When Curt shut down the old SS Forum and left us with The POST, I was going by the name Rube, in mocking tribute to the sanctimony of the "Blue MAGA progressive Swampcultists" who were, in the the latter days of the Forum, regularly calling people who didn't adhere to the rigid progressive creed, "Rubes."
When I began to register to participate in The POST, SS wouldn't allow me to be pb. I tried Rube. It rejected that, too. Curt tried to help but nothing he suggested worked, so, out of the blue, I dubbed myself, HatetheSwamp.
Many have been the moments since then that I've concluded that I dubbed wisely.
In my life, there are many loves. But, as is true of all the posters here who live boldly in their subjectivity, even if they deny it...po and isle most prominently...there are hates. The hates give prominence and power to the loves.
I despise Trump. I think that Trump is despicable. I post that reality on SS more than any sentiment.
Trump incarnates all of the worst in American political discourse. He's self-centered. He's rude. He's arrogant. He's judgmental. He belittles his opponents and sometimes his less than fervent allies. Trump’s a bully. He demands compliance, submission and subservience of those who'd be his followers.
pb despises all of that. All of it is despicable.
However, as much as all of that is true about Donald Trump, much more than pb hates Trump, pb hates the Swamp.
And, pb fears the Swamp.
pb is stunned by all of the unabashed outright evil of the Swamp...all of its shameful deeds, performed to beat down Donald Trump as well as the people who embrace him.
Why the hate of the Swamp? Because Trump had the audacity not to kowtow to it, not to join it, not to become a cog in its evil...
More and more, pb's convinced pb's been bang on in calling the progressive branch of the Swamp, "Good Germans."
The sins of the Swamp against Trump are many. Those sins are greater than any Trump, and his followers have been convicted of.
As you progressive Swampcultists here have demonstrated, you're happy to join in Swamp sins. In that, you are truly despicable.
pb assumed that he'd never witness, in this country, the travesty that is the J6 Committee. Gossip. Rumor. Hearsay. Broadcast in prime time...with the cooperation of a big-timer of broadcast network TV and the Democrat Party with a few "good Jew" GOPs as the face of the Show Trial.
The J6 Committee is not about J6. It's an inquisition. For a few minutes, it focused on the brave and valiant members of the Capitol security team. Then, gave less attention to the riot and the actual rioters.
It attempted to be about Trump and what he did. And, even pretending gossip and rumor and hearsay are evidence, the Committee couldn't make a case.
Now, the Committee is trying to make a big deal out of what Trump DIDN'T DO for about three hours.
The Committee is un-American. Period.
What offends pb and scares him is not what the partisans on the Committee are doing. What scares me is how maniacally and universally Blue MAGA progressive Swampcultists praise it.
Then, there's the unprecedented invasion of Trump's home, including his wife's personal living space and his teenage son's bedroom.
pb takes as a given the likelihood that Trump took possession of documents that he should not possess. Still, even the most hateful Trump critics are not suggesting that he's using them in a treasonous way.
pb gets that there's some probability that Trump is wrong here. But, even if the worst that's being reported by the NYT and Wapo and HuffPo and MSNBC, et.al., is true, this invasion is without any justification.
The scary part about the raid is the enthusiasm with which Blue MAGA progressive Swampcultists are cheering it. Those Good German American progressives commit the most egregious sin of all, cheering this abuse of fairness in thetreatment of Trump and his family.
So, pb despises Trump. pb says regularly that Trump is despicable. But, gang, as much as Donald Trump represents what's bad in American politics, the Swamp is, precisely and exactly, the absolute worst...and its behavior is becoming, by the day, an increasingly vicious threat to the way of life defined by our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and, particularly, the American Bill of Rights.
pb hates the Swamp. With the best of reasons.
Those of you who support its persecution of Trump and who hate his supporters? You're doing an evil and dangerous thing.