by oldedude on October 28, 2022 6:25 am
Yeah.... That's a very common "response." If you believe that someone should actually be the person they say they are for voting, you're a racist, fascist, hater that doesn't want minorities to vote. When in fact, it's quite the opposite. We want everyone eligible (according to federal law) to vote. That's what makes a Republic legit. (we wouldn't be voting for politicians in a 'democracy,' we would only be voting on issues).
The woman that said it was racist to have an ID to vote finally just got an ID. It makes me wonder how she lived without on. She couldn't have a bank account (by federal law), she couldn't collect welfare, social security, or a CHIPs card without one. She couldn't have a legit job (meaning not paid under the table) without one. So. You can't have a job, but you can't collect social security, welfare, or any other type of government assistance. You can't have a bank account.
Figure this. Without restrictions, I could vote in every precinct in our state. And in CO. So just me, I could vote a couple of thousand times and no one would know the difference.
Interesting. In FL, I can use my concealed carry (of FL) because it follows the same restrictions (and more) to own a concealed carry, than a driver's license. And the card itself follows the federal rules as their drivers license (fraud protection, dual photos, etc).
by Donna on October 28, 2022 9:09 am
Weyrich's quote is in response to a mathematical truth centered around the fact that there are more Democratic voters than Republican voters, and the larger the turnout, the more that disparity is seen in vote counts.
by HatetheSwamp on October 28, 2022 9:38 am
More and more, there are those independent voters.
And, headcounts? Considering the Dem party's history of cheating and ballot stuffing, who knows what its number is. Eh?