You gotta say that’s pretty savvy.” -see link

    And yet you still claim that you don't support him. You are so full of bullshit, Bill.

    Here you are, rushing in, trying to parse words with a scalpel to protect your Golden God from any criticism at all. You can't let a single criticism of him ever go by without reflexively stepping in like the dutiful, mindless meat puppet of his that you are to defend him like he's your cult leader.

    You want to give him a pass on his support of Putin and everything he did in Ukraine, and you think that you have accomplished that with this asinine and desperately flailing claim. Just like you have wanted to give him a pass on every despicable, immoral, felonious thing that he ever did. Don't bother to deny it. We've watched you do it for years now.

    You are the worst kind of his sickening sycophants. The kind who doesn't even have the guts to admit that you support him... while doing everything in your power to support him.

    "pb's disgusted with OrangeMan. He's had too much of the narcissism." -Hate

    Wow! And it only took how many years?

    You're a real glutton for punishment there, pb. What act of narcissism was it that he committed that was the final bridge too far for you to cross? It sure wasn't him calling for the throwing out of a perfectly legitimate election because he was too butt-hurt to accept the demonstrable fact that he lost. It wasn't him calling for his knowingly armed supporters to stop the legal and legitimate counting of the votes by telling them to go to the Capitol and "fight like hell", directly resulting in a violent and homicidal insurrection against the government of the United States.

    So what was it that finally made his boundless narcissism just too much for you to happily swallow any longer? I can't for the life of me imagine what it was and I am exceptionally curious to know.

    "though he would never vote for any candidate currently likely to be the Dem candidate." -Hate

    And there's where your pig-ignorant, baseless, bone-headed bigotry plays out in all its splendid regalia. You won't even acknowledge the possibility that a Democrat might just be a better candidate for the American people than a Republican. You have swallowed so many gallons of mendacious, anti-Democrat Kool-aid that it's spurting out your ears.

    You yourself have demonstrated for us numerous times that no matter how horrendous a Republican candidate is, no matter how immensely unqualified and totally unsuited for a position they may be, that you will vote for them because the Democrat must somehow automatically be worse. And you simply can not comprehend just how stupid and idiotic that makes you. You really need to get your Democrat Derangement Syndrome looked at.

    You apparently are to forever be governed by your baseless, psychotically paranoid bigotry and you have no intention of ever emerging from your willful, demented ignorance. That is such a pity.

    What is it that you get out of being so incredibly pig-ignorant, Bill? What is the up-side for you to being so stupid? There must be one.

    It must be the bliss I guess.


  2. by HatetheSwamp on November 12, 2022 7:53 am

    See, po, that's what I mean about exploring the difference between rational and irrational opposition to Trump.

    I disagree with Trump on Ukraine. Heck, I think that "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" isn't doing enough. But, I can still be honest and thoughtful about the Orange guy. Truth: Trump didn't say that the invasion of Ukraine was genius. There's enuff not to like about Trump. You don't have to make stuff up. But, you do...BECAUSE YOU ARE DERANGED...all of you.

    And, pb said he won't vote for a Dem LIKELY to be nominated. pb'd said many times, that he'd vote for Tulsi and he still would...but your ilk drove her out of the party. And, that proves pb's point.

    Just curious. Will you give me a short list of the GOPs po would vote for? Keep it short. Stop at, say, half a dozen. Bahahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh!

  3. by Ponderer on November 12, 2022 8:01 am

    Do you disagree with Trump that the 2020 election was stolen from him? That Biden was not elected fair and square?

    I mean, if we're gonna talk about rational and irrational...


  4. by Donna on November 12, 2022 9:27 am

    The only thing that could have made Putin's declaration of "a big part of Ukraine" "independent" as "genius" is what followed that declaration, which was the invasion, because its purpose was to establish justification for the invasion. This is the context that Hts ignores.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on November 13, 2022 4:15 am


    Right. I've never posted about Trump and his claims about the rigged election.

    Like nearly half of likely voters, and based on the evidence, I believe that there was significant fraud in the 020 election. As I've said, with all the ballot harvesting and the finagling with chain of custody with mail-in ballots, it will never be possible to know what an honest election result might have been.

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