Let’s be clear on this. None of these government documents are his to have taken…. A lot of the former president’s problems are of his own creation. Under the Presidential Records Act of 1978, you cannot take original documents out of the White House with you when you leave the White House, whether you’re the President of the United States or any of his aides.
Perhaps this'll give pb a chance to clarify his take on this fiasco.
pb has never defended Trump in this mess. pb's only attacked the Biden Administration’s outrageous Big
Brother/banana republic behavior.
pb doesn't know the law any better than all of you TDSers here but he knows that the Swamp tried to nail Trump, presumably, for treason, in the Russiagate plot, now the TDS certainty that Trump orchestrated an insurrection is ending with the claim that he absconded with a few sheets of paper.
pb thinks that in the scope of things, the administration of the sitting President ain't gonna charge his chief rival with a crime related to holding on to government documents...unless...there's a very serious crime connected to what, in this case, Trump was doing with the documents.
"If he ain’t a spy, not gunna fly."
I know that "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" himself has TDS and that he despises the whole MAGA crowd of tens of millions of people...
...but, pb is confident that, at some point, before it's too late, someone with sanity in the White House will make President Clouseau's gang see sense.
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