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Pedojoe Biden steals a page from the southern racist playbook
By oldedude
September 18, 2022 8:32 am
Category: Government

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In the aftermath of the freedom rides in which northerners, many white college students, rode buses in support of southern Blacks who wanted their civil rights and an end to segregationist policies.

In response Southern racists tricked recently released Black prisoners and poor single mothers into believing they had jobs, housing and opportunities waiting for them up north. It was all a lie.

In the accompanying YouTube listen to the words of the architect of the reverse freedom ride. Pedojoe Biden echoes that racist's language.

"Planeloads of underage migrants are being flown secretly into suburban New York in an effort by President Biden’s administration to quietly resettle them across the region, The Post has learned.

The charter flights originate in Texas, where the ongoing border crisis has overwhelmed local immigration officials, and have been underway since at least August, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Last week, The Post saw two planes land at the Westchester County Airport, where most of the passengers who got off appeared to be children and teens, with a small portion appearing to be men in their 20s.

Westchester County cops stood by as the passengers — whose flights arrived at 10:49 p.m. Wednesday and 9:52 p.m. Friday — got off and piled into buses.

Some of them were later seen meeting up with relatives or sponsors in New Jersey, or being dropped off at a residential facility on Long Island.

Later Saturday, a similar scene began playing out in Jacksonville, Fla., where many of the flights from Texas have touched down before continuing on to Westchester — and where The Post saw a Boeing 737-700 land shortly after 10 p.m. at Jacksonville International Airport.

After a two-hour ride, the group arrived around 1 a.m. Sunday at the Twin Oaks Academy, a juvenile detention center in the Apalachicola National Forest near Tallahassee, where staffers were waiting to open a gate topped with barbed wire.

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis expressed outrage at The Post’s findings, with a spokeswoman saying: “If the Biden Administration is so confident that their open-border policy is good for our country, why the secrecy?”

“Why is the Biden Administration refusing to share even the most basic information about illegal alien resettlement in communities throughout our state and the entire country?” spokeswoman Christina Pushaw said."

‘Betraying the American people’: Leaked video reveals Joe Biden’s ‘hush hush’ migrant invasion
Two million illegal immigrants from dozens of countries crossed over from Mexico last year, and the Biden administration is facilitating the cartels’ people-smuggling operation — at taxpayer expense.

Under cover of darkness, every night the federal government is transporting illegal migrants as fast as it can away from the border on secret charter flights into unsuspecting communities around the country. Officials have lied and obstructed the few journalists who have tried to reveal the truth.

This is nothing short of a betrayal of the American people.

And that’s not just me saying it — those are exactly the words of one federal government contractor employed to transport migrants from the southern border to the airport in White Plains.

Cited and related links:


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Comments on "Pedojoe Biden steals a page from the southern racist playbook":

  1. by oldedude on September 18, 2022 11:05 am
    Apparently people have to be reminded of what they said about those being transported and dropped off in other locations, apparently not knowing they were boarding an aircraft.

    Donna-"What's your evidence that those imigrants were dropped off at "cities/states that don't know they're coming and have no infrastructure or people there to support those getting off"?"
    I have the link, you should read it. The aircraft were clandestine and (to my knowledge) were always done when the airport was closed.

    "What [he] did was childish and small...Just like the person he himself is."

    "[that state] needs and depends on migrants. [he] thinks treating humans like cattle with this little stunt will please his base, but t’s going to backfire on him."
    Actually, there is a VISA for seasonal pickers. They've been vetted, have not gotten into trouble, etc. Some start in CA, got north for veggies in UT/ CO, then north to WA,.. well you see what I mean. Some are specific. They go from SO CAL to FL for citrus, or they pick wine grapes, etc. Long story short. There is a LEGAL way to do that. Those not on the VISA are usually abused. They'll hire girls/ women to act as prostitutes and to pick.

    "Many of these immigrants are escaping political persecution and/or gang violence in their home countries."
    So they're from LA? Maybe Chicago or DC?

    What [he]did is a deplorable commentary on the sociopathic inhumanity of the party. Treating fellow human beings, in the most desperate predicaments of helplessness in their lives, like rolls of toilet paper they TP their political foes houses with. What a disgusting display of wanton cruelty. There is absolutely no sane excuse or justification for such a deplorable prank.

    [he]is thoroughly and unabashedly despicable. But the inhuman blue MAGA hats Donna and isle will vote for him without a critical thought in their solid bone-filled heads. Birds of a feather and all I suppose.

  2. by Donna on September 18, 2022 11:40 am

    Interestingly, I just posted excerpts from the same New York Post article under the "Vineyard Gazette" topic thread.

    You conveniently avoided citing a couple if things from that article that should be noted (see my post): 1) that the sane thing happened under Trump, and 2) while local officials weren't pre-notified under either president, local charities including the Catholic Mercy Sisters, non-profit agencies whose job is to reunite immigrant youths with their parents or find sponsors, and individuals and households that are sponsoring the youths - were waiting to receive them.

  3. by Ponderer on September 18, 2022 11:43 am

    olde dude and his lies of ommission.

    It's why I don't waste time reading his blather.

  4. by Donna on September 18, 2022 12:28 pm

    Correction: You did mention that some of the youths were being taken to sponsors, and others to detention centers. My bad.

    The impression I got from the NYPost piece was that although local officials reportedly weren't pre-notified by Biden or Trump, the agencies and detention centers that processed the youths were pre-notified.

    What I think has been going on is that both the GOP and the Dems have been working all along to find sponsors for migrant youths that came here illegally. There was a time when Trump and his original AG Jeff Sessions imposed a policy where minors were accepted while the parents were refused. Something like 6 or 7 hundred kids wete seoarated from their parents. I remember AG Sessions announcing the policy right before it was implemented and admitting that the motive was deterrence. Because they were so overwhelmed with hopefull migrants at the border and illegal crossings.

    After Biden won the election, the border crisis worsened because migrants thought that Biden would be easier on them than Trump. We're no longer taking kids from their parents (unless both parents have criminal records), but to my knowledge, the border policy is the same. It's just that Biden has considerably more migrants to deal with, not to mention more youths to find sponsors or detention center space for.

    Neither party wants to admit that they're trying to do the right thing for these youths. It isn't exactly a winning campaign issue, ever, but especially now with high inflation and increased economic insecurity being felt among nearly all Americans. Plus it explains why Catholic agencies, detention centers, etc. know they're coming, but elected officials are kept in the dark about it.

  5. by oldedude on September 18, 2022 1:31 pm
    First, you use the term "parents" extremely loosely. That was one of the issues with Trump. No one could prove they were a relative to the kids. The assumption in this case is the "adult" is a cayote and the children were kidnapped and going to sex trafficking. I would rather make 1000 mistakes that way, then send one of these children into the sex trade.

    "After Biden won the election, the border crisis worsened because migrants thought that Biden would be easier on them than Trump. We're no longer taking kids from their parents (unless both parents have criminal records), but to my knowledge, the border policy is the same."
    Biden completely dismantled it.

    "“Some things may be true, even if Donald Trump said them.”

    That was the epiphany that ABC’s Jonathan Karl had over the weekend. It’s a difficult concept for the news media, and the Biden administration is having an even harder time grasping its corollary: Some policies are humane and necessary, even if former President Donald Trump implemented them.

    President Joe Biden is now rejecting sensible border policies that aid refugees, help our border guards do their job, and dissuade Central American families from making terribly dangerous and costly treks across Mexico, apparently all because Trump was the one who implemented them.

    On his first full day in office, Biden suspended the “Remain in Mexico” policy to dissuade families from trekking to our border with frivolous asylum claims. On June 2, Biden repealed the policy.

    Supportive media called Biden’s “the latest in a series of moves to dismantle the Trump administration's restrictive immigration policies.”

    In theory, the U.S. grants asylum only to foreigners who are fleeing persecution by their governments, not to every foreigner whose life would be improved by moving to the U.S. Of those 94,000 families who came to the border in 2017, this was surely true of very few of them.

    However, as long as they stated an asylum claim, they knew they would be released within the U.S. and told to report to immigration court at some date months down the line for a hearing.

    “Of those, 99% remain in the country today,” Homeland Security reported in 2019. Word had gotten out that one can game the system in this manner, eventually skipping the court date.Trump put an end to that with a simple rule: If you show up at the U.S.-Mexico border seeking asylum, you will get your day in court — but you must wait for it in Mexico.

    The effect: a huge drop in the number of families showing up at the southern border claiming asylum. Because most of those requesting asylum lacked meritorious claims, the number of people desiring to come and actually wait to get a trial was considerably smaller than the number who had been gaming the system when an asylum claim meant automatic entry to the U.S."

  6. by oldedude on September 18, 2022 2:58 pm
    So then you didn't put in pieces either. Got it.

    Donna and her lies of omission.

    It's why I don't waste time reading her blather.

  7. by Donna on September 18, 2022 6:32 pm

    I didn't put in pieces either? I have no idea what you mean by that.

  8. by Donna on September 18, 2022 6:50 pm

    I didn't know about the Remain in Mexico policy. I stand corrected.

    I just read a good piece in the NYTimes about it. From that piece:

    WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court appeared frustrated on Tuesday during arguments over whether the Biden administration can end a Trump-era immigration program that forces asylum seekers arriving at the southwestern border to await approval in Mexico.

    The challenged program, known commonly as Remain in Mexico and formally as the Migrant Protection Protocols, applies to people who left a third country and traveled through Mexico to reach the U.S. border. After the policy was put in place at the beginning of 2019, tens of thousands of people waited in unsanitary tent encampments for immigration hearings. There have been widespread reports of sexual assault, kidnapping and torture.

    Soon after he took office, President Biden sought to end the program. Texas and Missouri sued, and lower courts have reinstated it, ruling that federal immigration laws require returning immigrants who arrive by land and who cannot be detained while their cases are heard.

  9. by oldedude on September 18, 2022 8:13 pm
    "I didn't put in pieces either? I have no idea what you mean by that."
    Exactly. You said you used the same article. I didn't see those items that I mentioned in your post. Therefore, you if I purposefully omitted things, the same rule would be used for you. Then your wife made her usual stupid remarks, so I responded. Goose/ gander.

  10. by Donna on September 19, 2022 2:50 pm

    I didn't hide the fact that it happened under Biden. You hid the fact that it also happened under Trump.

  11. by oldedude on September 19, 2022 3:57 pm
    Yeah. You did.

  12. by Donna on September 19, 2022 4:20 pm

    Opening paragraphs from my post on the Vineyard Gazette topic thread:

    "I didn't look for the post I made about 6 months ago (too tedious w/o a search function) but I did find the article I cited - a piece that appeared in the New York Post on 10/18/21. From that piece:

    Planeloads of underage migrants are being flown secretly into suburban New York in an effort by President Biden’s administration to quietly resettle them..."

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