by oldedude on November 10, 2022 1:22 pm
Again. Our viable options were? We had a choice between pure evil, who feels up little girls and sniffs woman's hair, or a loud obnoxious guy that you hate beyond belief that in invades your life. I made my choice and stand by it today. Especially after looking at the possible criminal charges if the GOP chooses so.
If Trump were here, inflation wouldn't be in our everyday thought, especially with single parent families. I know you don't care, but that's life. And this winter, heating bill is going up at least 30-50%. So people can be warm eating rock soup, or cold and eat ramen. Thanks to pedojoe. I had very sound reasons for voting the way I did, and I'll stand by them and not lie about supporting the things I do. But not letting people lie about what they "think" I support.
So back to the original thought for this post.
I am thankful Trump acted the way he did. Some people will always vote for him. Kinda like they'll vote for burniebros after his campaign talked about sending people to gulags.
What Trump did, was to start a chain of events that people are able to split themselves off Trump train, but stand for the things conservatives believe in. The rule of law. That parents have a RIGHT to know what their children are learning in school. Due process. Restrictions on government over-reach. It's these things that make a conservative. Not Trump. I think Curt and I agree. We're happy Trump did this now. So we lost some seats. That's a small price to pay to cut out the "thing" that is splitting us. I think the GOP will be much stronger for it. I think having Miami- Dade showed Latinos they do have a choice of being treated as "beaners" and "tacos" by the dims, or be treated as citizens that support the Constitution, Rule of Law, Families, and their choice of Religion.
This is not to consider that sheep will like any GOP candidate. They'll hate them all. They'll repeat key words they were told to say. So that's not going to change.
by Donna on November 10, 2022 1:29 pm
Curt, islander, my wife or I could write something similar the other way around, but that's not the point. Biden wasn't our first pick, but we have no trouble saying that we support him. Call us Bidenites, whatever. Not only can we take it, we agree.
by islander on November 10, 2022 3:00 pm
You're absolutely correct Donna!
Here in Maine we have ranked choice voting and Biden was not my first choice. My first choice was eliminated so my vote went to my second choice, Biden.
I have been more than pleased with what he has done so far and will be forever grateful that he beat Trump. Trump was in the process of doing to our country what he did to the Republican party.
by oldedude on November 10, 2022 7:42 pm
I agree with everything. We need to get rid of "trump". I want him gone before you do.