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Government selectors, pages, etc.
Kevin McCarthy pledges to cut aid to Ukraine
By Curt_Anderson
October 19, 2022 10:24 am
Category: Government

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House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) is signaling that if Republicans win the House majority in next month’s midterm elections, the GOP is likely to oppose more aid to Ukraine in its war with Russia.

Since the invasion in February the majority of congressional Republicans and Democrats have united in authorizing billions of dollars in U.S. military and humanitarian assistance to Kyiv as a geopolitical and moral stand against Vladimir Putin’s aggression.

McCarthy, who could be House speaker if Republicans triumph, indicated that that could end in a GOP-led House.

“I think people are gonna be sitting in a recession and they’re not going to write a blank check to Ukraine,” he recently told Punchbowl News. “They just won’t do it.”

McCarthy suggested that Americans want Congress to focus on issues closer to home.

“There’s the things [the Biden administration] is not doing domestically,” he said. “Not doing the border, and people begin to weigh that. Ukraine is important, but at the same time, it can’t be the only thing they do, and it can’t be a blank check.”

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Comments on "Kevin McCarthy pledges to cut aid to Ukraine":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on October 19, 2022 11:10 am

    Interesting, ain't, how the progressives have become the war hawks.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on October 19, 2022 11:25 am
    Unlike those politicians who you favor, we progressives are pro-democracy.

    I didn't realize before that when Trump, his political allies and his supporters would say "Russia, Russia, Russia" it was actually a cheer.

  3. by oldedude on October 19, 2022 12:44 pm
    Unlike those politicians who you favor, we progressives are pro-democracy.

    Not on your life. They're the party of burning down cities, putting opposition into labor camps (al la Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler). THAT's the way they change government. Oh, for the "friggin millionth time" (I had to do my best pondy on that one) we are a REPUBLIC. There are a lot of differences between the two. You ought to learn them (and other really basic stuff of the American form of government) before you start on anyone regarding us not knowing or understanding our REPUBLIC or it's Constitution.

    I didn't realize before that when Trump, his political allies and his supporters would say "Russia, Russia, Russia" it was actually a cheer.

    Remember, it's pedojoe and pedojr that is linked with the Russians. And Chinese, personally and financially. It was Palin who spoke about the Russian threat, and obomber who said the 80's want the foreign policy back because he wasn't worried about them. It's the liberals who glorify Che, Mao, Castro, Maduro, Lenin. All Communist dictators.

    Trump got us self-sufficient in oil and LP to be able to tell the Soviets, Nicaraguans, and OPEC to kiss off because we could actually stay self sufficient and either sell to Europe, or tell everyone to kiss off.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on October 19, 2022 12:58 pm


    The progressives' support for Ukraine in the war is incoherent mumbo-jumbo.

    They favor this war for precisely the same reasons they protested Vietnam.


    Pro Democracy? My derriere! Bahahahahahahahahahaha.

  5. by Curt_Anderson on October 19, 2022 1:18 pm
    No Americans were not self-sufficient in regards to oil under Trump. See the link or search for yourself.

    Anyway, regardless of our petroleum production and our consumption we are part of a world market. So if supply is reduced and or demand is up elsewhere it impacts what we pay here. The reason being that if US oil producers can make more money selling oil overseas, they will. You may have heard the term "fungible".

    Republicans hate Democrats so much, they even hate to use the words democracy, democrats and its variations. The fact is we are BOTH a democracy and a republic.

    We citizens exercise our political power by voting in elections to choose our representatives. That’s representative democracy. But also the United States is a republic because our elected representatives exercise political power.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on October 19, 2022 1:34 pm

    No American were not self-sufficient in regards to oil under Trump. See the link or search for yourself.

    Read your dang article, Curt! OD is bang on. Under Trump, the US absolutely was a net exporter of energy.

  7. by Donna on October 20, 2022 10:12 am

    Hts, olde dude: Are you for or against curtailing material aid to Ukraine?

    Btw, I saw this coming. In fact I posted my thoughts on this issue here a while back. I can see Europeans eventually throwing Ukraine under the bus too. I think Putin is counting on it.

    Btw, many lefties are pissed off at Biden for continuing Trump's Title 42 border policy to control the number of migrants who enter the US. He's getting hit from both sides. It's impossible for him to win on that ussue.

    Immigration policy is becoming a huge loser for democrats as more and more people in Europe and North America are demanding a harsher crackdown on asylum seekers. And it's only going to get worse with climate change and wars. How long before democrats worldwide throw asylum seekers under the bus in order to win elections?

    Since the for-profit news & commentary era came into being in the 90s, Americans have become increasingly divided. I don't see it ending. The divisiveness will get worse and worse until we lose our democracy, or republic, or whatever you want to call it.

    It's hard for me to be optimistic about anything anymore.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on October 20, 2022 10:43 am

    You may recall, Donna, that pb opposed a full abandonment of our friends in Afghanistan. He favored maintaining a small, well armed force there, similar to the one we've maintained in Korea for pret'near 70 years.

    You may also recall that pb supported a more assertive approach to Putin's planned aggression in Ukraine, involving securing Ukrainian airspace BEFORE Putin moved.

    The "feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap's" response in Ukraine was passive and reactionary, leaving us in a position in which it will be difficult at least for Ukraine to prevail. I blame the Flatulent Fool for that.

  9. by Curt_Anderson on October 20, 2022 10:51 am
    "Btw, many lefties are pissed off at Biden for continuing Trump's Title 42 border policy to control the number of migrants who enter the US." --- Donna

    Apparently low-information voters are not only conservatives.

    Federal Judge Orders Biden Administration to Continue Title 42

  10. by Ponderer on October 20, 2022 11:31 am

    Hts - So Biden is to blame for Ukraine being so difficult because he didn't carry out a policy that the overwhelming majority of Democrats, Republicans, and world leaders were opposed to, but you thought would be a good idea. LOL! Your partisanship has no bounds.

  11. by Donna on October 20, 2022 11:32 am

    Oops, that ^ was mine.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on October 20, 2022 11:48 am

    Hts - So Biden is to blame for Ukraine being so difficult because he didn't carry out a policy that the overwhelming majority of Democrats, Republicans, and world leaders were opposed to, but you thought would be a good idea. LOL! Your partisanship has no bounds.


    A majority of Americans also oppose my views about the withdrawal from Afghanistan. But, if we'd done it pb's way, women in Afghanistan still be free and little girls wouldn't be forced to be sex slave "wives" of Taliban warriors...

    ...and, we wouldn't have disgraced ourselves by abandoning the loyal Afghanis who supported our troops, whom we promised to protect.

  13. by Curt_Anderson on October 20, 2022 1:02 pm
    As witnessed by the Afghans immediate capitulation to the Taliban and their lack of resistance since, it's obvious the majority of people prefer the Taliban. If the Afghans had shown a fraction of the willingness to fight autocracy that the Ukrainians are showing, then there might be some justification in prolonging our presence. If our being there was popular out exit would been more graceful.

    In our twenty years there, there were 2,456 United States military deaths in the War in Afghanistan. 1,932 of these deaths were the result of hostile action. 20,752 American servicemembers were also wounded in action during the war. How many more years of dead and wounded Americans would satisfy you?

  14. by HatetheSwamp on October 20, 2022 1:27 pm

    As witnessed by the Afghans immediate capitulation to the Taliban and their lack of resistance since, it's obvious the majority of people prefer the Taliban.

    I'm absolutely positive it doesn't mean that.

  15. by oldedude on October 20, 2022 7:16 pm
    "Republicans hate Democrats so much, they even hate to use the words democracy, democrats and its variations. The fact is we are BOTH a democracy and a republic."

    And I'm an Irish Catholic and a Protestant at the same time.
    They're different, curt. We use the term "REPUBLIC" because that's accurate. the Sheep don't know the difference. Especially you.

    NOTE TO DONNA" sorry this is really late in the conversation. I do not believe in lowering the funding for Ukraine. At all. If we do that now, we are doing the dim move of bailing when you could win very big. Of course, you know if Trump were in the Whitehouse, you both would be whining and calling Trump a murderer of those poor Russian soldiers that don't mean any harm to the ugly oppressors in Ukraine.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on October 21, 2022 2:37 am


    You're bang on. Our side don't least you and I don't.

    To the progressive Swampcultists, to disagree with them is to hate. But, we, very simply, have a different thought than they.

    For them, it's audacious not to allow them to think they set the standard. It's simple. They don't.

  17. by islander on October 21, 2022 5:16 am

    Hate wrote: "You're bang on. Our side don't least you and I don't."

    🤣 Written by a self described hater !!! Perfect example of TDS ! (Trump Dyslexia syndrome). Folks with this affliction see and interpret everything backwards. LoL !!

    We probably shouldn't laugh at them though, we should show them a little compassion. I doubt they freely chose to be like that, so it's probably not their fault,

  18. by oldedude on October 21, 2022 8:26 am
    "In our twenty years there, there were 2,456 United States military deaths in the War in Afghanistan. 1,932 of these deaths were the result of hostile action. 20,752 American servicemembers were also wounded in action during the war. How many more years of dead and wounded Americans would satisfy you?"

    I would find it funny if it weren't so sad. You "say" you care about the deaths in Afghanistan, but you don't give a hoot in hell about the suicides coming from those that fought there and just wasted their time because some bureaucrat and ROF doesn't care enough if they die here. I find that incredibly two-faced,
    un human, and completely uncaring.

    This is exactly what I was talking to Donna about. The sheep are known to leave just to leave. Korea, VietNam, Afghanistan. You and your pedophile buttie used our enemy to "vet" those getting on the aircraft How do you think that's working? Yes, there were also those the military and the state dept actually knew, but they didn't come in through the "normal" channels through the Taliban held choke points. They asked for more time or at the very least, more control of the situation.

    You want to know why there was capitulation in Afghanistan? Because there was no one to defend the families. So it was to suck up to the Taliban, or watch your eldest son murdered in front of you. Then the rest of your children murdered one by one. Then they cut the head off the elder males of the family. This leaves a wife who has no means to feed herself and the bloodline is severed (along with several heads). She is taken to the town square, put in a pit to her waist and her hands in the soil so she can't protect herself and they take a couple of hours to stone her to death. They'll use bigger rocks that don't hit her face and head first. This will break bones in her chest, arms, shoulder, and back, then they go to smaller rocks focused on her face and head. every time she passes out, they douse her with sewage water to wake her up. Eventually, she'll die, which is better than her living in this system.

    Everyone in town will join in this because if they don't, they're next.

  19. by Donna on October 21, 2022 2:15 pm
    Mitch McConnell breaks with Kevin McCarthy, pledges to send more aid to Ukraine if Republicans win the Senate

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Friday urged the Biden administration to deliver more military aid to Ukraine against Russia's invasion and vowed to continue supporting the war-ravaged country should Republicans win the upper chamber in the midterm elections.

    "The Biden Administration and our allies need to do more to supply the tools Ukraine needs to thwart Russian aggression," the Kentucky Republican said in a statement. "It is obvious this must include additional air defenses, long-range fires, and humanitarian and economic support to help this war-torn country endure the coming winter."

  20. by Donna on October 21, 2022 2:19 pm

    "Of course, you know if Trump were in the Whitehouse, you both would be whining and calling Trump a murderer of those poor Russian soldiers that don't mean any harm to the ugly oppressors in Ukraine." - olde dude

    Nonsense. What are you basing that assumption on? FYI the only Trump policies I've agreed with were his decisions to pull the US militarily out of Syria and Afghanistan.

  21. by oldedude on October 21, 2022 2:24 pm
    Your TDS?

  22. by Donna on October 21, 2022 2:25 pm

    But I've always been a hawk regarding Ukraine.

    Trump says a lot of things that make the news. What has he said regarding Ukraine, anything?

  23. by oldedude on October 21, 2022 2:35 pm
    nope. It was just an observation that you treat the two sides very differently.

  24. by Donna on October 21, 2022 2:38 pm

    So does everyone here. Your point?

  25. by oldedude on October 21, 2022 2:49 pm
    I don't have viseral hatred of anyone we've talked about. I've actually spoken well of when joe does good. So, I'm calling you on your sht.

  26. by Donna on October 21, 2022 3:00 pm

    LOL! But you always refer to Joe Biden as "pedojoe". In fact you have cute little derogatory nicknames for every Democratic president from "cliton" on, and numerous Democratic politicians, and you use them 100% of the time.

    I've spoken well about Trump's foreign policy decisions in Syria and Afganistan. And I almost always refer to him as Trump.

  27. by oldedude on October 23, 2022 9:24 pm
    Well, that's because he continually gets waaaayyyy too close to young girls. Obviously, that doesn't bother you, because even MSN and CNN have brought it up....

    "Biden’s historical habit of touching and smelling women and girls in public — often yielding on-camera grimaces from recipients — earned him the Republican nickname “Creepy Joe,” though he has rarely committed such actions in public since apologizing in 2019 to women who said he made them uncomfortable with unwanted physical contact."

    He's a groomer. Simple as that. He expects this in public. Things every other man would be fired for.

  28. by oldedude on October 23, 2022 9:33 pm
    Oh, and your wife calling Trump Anus face whatever for years.

  29. by Curt_Anderson on October 23, 2022 9:38 pm

  30. by oldedude on October 24, 2022 7:01 am
    Are you saying those are prepubescent girls? Instead of deflecting and trying to change the subject, you might want to give up every now and then. When a "president" is KNOWN as "creepy joe" something's wrong with him.

    "President Joe Biden grabs a young girl by the shoulder and tells her “no serious guys till your 30” as she looks back appearing uncomfortable, secret service appears to try to stop me from filming it after Biden spoke @ Irvine Valley Community College"

    He even creeps his wife out... THAT is strange...
    Jill Biden memoir: Young Joe made me feel ‘strange and uncomfortable’
    Even Joe Biden’s wife was creeped out by his compulsive handsiness when they first started dating, Jill Biden admits in her forthcoming autobiography.

    “He was always holding my hand, putting his arm around me, or brushing the hair from my face,” she writes in her memoir, “Where the Light Enters,” the Daily Mail reported.

    The continual cuddling made her feel “strange and uncomfortable,” Jill Biden states — but she eventually became aware it was a habit among the then-senator’s whole family.”

    Watch the second video all the way through.
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