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Which political party is the more pro-police? Guess again.
By Curt Anderson
June 29, 2021 6:56 pm
Category: Politics

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"Can't you make the argument that it's you and the Republicans who are defunding the police?" Chris Wallace of FOX News asked Rep. Jim Banks, the head of the House Republican study committee.

The National Association of Police Organizations' Legislative Scorecard for the 116th Congress (2019-2021) tells a different story than the story Republicans are telling voters.

I did the math based on the NAPO legislative scorecard by totaling up the scores and finding the parties' average scores. Democrats in Congress voted the preferred NAPO vote 83% of the time. Republicans voted with the police 57% of the time.

Feel free to check my math at the NAPO link below. Or do a sampling of the scores of a few politicians, especially the ones who wrap themselves in blue and purport to support the police. For example: Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) gets a NAPO score of 80%. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) gets 57%. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) gets 86%. Mike Lee (R-UT) scored 25%. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) gets 86%. Rand Paul (R-KY) is a 0%. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is 71%.

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Comments on "Which political party is the more pro-police? Guess again.":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on June 30, 2021 6:37 am
    Odd, ain't, that several of the most strident advocates of police defunding, among DC pols, score highest in support of NAPO!!!!!? Perhaps the NAPO scorecard doesn't indicate what you suggest.

    BTW, I watched the Chris Wallace episode on Sunday. His first guest was Biden Senior Adviser Cedric Richmond. The exchange was truly bizarre, so bizarre that, at the end interview, though Wallace's restraint is extraordinary, Wallace actually chuckled.

    Watch it, if you care about truth. But, you probably won't join Chris and me in laughing at poor Mr. Richmond trying to convince America that what's coming out of the White House is sensical...

    ...clearly, polls are showing that the Dems are being pounded on this issue.
    View Video

  2. by Curt Anderson on June 30, 2021 8:01 am
    What polls? I haven't seen any indicating that Dems are taking a pounding on this issue. At least not in any individual congressional races.

    Btw, that NAPO link I posted details their legislative priorities.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on June 30, 2021 8:30 am

    I'm suggesting that the internal polls for both parties are causing the Dems to scamper about looking for a laughable message on crime. Because, the Dems are scampering. And, the GOPs are doubling down on their message with greater focus and enthusiasm. What the Dems and GOPs are doing strongly suggests that both parties know that the GOP is winning on this issue.

    That Reuters/Ipsos poll I just cited in the other thread makes it clear that, as time passes, Dems are backing off from supporting Joe.

  4. by Curt Anderson on June 30, 2021 4:34 pm
    HtS, I don't have access to the internal polls that you refer to. I know what the GOP is attempting, but with the facts against them, they are playing a risky hand.

    I did see what Cedric Richmond said to Chris Wallace:
    "Look, Republicans are very good at staying on talking points of who says defund the police, but the truth is, they defunded the police. We funded crime intervention and a whole bunch of other things."

    Richmond told Wallace that it was Republicans who defunded the police when they refused to support the American Rescue Plan that would have allocated additional funding to law enforcement in response to the pandemic.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on June 30, 2021 5:58 pm
    Richmond told Wallace that it was Republicans who defunded the police when they refused to support the American Rescue Plan that would have allocated additional funding to law enforcement in response to the pandemic. -Curt

    And voters...independent, purple, voters, ain't buyin it.

    Both sides are behaving as if they know that this is going the GOPs' way.

    The Dems tried Joe's speech on guns which floated like a lead balloon. Then Cedric Richmond, and others, came out with the America Rescue Plan song and dance. And, the GOPs keep aiming at the same target and firing...pun intended.

  6. by oldedude on June 30, 2021 9:48 pm
    My question is: Why is it the business of the federal government to tell a city how to spend their money? In this case, there are no strings attached as there usually are by highway bills. Nothing at all. So what I see is that the thread is a mute point. And now, cities are starting to change their tune.

  7. by Curt Anderson on June 30, 2021 10:02 pm
    That's an interesting question, especially from a constitutional point of view.

    Are they really telling cities how to spend their money? As I understand it, Biden's Community Oriented Policing Services, or COPS intends to send many $millions to cities for new “community policing” officers on the street. Bush, I believe, gave police department surplus military gear and vehicles.

    Since presidents, including this one, are blamed by the other party if crime rates go up, it's only fair that the presidents be able to use the federal government to address the problem.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on July 1, 2021 3:52 am
    Here's an abridged compilation of the DEFUND THE POLICE video clips the GOP has in its inventory as they look forward to make it an issue in 022. Who wants to be a Dem in a purple district!!!!!? Bahahahaha, ahhhhhh.
    View Video

  9. by Curt Anderson on July 1, 2021 7:23 am
    I think that was a trick to get me to watch the unfunny Greg Gutfeld. He didn't make the case. He didn't even find a clip of AOC saying "defund the police". I would have said that was a completely wasted unproductive 20 minutes out of my life but I watched it while on the toilet.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on July 1, 2021 7:47 am

    I had no illusions that it'd make any kind of a case for you.

    The first part of the video had some, I say SOME, of the clips that will be running in purple districts in 022.

    Yesterday, Peter Doocy noted to Jen Psaki that there are numerous video clips of DC Dems calling for the defunding of the police. Then he asked if the administration can produce any clips of GOPs calling for police defunding.

    Jen, bless her heart, put on her best perky face and said something about the President thinking that actions speak louder than words.

    As far as Gutfeld being funny, there's the fact his ratings are higher than some of his broadcast TV competitors. He reminds me of a guy I know who isn't funny, according to my sense of humor anyway, who is constantly saying things he thinks are hilarious, then busts his gut laughing at himself.

    Frequently, the guests are funny, though you don't find humor directed at Swampcult Blue MAGAs funny.

    And, ain't Emily Compagno a babe!

  11. by Curt Anderson on July 1, 2021 10:33 am
    "Then he asked if the administration can produce any clips of GOPs calling for police defunding." --HtS

    That's an inane question. That's like asking if the prosecution can produce any clips of the rapist advocating rape. Deeds matter more than words. What a politician gives lip service to matters less than their actual votes to defund the police.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on July 1, 2021 10:53 am
    I'm not understanding, Curt. Fox News can produce numerous clips of Dems calling for the defunding of police.

    The rhetorical question hit its mark. The party that supports defunding police is the one that couldn't shut up about it...until the polls began to swing.

  13. by Curt Anderson on July 1, 2021 12:25 pm
    The polls you refer are those imaginary "internal" polls which you believe exist. The only polls you and I can discuss knowledgably are the public polls. And the only public polls that measure either political party are the Biden approval polls and he's been consistently ten or twelve points above water. That's the reverse of the former guy whose organization is under criminal indictment.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on July 2, 2021 3:50 am
    It's obvious that the Dems are nearing panic over this "defund the police" malarkey.

    As they shift messages, the Dems' are demonstrating that they're in trouble. And, while Clouseau is above water in general, his polls are sinking on the issues of immigration and crime. For the moment, he's benefiting from positive press reporting. The thing is that, as the election nears, it's going to be purple district House Dems and purple state Senate candidates who are going to be responding to video clips of prominent national Dem leaders criticizing police and supporting their defunding.

    Dems are already on the defensive.

  15. by oldedude on July 5, 2021 5:19 pm
    That's an interesting question, especially from a constitutional point of view.

    Are they really telling cities how to spend their money? As I understand it, Biden's Community Oriented Policing Services, or COPS intends to send many $millions to cities for new “community policing” officers on the street. Bush, I believe, gave police department surplus military gear and vehicles.

    Since presidents, including this one, are blamed by the other party if crime rates go up, it's only fair that the presidents be able to use the federal government to address the problem.

    Nothing you posted talked about the federal government telling another jurisdiction how to spend their money. Things are "offered" to jurisdictions sometimes in grants, sometimes in other ways. There is a huge difference between a jurisdiction applying for the federal money and the feds telling them how to spend their money.
    COPS was a pretty good idea but is now an old idea that has been over run by better means of policing. It's also more expensive to the jurisdiction. The "military" hardware was a boom for Police Depts because especially in larger cities, the departments are outgunned by the gangs. These were done generally by grants to the departments.

  16. by Curt Anderson on July 8, 2021 4:34 pm
    "Twice-impeached Florida retiree – and de facto leader of the Republican Party – Donald Trump joined House Republicans today in disrespecting the Capitol Police and other law enforcement officers, who valiantly defended the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, decrying how rioters ‘are being treated unbelievably unfairly’ now that they are facing legal consequences for their actions," Nancy Pelosi said in a statement that was posted to her office’s website. "Like Donald, House Republicans have shown time and time again that they stand with traitors – not with our law enforcement."

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