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Original Fiction selectors, pages, etc.
The Left LIED about the flailing Incident,
By oldedude
October 12, 2022 6:50 pm
Category: Original Fiction

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The "Original Fiction" here is the USBPS "whipping" people trying to come across the border. We now know that was a complete frigging fabrication of any truth.

"Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was informed of a photographer’s account that he did not see Border Patrol agents whipping illegal migrants. just hours before Mayorkas made statements condemning the situation.
The Border Patrol agents have since been vindicated of the accusations that they whipped migrants.
“They knew that it wouldn’t matter that the truth was going to come out later. Because they know that the media is not going to cover it. So they went forward with a completely bogus story, misrepresenting facts and misleading the American public. That should not be tolerated from the President of the United States,” National Border Patrol Council Brandon Judd told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
The Biden administration’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was informed that the photographer who took pictures of horseback Border Patrol agents said that he and his colleagues didn’t see any migrants being whipped, according to emails obtained by Heritage Foundation.

The incident, which occurred on Sept. 19 when thousands of Haitian migrants crossed the border illegally into Del Rio, Texas, overwhelmed Border Patrol agents on the ground. The images that circulated of the incident showed the horseback Border Patrol agents, who have since been cleared of the whipping accusations, trying to address the situation, using the reins of the horses to push the migrants back; many commentators claimed the agents were “whipping” the migrants.

A DHS colleague sent an email to Mayorkas including a news interview with the photographer who captured the incident and claimed he didn’t see Border Patrol agents whip anyone, according to the Sept. 24, 2021 emails obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and shared with the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“The photographer behind the images depicting Border Patrol agents on horseback told KTSM things are not exactly what they seem when it comes to the photos,” read the news story, sent to Mayorkas by assistant secretary of DHS public affairs Marsha Espinosa, according to the emails.

“The photos caused outrage because from certain angles, it appears to show Border Patrol whipping migrants, but photographer Paul Ratje said he and his colleagues never saw agents whipping anyone,” the news story continued.

In addition to that LIE, USBP Calls In ‘Suicidologist’ To Address Rising Suicides Among Rank-And-File

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) tapped a “suicidologist” to address the rising suicides among its ranks amid a surge in illegal migration at the southern border, the Washington Examiner reported Wednesday.

Dr. Kent Corso, who began the role in early 2021 during high migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border, was the first to do so for any government entity, according to the Examiner.

CBP authorities encountered over 2,000,000 migrants at the southern border between October 2021 and August 2022, surpassing records.

The spike has led to morale issues among CBP officials bearing the brunt of the surge.

“This administration continues to crumble what’s left of morale and is taking the U.S. Border Patrol to irreparable levels of destruction,” a Border Patrol agent stationed at the southern border previously told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Standing behind someone has now taken a different meaning. Trust in leadership has been cheapened.”

In 2022, 11 CBP employees died by suicide, according to federal data obtained by the Examiner going back to 2007. The number was the highest in 2009, when there were 14 CBP suicides.

“For years in the federal government, in the military, in the private sector, we’ve played the short game with suicide, and not only has it not worked, but it’s not realistic or sustainable. The long game is changing culture and changing conversation, and that doesn’t happen behind a desk,” Corso told the Examiner.

You can read more, but I know the libs don't give a sht about live people that work the border, nor the dead Americans.

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Comments on "The Left LIED about the flailing Incident, ":

  1. by oldedude on October 12, 2022 6:52 pm
    Try this. Twitter page.
    BORDER REPORT: The first group of migrants I encountered last week in Yuma, AZ were from China, Peru, Georgia, Venezuela, Cuba, and India

    Only a few dozen migrants out of the ~1,500 crossing each day into the Yuma border sector are being returned under Title 42

  2. by Curt_Anderson on October 12, 2022 7:29 pm
    You must be so proud!

    Patrol agents on horseback did not whip migrants, but used force and inappropriate language, investigators say
    Though no horse reins were used, agents were found to have used force, or the threat of force, to drive migrants back into the Rio Grande toward the border, investigators found. But one agent admitted to “twirling these split reins as a distancing tactic” despite no mention of such tactics in the patrol’s training documents.

    To remedy the agents’ wrongdoings, the department plans to change practices, training and operational methods, as well as implement stricter limits on the use of horse patrol units.

    Four agents are facing disciplinary action, which will be determined through a process conducted by a board of senior leaders in the department. The results of the discipline process will be made public upon completion.

    When asked about the discipline the agents could face, Magnus said actions could range from reprimand to termination. However, he did not indicate what discipline might apply to the agents involved.

  3. by oldedude on October 12, 2022 9:04 pm
    Your "news" was posted on 07/08/2022 03:45 PM EDT.
    My article was posted on October 12, 2022 11:41 AM ET.

    Like I said, "We now know that was a complete frigging fabrication of any truth."
    You just repeated part of the lie like a good little "german" in goose step. But of course, you'll repeat the LIE like goebbels told you to do. Oh. Wait. Tall, thin, "handsome" in his own mind. Are you part of the head of the Oregon National Socialist Movement? Oh, wait, you must hop the border in to Idaho.

    The memo sent a couple of hours prior to the original briefing said to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was informed of a photographer’s account that he did not see Border Patrol agents whipping illegal migrants. just hours before Mayorkas made statements condemning the situation.

    What part of this don't you condone? The lying to the agents, USBP in general, or the American people. You just read they KNEW this was a LIE and reported it anyway. You're using old information, the information they want you sheep to read and regurgitate to make themselves feel warm and fuzzy. Here we have FACTS, and you are still making excuses for it. It really is disgusting that you think so little of people that actually work for a living.

  4. by Curt_Anderson on October 12, 2022 9:22 pm
    The only reason your story was dated today is because Sen. Tom Cotton brought the old news up, based on some sketchy logic in an accusatory letter to Secretary Mayorkas. See link below.

    My guess is that Cotton is hoping to distract from incredibly inane story that he had to captively listen to here...

  5. by oldedude on October 12, 2022 11:46 pm
    Nope. This is about the memos that were sent out regarding the incident that was just uncovered by a FOIA request. That is, if fact the key. Mayorkas, at least, had knowledge the story they were going to tell was not in the least accurate, and they went ahead and spread it anyway. There is no mention of the letter in the politico article, or any other at the time. If you can find mention of that email/ memo, I'll listen. But so far, it's a zero.

    Mayorkas knew border agents did not whip migrants before repeating false claims, emails show
    Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was told last year that there was no evidence Border Patrol agents had “whipped” or “strapped” Haitian migrants at the US-Mexico border — hours before he bolstered President Biden’s lies about the incident at a press conference.

    Border Patrol union chief says Mayorkas could be impeached over ‘whipping’ fisaco
    The new document, obtained by the Heritage Foundation, is an email sent to Mr. Mayorkas by his chief spokesperson, Marsha Espinosa, with the text of an article about the September 2021 encounter between agents and Haitian migrants in Del Rio

    Ms. Espinosa highlighted a portion of the article where a photographer who snapped images of the encounter said that despite what people thought they saw, no agents whipped migrants. The article quoted the photographer saying the images were being “misconstrued.”

  6. by HatetheSwamp on October 13, 2022 3:04 am


    Did you see THE FIVE yesterday? Did you catch the disgust even sweet Dana feels over the way the Biden administration has handled this? Even Dana!!!!!?

    And, of course, there's Curt's run of the mill Good German defense. Ho hum.

  7. by oldedude on October 13, 2022 4:58 am
    Yea.... I did. Dana is a good sense of direction. Holy moly does she do her homework! I've seen her really mad twice. Both of them were ethics issues. And she can articulate exactly why she is angry. Remind me never to get her mad at me. She's also a taskmaster when it comes to when the squirrels hit the fan.

    All that said, her ability to see several sides at once is amazing. I want to have her mind when I grow up. And when everyone (except the lib) is bashing what the (read any) administration does to get themselves in trouble, she comes out with a logical plan to actually fix the problem. I admire her for that.

    But yes, I could imagine her talking to the President if this happened. She would be her usual self, but George would know exactly where she stood, and she would give a way to fix it.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on October 13, 2022 5:28 am

    Exactamundo, there, OD!

    No one who watches MSNBC or CNN or, now, for Donna, Chris Cuomo's NEWSNATION, has a resource like her.

    Her instincts for what will matter to voters are virtually infallible.

  9. by Curt_Anderson on October 13, 2022 8:50 am
    You guys are such snowflakes!

    Are your feelings hurt because the border agents didn't actually make contact with the reins used as a whip? It is an awful image to see these guys chasing people down as if they were fugitive slaves. According to the border patrol they did not follow their training and protocols. They have been disciplined.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on October 13, 2022 8:57 am

    I think that the issue is that Majorkas lied. Very Nixonian.

  11. by Curt_Anderson on October 13, 2022 9:40 am
    What was Majorkas' lie? Post it verbatim.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on October 13, 2022 9:46 am

    Watch Fox, they're showing the video at least once an hour today.

  13. by Curt_Anderson on October 13, 2022 9:52 am
    I knew you couldn't quote the supposed lie Majorkas told, HtS. Presumably you watched Fox incessantly try to paraphrase what Majorkas said.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on October 13, 2022 11:07 am

    Mayorkas was alerted that no Haitian migrants were ‘whipped’ hours before calling allegations 'horrifying'

    Left-leaning outlets have ignored the latest development in the debunked story about Border Patrol agents supposedly whipping Haitian migrants, despite previously parroting the claim.

    According to a Sept 24, 2021 email obtained by the Heritage Foundation, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was told that the photographer who captured a clash between Border Patrol agents and Haitian migrants in Del Rio had said that the incident was being misconstrued.

    But hours before, Mayorkas attended a White House press conference where he failed to challenge the false narrative, pushed by other members of the Biden administration, including the president himself. Mayorkas at the time said that Americans, particularly Black community, were "horrified" by what the images suggested.

    The video of the Mayorkas preparation is what FNC's been airing ad infinitum.

    Fear no truth, there, Curt.

  15. by Curt_Anderson on October 13, 2022 11:16 am
    I knew you had nothing.

    The alleged ''lie'' is that Majorkas didn't interrupt and ''correct'' Biden as he was speaking. Whippings or not people could easily by horrified by the image.

  16. by Donna on October 13, 2022 11:24 am

    Everything you want to know about the latest faux flap at the link below.

    I don't see any "lie" by Mayorkas.

  17. by oldedude on October 13, 2022 11:28 am
    Nor did he change his attack when he KNEW the report was false. He figured that it was better to stay on the script that USBP were scumbags that whip people of color instead of telling the truth.

    As for the 14 days off, that's only to CYA the "president's" message that they're scumbags and need to be crucified at the border to tell the cartels how much he appreciates USBP Agents. This narrative was left intact until the FOIA report, which the still maintain the lie.

    And your pedobuttie "says" he "supports law enforcement." The second part of this is the complete lack of support the agents feel in the field, and the desperation and futility of working for the "president" and Majorkas. Their suicide rate is horrible and the word is out NOT to work on the borders because no one gives a sht about you.

  18. by HatetheSwamp on October 13, 2022 11:35 am

    The alleged ''lie'' is that Majorkas didn't interrupt and ''correct'' Biden as he was speaking. Whippings or not people could easily by horrified by the image.

    I'll be happy to refine.

    The particular flavor of lie Majorkas has been caught in of po's favorite words, i.e., prevarication.

    As I've watched the video, I've thought that, in the most technical sense, what Majorkas said ain't a direct lie. But, it's misleading. Disingenuous. It's, "It depends on what the meaning of is is."

    If this is what you understand truth to be, more power to ya, buddy.

    However, at this end of the political spectrum, truth be true.

  19. by Donna on October 13, 2022 11:51 am

    Okay, so there was no "lie" as the title of this topic thread states, which means that the title you posted was a lie.

  20. by Donna on October 13, 2022 11:53 am

    Correction: Some people on the left did lie about the incident, so I withdraw my accusation that the title of this topic thread is a lie.

  21. by Curt_Anderson on October 13, 2022 11:55 am
    You half concede "what Majorkas said ain't a direct lie." You cannot even quote what you now characterize as an indirect lie. Saying that a person is "horrified" is an opinion.

    If this is airing every hour on FOX, they must know how gullible their snowflake audience is.

    I guarantee you that this is going nowhere.

  22. by oldedude on October 13, 2022 9:41 pm
    It wasn't an "indirect lie" (key operative word is still LIE). He knew information and proceeded to LIE about it and ruin people's careers. Now they are having a hard time walking it back. Had they told the truth in the first place, they could actually stand up like adults and say "we heard this happened, but in further review that is NOT what happened. Case closed."

    But instead, they chose to LIE about it, indict innocent agents, and then LIE again when they said "we support law enforcement."

    I know you don't care at all about the suicide rate of these agents, but it's enough they are bringing in specialists to handle the problem of losing more agents to suicides than to on-duty assaults.

  23. by HatetheSwamp on October 14, 2022 3:47 am


    There have been GOP mumblings about impeaching Majorkas for months now. However, after this despicable act, my guess is that he will be called before both Houses of Congress in January and asked hard questions.

    If he continues his, "The border is secure," lie, and isn't honest and transparent with America, through their elected representatives, and doesn't take responsibility for this lie he's being busted for now, the House GOPs will take action, IMO.

    Oddly, I don't think that Majorkas is incompetent, or evil. I suspect that he's merely a Biden administration Good German...and that that's why Curt can't discern him doing anything wrong.

  24. by oldedude on October 14, 2022 7:52 am
    Had this been Trump or anyone in his cabinet, there would be yet ANOTHER impeachment committee. The one thing about libtards is they are predictable. If it's one in their religion, they will always protect them at any cost. Even lie about a lie. If it's the enemy, they'll continue to lie and lie about them, or us (as is the case many times here).

  25. by Donna on October 14, 2022 7:53 am

    Curt: They still can't say what the lie was.

  26. by oldedude on October 14, 2022 8:42 am
    We've said it overandoverandoverandoverandoverandover.

    Sorry if you can't comprehend it.

  27. by Curt_Anderson on October 14, 2022 8:49 am
    A lie can be quoted and no longer than a sentence.

    There is no need for long convoluted paragraphs.

    If you think Secretary Mayorkas told a lie cite that lie, don't go into long-winded explanations.

  28. by Donna on October 14, 2022 9:27 am

    Long-winded answers are often used as covers for not answering the question. Politicians use that ploy frequently.

  29. by HatetheSwamp on October 14, 2022 9:35 am

    What Majorkas said was much worse than a lie.

    His words will be replayed many times starting early in 023.

    But, I'm curious because I don't understand your point. Do you not know what statement Majorkas made that is offensive? Or, do you know what he said but think it is the sort of thing that a person of integrity would say?

    I'm guessing the former because of the sources from which you receive your information.

  30. by oldedude on October 14, 2022 9:49 am
    These have been in the citations at least twice. That's the frustrating part. They are there for your perview, and have to be treated like passive-aggressive 12 year old little girls.

    "“Our nation saw horrifying images that do not reflect who we are. We know that those images painfully conjured up the worst elements of our nation’s ongoing battle against systemic racism,” Mayorkas said during the newser."

    "“To see people treated like they did, horses barely running over, people being strapped — it’s outrageous,” Biden told reporters that day."

  31. by HatetheSwamp on October 14, 2022 9:56 am

    "“Our nation saw horrifying images that do not reflect who we are. We know that those images painfully conjured up the worst elements of our nation’s ongoing battle against systemic racism,” Mayorkas said during the newser."

    "“To see people treated like they did, horses barely running over, people being strapped — it’s outrageous,” Biden told reporters that day."

    Those words take despicable beyond any place Trump could dream of going!

    Majorkas knew for certain that the border agents didn't abuse one person a single time.

    If he doesn't resign, he'll be on a hot seat like he can't imagine.

  32. by Curt_Anderson on October 14, 2022 11:44 am

    "Our nation saw horrifying images that do not reflect who we are. We know that those images painfully conjured up the worst elements of our nation’s ongoing battle against systemic racism,” Mayorkas said.

    So where is the lie in Mayorkas statement?

  33. by oldedude on October 14, 2022 11:46 am
    You've never ridden.

  34. by Curt_Anderson on October 14, 2022 11:49 am
    That's a lie!!!! I have ridden a horse. I am very upset. Excuse me while I have a fit.

  35. by oldedude on October 14, 2022 11:56 am
    You mean like pondy and donna?!
    Go ahead, I don't listen to them either.

  36. by HatetheSwamp on October 14, 2022 1:25 pm


    Yours is, as po'd say, an "inequitable comparison."

    Why do progressives find comparisons so impossible?

  37. by Curt_Anderson on October 14, 2022 2:20 pm
    I think it was a pretty good comparison. Secretary Mayorkas said was a horrific image that conjured up the worst aspects of racism exactly like that.

    We progressives are certainly a lot better at comparison than you conservatives are that identifying a lie.

  38. by HatetheSwamp on October 14, 2022 3:18 pm

    In the first image, the housebound figure is an agent of United States law enforcement who would have been perfectly justified in using force to protect our keep someone hoping break our law by violating our national integrity.

    None of those agents did. Not one. And, Majorkas knew it.

    Your comparison is an insult to every member of law enforcement in this nation.

    So there!

  39. by oldedude on October 14, 2022 3:19 pm
    And it's funny that you still support them lying when they knew the truth just to make the Border Patrol agents look bad. And then their BS about "supporting Police" was another BS lie that every cop in the US figured out within seconds.

    I do have a question for you though. What if the LVPD Chief did the same thing and your son was a recipient of his lie? Would you blindly support and mock your son and his other officers? Would you sell him down the tubes for your own personal and political fuzzy feelings and personal satisfaction? I'm just interested.

    One of the things that I learned in the military was that what happens to someone else can happen to you. And there are stupid people that make stupid decisions. Ya just haveta let that go and call it what it is. That guy was stupid and they get what they get. But this. A lie that will affect their entire career (welcome to the federal government). They'll miss raises and promotions because of this fabrication by a politician. Which means their families are worse off. All because some political azzhole "supervisor" won't support him in your day-to-day job.

    Please think about that. Think about you considering a terrorist is worth more than your son's life. That MS gang member is worth more than your son? I understand most of those coming across the border are just coming across, but the rate of child prostitution, abduction, drugs, and murderers are also coming across. We are just different in this. I would rather keep 1000 people from immigrating and catch a bunch of heroin, those with prior rape and murder convictions, or a terrorist any day. Really, it's just a juxtapose position.

  40. by HatetheSwamp on October 14, 2022 3:46 pm

    I do have a question for you though. What if the LVPD Chief did the same thing and your son was a recipient of his lie?

    That's what pb was getting at...

    And, it's what Dana was so offended about yesterday.

  41. by Curt_Anderson on October 14, 2022 3:47 pm
    Shame on you! You owe an apology to the men depicted in the antebellum image for your insult by implication. Slave patrols, like the one shown, were acting under legal authority to capture fugitive slaves. It would be lie to say they were doing anything other than stopping someone hoping break the then-laws thus violating our early 19th century national integrity. I am just glad the slave patrols aren't around to read what you wrote.

    My son is a by the book and academy training cop (top of his academy class). I will never have to apologize for his behavior and actions. The border cowboy was not following procedure and protocol.

  42. by oldedude on October 15, 2022 12:57 am
    So apparently were these. The difference between "riding a horse" and ridden, are very, very different. A child riding a horse in a dead head string is very different than riding a trained horse rounding up cattle or cutting a single calf from 200 pieces of cattle. You tried to mock me (to put it gently), but you're an epic failure.

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