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Six House Dems vote with GOP to condemn Kamala Harris for 'border czar' role
Government by HatetheSwamp     July 26, 2024 4:26 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: oldedude (13 comments) [105 views]

So is Trump too much of a pants-pissing coward to debate Harris?
Politics by Ponderer     July 26, 2024 5:31 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: oldedude (2 comments) [16 views]

Benjamin Netanyahu's historic and heroic speech before the US Congress
Government by HatetheSwamp     July 24, 2024 12:37 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: oldedude (26 comments) [201 views]

Good news for Kamala and the Ds
Astrology by Indy!     July 26, 2024 1:07 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (1 comments) [62 views]

A landslide I'm still tellin' ya
Politics by Ponderer     July 26, 2024 3:39 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (2 comments) [20 views]

Usha Vance's perfect speech introducing JD
Politics by HatetheSwamp     July 18, 2024 7:50 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (14 comments) [189 views]

A better indicator than national polls and even better than swing state polls
Politics by Curt_Anderson     July 24, 2024 8:37 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (17 comments) [149 views]

Anonymous comments regarding the Presidential Candidate Selector and the election
President by Curt_Anderson     March 19, 2024 10:10 am (Rating: 2.5) Last comment by: Indy! (107 comments) [3133 views]

Did the woman behind Trump know what was going down?
Entertainment by Indy!     July 25, 2024 3:40 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (4 comments) [48 views]

538's Harris versus Trump polls
Politics by Curt_Anderson     July 25, 2024 12:45 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (4 comments) [41 views]

Crime selectors, pages, etc.
WaPo: Federal agents think they have enough to charge Hunter Biden with tax and gun-buy crimes, report says
By HatetheSwamp
October 6, 2022 1:12 pm
Category: Crime

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Federal agents believe they have enough evidence to support charging Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, with tax crimes and making a false statement in connection with the purchase of a gun, The Washington Post reported.

pb doesn't mind noting that he told you so.

pb also predicts that he won't be arrested by the same number of armed fibbie thugs who took Mark Houck into custody!


Federal agents see chargeable tax, gun-purchase case against Hunter Biden


Notice. pb's linked to the WaPo, an NBC network and CBS.

The thinking on THE FIVE today is that we're seeing the Swamp begin to force President Clouseau out to pasture.

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Comments on "WaPo: Federal agents think they have enough to charge Hunter Biden with tax and gun-buy crimes, report says":

  1. by Donna on October 6, 2022 4:49 pm

    Good. The more interesting story will be the GOP's politicization of it and how they'll go about implicating Joe.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on October 7, 2022 2:52 am


    Joe's involvement has been established. It was laid out, before the 020 election, in front of the nation, when Tony Bobulinski explained to Tucker his documentation that "the Big Guy" referred to in Hunter's laptop, i.e., the person who got his share of the Chinese millions off the top, is, in fact, Joe Biden.

    pb feels bad for "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap." He's a crook...and, probably not more so than many in DC.

    He gets old. Then, he's used as an empty suit to be the person the smoke filled room installs in the White House...

    ...and, now, as the gang on THE FIVE splains it, is about to be forced to step aside, in shame, for his crimes.

  3. by Donna on October 7, 2022 11:33 am

    "Joe's involvement has been established. It was laid out, before the 020 election, in front of the nation, when Tony Bobulinski explained to Tucker his documentation that "the Big Guy" referred to in Hunter's laptop, i.e., the person who got his share of the Chinese millions off the top, is, in fact, Joe Biden."

    How did Tony prove that Hunter was referring to Joe?

  4. by HatetheSwamp on October 7, 2022 1:15 pm


    As I recall, Tucker, who had access to a copy of Hunter's laptop, alluded to those emails, and asked who this Big Guy is. Tony, who was involved in those deals, said that, of course, it's Joe Biden.


    Who else would it be?

    No one has disputed his assertion.

    I'm curious. Who else could you guess the Big Guy might be?

  5. by Donna on October 7, 2022 7:53 pm

    Well, Hunter supposedly paid 10% to the "big guy". Unless TB has something more than that, that could also be a reference to a tithe to God, could it not? Not saying it is or ot isn't, but that alone isn't evidence of anything.

  6. by Curt_Anderson on October 7, 2022 9:26 pm
    That's a very good point. It makes much more sense that "The Big Guy" is a reference to God than it would be to a person's own father. Tithing, which is traditionally ten percent, would fit with that scenario.

    I heard on the news that the gun-buying crime was that Hunter answered "no" to the question "are you a drug addict?" while he was apparently using cocaine at the time. That seems the sort of question that any drug user or even drug abuser would answer "no" to rationalizing, I am not addicted, I can quit whenever I want. I just don't want to.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on October 8, 2022 2:32 am

    Curt and Donna,

    I don't understand why you keep yourselves so purposefully ignorant about this stuff.

    Apparently, you don't know anything at all about Bobulinski's connect to Hunter and JIM Biden...and the rest of the Biden Family. They were business partners. The feds have all of Hunter's emails...

    ...and Bobulinski has his own. Emails, texts. Receipts. Everything!...

    No one I know of is saying this, but Bobulinski could be called a highly placed informant, a whistle-blower.

    But, this will not be a he said/he said thing. Bobulinski has all the documents, everything that could possibly be needed to corroborate the truth...and he's happily providing it.

    What I don't get is why all you Blue MAGA progressive Swampcultists are still holding on to your delusions about Joe. The truth about Bobulinski and the Bidens is easily known by now to everyone who doesn't want to be a high disinformation voter and who wants to engage in freethinking.

    And, Curt, on the gun crime. From what I know, you're right. It stuns me that, knowing the problems the problems with gun violence in the US, and how difficult it has been to control guns, that you think lying on a gun application is not a big deal. Still, I think that this will be the easiest case to make, based on the videos on Hunter's laptop...Bobulinski doesn't have that stuff.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on October 8, 2022 3:05 am

    I don't watch Fox Business but I found this. It's fact-oriented. Not grossly partisan.

    Tip of the iceberg seems accurate.

    Like these two guys, pb has doubts about the Biden DOJ bringing charges against the President’s son but it now seems extremely likely that the GOPs will control the House, at least, next year and that there will be hearing about the part of the iceberg under the water...

    pb hopes, actually, that Hunter won't be charged, or that he'll merely be slapped on the wrist. That will make Dems more likely to vote for impeachment.

    Did you catch? Multiple whistle-blowers.

    View Video

  9. by Donna on October 8, 2022 9:17 am

    I have no idea what the truth is regarding Huntergate. I'm open to anything. I haven't followed it closely, which is why I was asking you what else TB had. The only specifics I ever remember you providing is Hunter's email about giving 10% to the Big Guy, which by itself could mean Joe, God, or someone else.

    I'd prefer a synopsis of the video you provided, but I might take a look at it later.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on October 8, 2022 12:05 pm

    I'm pretty sure, that you're exaggerating the level of your awareness when you say, "I haven't followed it closely..."


    This YouTube video has 10+ million views. If I could get odds, I'd bet you're not one of them.


    If you cared to be something other than a high disinformation voter, you could, easily, inform yourself.

    View Video

  11. by Curt_Anderson on October 8, 2022 1:01 pm
    I am not suggesting or even thinking that lying on a gun purchase form is no big deal. I just think that asking a person if they are addicted to drugs is a dumb question. Would anybody ever answer "yes" to that? It's like asking "do you intend to use this gun to commit a crime?" A "no" answer to either question cannot be verified. Questions that ask about past arrests, etc. can be verified.

  12. by oldedude on October 9, 2022 12:58 am
    I'm with Lead. The emails point to meetings, phone calls, texts, which have redundancy that have been checked. There is also redundancy in Hunter's business partner, another low-life that actually dissolved all relationship (business and personal) with Hunter because of Hunter's illegal business dealings, kickbacks to Hunter's father, etc. "One of Hunter Biden’s former business partners referred to Joe Biden as “the Big Guy” in a panicked message the same day The Post broke news of the infamous laptop from hell left behind by the president’s son. Gilliar had referenced the “big guy” as he acted as the driving force behind Hunter and his uncle Jim Biden’s planned multimillion-dollar deal with Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC."

    The FACT that he lied on his FFL 4473 is a felony that he chose to commit. For anyone else Curt would be all over this without question. But all of a sudden, it's "no big deal." If this evidence were on Trump, all of you would demand he be in jail without trial. This is "irrefutable evidence" that was buried by the FBI.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on October 9, 2022 6:16 am

    For anyone else Curt would be all over this without question. But all of a sudden, it's "no big deal." If this evidence were on Trump, all of you would demand he be in jail without trial. This is "irrefutable evidence" that was buried by the FBI.

    Ain't that the truth!

    I watched parts of the Trump rally yesterday, particularly of the rally attendees. Some of them absolutely worship Trump...

    ...but I've never seen an Ultra-MAGA who sucks up to Trump in the way Curt does to the Dem Swamp.

  14. by oldedude on October 9, 2022 6:59 am
    And Curt, I know you said you were "not suggesting or even thinking that lying on a gun purchase form is no big deal" and then you explained how it wasn't a big deal. There is much more evidence on junior than there was on Flynn, that you wanted crucified. And if "no one is above the law" as the sheep have been telling us, why are there excuses about the biden's?

  15. by HatetheSwamp on October 9, 2022 7:11 am

    You know that the Trump kids are living the lives of saints. Were they not, Curt and the SwampMedia would be creating scandals every time they belched in public.

  16. by Donna on October 9, 2022 11:33 am

    I'm not very interested in Huntergate at this point. I'm gonna to wait and see what washes out.

    Have either of you guys ever watched a rebuttal to the informal charges that are being lodged against Hunter and Joe by the GOP media, or are you convinced that everything you've been hearing is the unvarnished truth? If it's the latter, you might want to watch the short video below. One if the questions he asks is if everything TB has been saying is true, why hasn't he sued Hunter?

  17. by Curt_Anderson on October 9, 2022 2:04 pm
    Donna, that Dan Abrams video is very interesting. I don't find Tony Bobulinski very convincing. One thing I noticed is that he used the word ''effectively'' at least four times in his allegations. The Bidens, he claimed, ''effectively'' did this or ''effectively'' did that. Saying ''effectively'' is like qualifying everything with ''sort of''.

    A lot of the allegations that have people like HtS and olde dude so worked up aren't even crimes. Doing business with a Chinese company is not a crime, for example. The efforts to implicate Joe Biden in anything that might be illegal seem tenuous and weak. Good luck in connecting Joe to Hunter's tax and gun issues.

  18. by Donna on October 9, 2022 3:04 pm

    Good catch on his overuse of "effectively".

    The Republican Party has effectively become a right-wing insurgency.

  19. by oldedude on October 10, 2022 2:09 am
    "A lot of the allegations that have people like HtS and olde dude so worked up aren't even crimes. Doing business with a Chinese company is not a crime, for example."
    I have stuck to the present charges. The one's you defended as I stated above. He LIED on a federal gun register form (Felony). Bobulinski was another one of pedojunior's business partners. Two partners have turned on joe & jr because of his illegal dealings. Like I said before, these are easily backed up with phone tolls, supported by international and domestic funds transfers.

    The other facts you refuse to accept is DOJ/FBI's refusal to look into these issues, while knowingly creating a hoax on the opposing political side.

    The Ukraine/ Russian connection is something very different, but we do know that he was a straw man for the "wife" of the Mayor of Moscow to turn illegal money in to US funds (FELONY). The mayor and his family were listed on sanctions as Russian oligarchs assisting Putin to exchange funds. THAT is illegal.

    We also know the Chinese gave him a diamond for "no reason." That is in the SARs and will show through wire transfers from illegal sources. Welcome to pay to play. That is illegal.

    You maintained earlier that the reason for pedojr to be on the Burisma board and the ability to operate in China was his name. I wholeheartedly agree. It was for kickbacks to senior to change decisions. That is illegal. More to come on that as it's linked in to above.

    After how the libbimgs here have said the produced "undisputable evidence" of Trump wrongdoing, I'm truly shocked and saddened you support pay to play by a US president and his family. This includes joes brother $2 billion contract pedojoe gave his brother illegally. The second was the oil transfer inwhich pedojr made a few million dollars for selling oil sr put on the market. In these cases of contracts with the government, pedojoe is required by law to recuse himself out of the contract negotiations or a recipient of funds if there is any connection between the decision maker and the contract applicants (business or family members/ friends, etc). I was a lowly GS13 and know that is illegal.

  20. by HatetheSwamp on October 10, 2022 4:46 am


    I watched the DAN ABRAMS video, from that bastion of responsible and objective source of journalism,...NEWSNATION!

    Oy FREAKIN vey!

    Intellectually, Donna, we are what, metaphorically, eat!

    DAN ABRAMS! Not Alen Derschowitz. Not even Jonathan Turley! C'mon man, gimme a break!

    Donna, I watched a nice-sized chunk of the actual Tucker interview...not OUT OF CONTEXT commentary by a legal hack, on, of all news sources NEWSNATION...which, now, presents unethical CNN cast-off Chris Cuomo.

    You seem bright and sincere, Donna. But, sheeeeeeeeeeeesh! What do you think you're doing watching Dan Abrams on NEWSNATION or reading ACLU articles for reasoned legal opinion!!!!!?

    No wonder you're out of touch!

    As I noted, I watched much of the actual Bobulinski interview. Abrams took, what?, a minute?, 90 seconds?, of that interview. Can you see how a biased commentator could take pieces of it out of context?

    And, trust me...well, don't trust me. Watch the Tucker interview...Abrams took pieces of it out of context.

    For a broader perspective. Simply note that this reporting started with the WaPo!!!!! Not Newsmax. Not OAN!

    You've always be quick to accuse "most voters" as being "stupid," and "most people" as being "low information."

    The truth is that you have little knowledge of the real world. You are, however, steeped in progressive propaganda.

    I understand. It takes intellectual courage to expose yourself to points of view that don't feed your own predisposition. But, until you do that, and, then, think critically about all you see, hear and read, you'll only be a well armored Good German.

    I know, with a high degree of certainty, based on reporting from the WaPo and NBC and CBS, that Dan Abrams' ten minute sermon on the interview is wacko...

    ...and did you notice how Abrams pronounced the name?, BOOBulinski, bahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

    Clever, Dan! Pulitzer Prize winning objective journalism!

  21. by Donna on October 10, 2022 9:18 am

    LOL! I don't give a flying fuck what happens to Hunter Biden. What amuses me is how desperate you guys are to implicate the president. I wait and see what washes out. In the meantime, I'll take everything that comes out of the MAGAsphere on Huntergate with a very large grain of salt.

  22. by oldedude on October 10, 2022 9:26 am
    LOL! I don't give a flying fuck what happens to Trump. What amuses me is how desperate you guys are to implicate the president. I wait and see what washes out. In the meantime, I'll take everything that comes out of the blue MAGA sphere on Trumpgate with a very large grain of salt.

  23. by HatetheSwamp on October 10, 2022 10:07 am


    LOL. I guess you exposed some hypocrisy there..

    Well played!

  24. by Donna on October 10, 2022 10:14 am

    I do care very much what happens to Trump, as I can't think of a clearer and more present danger to the continuance of our democratic republic.

  25. by HatetheSwamp on October 10, 2022 10:25 am

    And, "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap," who waxes nostalgically about his days as a truck driver, is the man of the hour!

  26. by HatetheSwamp on October 10, 2022 1:02 pm

    Why Hunter matters:

    Hunter Biden probes will focus on ‘national security threat’: GOP rep

    “The only reason we’re investigating Hunter Biden is because we know he poses a national security threat and we fear he compromised Joe Biden,” Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) told Fox Business Networks “Mornings with Maria. ”

    “I think the American people will be shocked to find out what the Biden family has done to capitalize on Joe Biden’s name over the last decade,” added Comer, who is expected to chair the House Oversight and Reform Committee Republicans will regain control of the chamber in the Nov. 8 midterm elections.

    Is Hunter guilty because he is accused?


    pb isn't going to be joining a lynch mob. But, there's good reason to suspect. That's what this is about...and why there'll be hearings.

  27. by Curt_Anderson on October 10, 2022 1:42 pm
    Oh brother! How can you take Rep. Comer seriously? He said the January Sixth seditionists had "legitimate questions" about the 2020 election's integrity. "Expressing concern over election integrity is not a seditious act," he said.

    It's laughable that this Trump supporter is worried that Biden is a national security risk. Trump is being investigated for mishandling and stealing classified documents, for illegal attempts to influence Georgia election results among legal cases he faces.

    The implication is that Biden could be a national security risk because he could be blackmailed over some illicit and/or embarrassing business activities---maybe Hunter's business activities.

    Who in America who is more likely to be involved in some illicit and/or embarrassing business activities than Trump and his family members?

  28. by oldedude on October 10, 2022 2:13 pm
    "The implication is that Biden could be a national security risk because he could be blackmailed over some illicit and/or embarrassing business activities---maybe Hunter's business activities.

    Who in America who is more likely to be involved in some illicit and/or embarrassing business activities than Trump and his family members?"

    Absolutely someone that has already set up their "pay to play" activity and has gone through with it when he was VP. (See above, PLEASE!)

    The day pedojoe walked in to the whitehouse, he signed an executive that gave China, Iran, North Korea the rights to buy our electric grid. "Biden signed an executive order suspending for 90 days an order by his predecessor, Donald Trump, that bars installation of equipment purchased from foreign adversaries into electrical infrastructure, so Biden’s administration officials could evaluate Trump’s order."

    I've already pointed out what we already know. That's not "know." Again, it slays me that you can be so condescending to us when you are the one that keeps accepting the lies.

  29. by Curt_Anderson on October 10, 2022 2:19 pm
    Olde Dude,
    I was impressed by the Snopes article you linked to. The headline and subhead says it all:
    No, Biden Didn’t Give China Control Over the US Power Grid
    Biden signed an executive order. Wild conspiracy theories ensued.

  30. by HatetheSwamp on October 10, 2022 2:20 pm

    Oh brother! How can you take Rep. Comer seriously? He said the January Sixth seditionists had "legitimate questions" about the 2020 election's integrity. "Expressing concern over election integrity is not a seditious act," he said.

    I doubt he called them seditionists.


    ...they did have legitimate questions. The rioters had questionable methods. But, the concern is absolutely legitimate.

    Nearly half of like voters believe that significant voter fraud contributed to "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap's" victory.

  31. by Curt_Anderson on October 10, 2022 2:41 pm
    "I doubt he called them seditionists." ---HtS

    Who said he did?

  32. by HatetheSwamp on October 10, 2022 2:46 pm

    Who said he called them seditionists? You did. He said the January Sixth seditionists...

  33. by Curt_Anderson on October 10, 2022 3:01 pm
    No, I didn't. I would have used quotation marks around that term if he had said it. I use quotation marks only to quote peoples' words verbatim.

  34. by Donna on October 10, 2022 5:25 pm

    I'm puzzled by od's inclusion of a snopes article that debunks his post.

  35. by Curt_Anderson on October 10, 2022 5:33 pm
    It's for the same reason that HTS mistakenly thought I falsely attributed the word ''seditionist'' to Representative Comer. People on the right often seem to have problems with reading comprehension.

  36. by oldedude on October 10, 2022 6:48 pm
    "No, Biden Didn’t Give China Control Over the US Power Grid
    Biden signed an executive order. Wild conspiracy theories ensued."

    I liked it too, because like you, they were too fukking stupid to understand they proved my point.

    "No, I didn't. I would have used quotation marks around that term if he had said it. I use quotation marks only to quote peoples' words verbatim."Bold
    So you're calling us seditionists when we are proving treason for pedojoe, and sedition for pedojr. This is the easiest RICO case I would have ever done.

    I'm puzzled by od's inclusion of a snopes article that debunks his post.
    It would if you're a 3rd grader. Like Curt, they prove the opposite point when citing "facts." I know you're not used to them and they're kind of a nuisance to you, but they exist. THAT'S why I used it. so that you (y'all) would fall for it like a tourist in a NOLA whorehouse.

  37. by Donna on October 10, 2022 7:19 pm

    I only read down to where it rates the claim as "false".

  38. by oldedude on October 10, 2022 7:27 pm
    Of course. I thought you said you went above the second grade. OH! that's right! you're a sheep, willing to go where everyone will tell you to. You don't have a mind that can be changed, so you're so easily manipulated. Your handlers say thank you. you're a good NAZI.

  39. by oldedude on October 10, 2022 7:35 pm
    I'm really confused. You actually used to be able to articulate a reasonable response. Now, though, you claim you're ignorant. I don't think you are stupid, so you must be in areas that you can't defend your thoughts. So you claim stupid and that makes everything alright.

    I think that's bullsht. You're better than that to follow blandly to "curt" that argues himself into corners without a care for yourself and what you actually believe. You're putting yourself as fourth rate. If you want to be better, strap you're eggs on and chose for yourself with an articulated argument. He's not worth being your messiah.

  40. by Donna on October 10, 2022 7:42 pm

    I just wasn't interested enough to read it. I don't care about Huntergate. If something actually developes, maybe I'll devote more time to it.

  41. by Curt_Anderson on October 10, 2022 8:11 pm
    I read it all. Where's the part where Snopes refutes their own conclusion of "false".

  42. by oldedude on October 10, 2022 8:35 pm
    I guess you have to have more than a 2nd grade education. Like you curt, they say they don't believe something, then prove themselves wrong. Maybe my error was to believe that only one of you may actually see this. So it's down to the 2nd grade. I think both of you are soo fukking wrapped up in your dogma (sorry, big word) in your own ideas, that nothing else is possible.


    If you start again reading the stories about Dick (both of you), Jane and spot, you might think someone might be making fun of you, you are right.

    Dick ran to the book store and started reading. Jane thought Dick was a dick because he/she/it/ they/ them/him/ her/ cousin it/ the butler because he/she/it/ they/ them/him/ her/ cousin it thought it was right. Having uncle earnie playing with you in a closed room is okay because he is your uncle. Uncle Ernie is you best friend. He tells you so. Uncle ernie tells you not to tell other people about what he is doing. Uncle curt tells you the same thing. He loves you so much! and Spot too! But spot does not like uncle Curt. I wonder why? Read the rest of the book to find out what "Uncle Erney Curt tells you what not to tell anyone.

  43. by oldedude on October 10, 2022 8:37 pm
    "I just wasn't interested enough to read it. I don't care about Huntergate. If something actually developes, maybe I'll devote more time to it."

    And you are soooo devoted to trump. That's interesting.

  44. by oldedude on October 10, 2022 8:38 pm
    "I read it all. Where's the part where Snopes refutes their own conclusion of "false"."
    The place I quoted and the following paragraph. Are you too stoopid to understand that?

  45. by oldedude on October 10, 2022 8:46 pm
    "I do care very much what happens to Trump, as I can't think of a clearer and more present danger to the continuance of our democratic republic."
    I find it hard to believe that you didn't recognize that I was Mocking you directly at your dogma that refuses to cross lines regardless of the facts. You claim to be "ignorant," I don't think you are. I think you are the epitome of a non-informed voter... IF you vote at all.

  46. by Curt_Anderson on October 10, 2022 8:52 pm
    Yeah, I saw that in the Snopes piece. The part you quoted was immediately followed by "But that doesn’t mean Biden gave China access to U.S. power grids. We will explain below." And they did explain.

  47. by Curt_Anderson on October 10, 2022 9:21 pm
    Back to the thrust of this thread and your main accusation about Joe Biden, namely that as vice president he set up a "pay-to-play" with China involving our electrical power grid(s).

    First off, you must think that years earlier both China an Biden knew he'd be president in 2021.

    Second, the Trump executive order disallowed any Chinese (and other adversary countries) parts or components to used in US power grids. Biden put a 90 day pause on the EO to evaluate the situation. If that EO were to be rescinded entirely that may or may not be good policy, but it isn't a quid pro quo agreement as Biden haters think. There is a bill introduced attempting to codify the Trump executive order. So far, nobody in Congress of either party is interesting in co-sponsoring the bill. So the vast majority of congressional Republicans apparently agree with Biden's approach.

  48. by oldedude on October 11, 2022 11:46 am
    First off, you must think that years earlier both China an Biden knew he'd be president in 2021.
    Yes. The "years earlier" was when your pedobutty was VP.

    "Second, the Trump executive order disallowed any Chinese (and other adversary countries) parts or components to used in US power grids."
    Yes. The "Pause" allowed anyone 90 days to sell into the power grid by using previously unlawful parts that manage power amounts, transfer, and other data the is the heart and brains of the power grid to the companies.

  49. by oldedude on October 11, 2022 11:50 am
    I didn't put this in the other post.

    "The CEO of a software company that tracks the behavior of US election workers was arrested Tuesday over suspicion of stealing personal information and illegally storing it on Chinese computer servers.

    Eugene Yu, the founder and CEO of Konnech, was required to keep his company’s data in the US and only provide access to citizens and permanent residents, but instead stored it on servers in the People’s Republic of China, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office.

    Yu, 51, was arrested in Michigan and held on suspicion of theft of personal identifying information, while computer hard drives and other “digital evidence” were seized by investigators from the LA district attorney’s office, according to the office."

  50. by Donna on October 11, 2022 12:14 pm

    Hitler: Just to be clear, I have no obligation to you or anyone here. It isn't my job to read all of your posts or spend time reading and commenting on issues that interest you but not me. This forum is just a fun thing I participate in now and then.

  51. by HatetheSwamp on October 11, 2022 12:49 pm

    Is that for OD Hitler or pb Hitler!!!!?

  52. by Donna on October 11, 2022 1:04 pm

    You're gonna have to try a lot harder than you have for me to call you Hitler.

  53. by oldedude on October 12, 2022 5:45 pm
    In fairness, there were two of my posts between his... I'm a little concerned

  54. by Curt_Anderson on October 19, 2022 11:07 pm
    Here is the gist of the factcheck on Rep. Comer's allegation against Hunter Biden. For complete analysis see link.--CA

    The misleading claim that bank reports show Hunter Biden ‘committed serious crimes’

    [A] former Treasury official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the political nature of Comer’s comments, described SARs reports as merely “a tip.” He noted that the threshold for filing a SAR is not especially high and that many banks file the reports just to be on the safe side. “There is an incentive that, when in doubt, to file a report,” he said.

    In other words, we have established that a filing of a SAR does not mean a bank believes a client has committed a crime, as Comer claimed. In fact, Comer should well know this. He has posted on the committee’s minority website a Sept. 2 letter from a Treasury official that plainly states that SARs are “preliminary and unverified tip-and-lead information on possible violations of law.”

    The Pinocchio Test
    Comer may soon be in a significant position of power. But he needs to get his facts straight. Even if as many as 150 SARs were filed concerning Hunter Biden’s business dealings — a number that remains unconfirmed — that does not mean that he committed “serious crimes” or that banks were “pretty confident” that a serious crime was committed. Instead, these reports are merely tips that something may be suspicious — raw intelligence that still needs to be vetted, confirmed and possibly investigated.

    Comer earns Three Pinocchios.

  55. by oldedude on October 21, 2022 2:34 pm
    The unknown "treasury official" is "correct"ish. SARS cannot, by law, be introduced as evidence in court. Basically, you treat them like a CS. You don't want to burn them, so you support that information with looking at the wire transfers/ structuring and layering, whatever. You put it in to your own words and that is your evidence. Treasury has Agents that will support those documents if need be. Working with these for about 15 years, they are pretty damning evidence that you just get the banking records and see for yourself (the subpoenas are easy, and the banks return them in a matter of a day or two). Rephrase the SAR and present.

    These are much better than an anonymous source that leaks case information. So again, there's your double standard.

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