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Crime selectors, pages, etc.
Before I explain why you are wrong, why are you cultists so confident that Trump won't be convicted?
By Curt_Anderson
August 31, 2022 3:51 pm
Category: Crime

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"Trump's not going to be convicted of a crime. If Garland is truly insane, he may seek an indictment. He may even get one, but, take it to the bank, by the time this mess is ultimately resolved, Trump’s will not be found guilty of a crime." --HtS

I've read here that having the opinion that Trump is in very deep doo-doo over the Mar-a-Lago mishandled classified documents is an indication of TDS. Btw, I know what they mean by TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), but I believe it's more appropriate as label for the MAGA crowd.

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Comments on "Before I explain why you are wrong, why are you cultists so confident that Trump won't be convicted?":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on August 31, 2022 4:29 pm


    I think you're letting your TDS carry you away. Either the DOJ and/or the FBI are inundating the progressive SwampMedia with leaks of their side of the story. And, you're eatin it up like a kid devouring a hot dog at a baseball game.

    You're acting like po does, reaching for the noose without considering Trump's side of the story.

    Swampcult progressives thought they had him over Russia, then his planning of the insurrection. Nuthin. Not even close.

    pb was careful to note: "by the time this mess is ultimately resolved, Trump’s will not be found guilty of a crime." That means that by the time appeals are exhausted.

    I don't think that you appreciate how banana republic it is for a sitting President’s DOJ to put his chief rival on trial. Unless Trump's crime is extremely serious, more serious than your Big Brother gang is leaking, I just can't see it.

    If there's espionage, string im up. But, short of that...

    The notion is outrageous.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on August 31, 2022 5:02 pm
    Past performance does not predict the future. Al Capone was pretty good at beating the "rap" too. That is until the Feds got him on income tax evasion.

    As for Trump's side of the story, he has attempted various stories none of which stand up to even casual scrutiny: He claimed that he unilaterally declassified documents. He claimed the FBI planted documents. He claimed that he already returned the classified documents. He claimed that he cooperated fully with the National Archives and the DOJ prior to the warranted search. He claimed that the secured the classified documents.

    Some of his defenses contradict and undermine his other defenses. His various actions and statements indicate that Trump knew that the documents were classified. So he cannot rely on his go-to "subjective belief" defense.

    His "I declassified it all" excuse is especially problematic. It would be treasonous to declassify and disclose the "HumInt", (clandestine human intelligence, aka identities of our spies).

    He can't pass the buck and blame somebody else for mishandling the classified information. What's he going to do? Blame the maid or Eric?

    Even his lawyers, especially Kristina Bobb, are in trouble for putting her signature on a legal document claiming that after a "diligent search" of Mar-a-Lago all classified information was returned. As the new photo indicates that was false. Now what is she going to say? That the documents were scattered all over Mar-a-Lago and that's why she missed about 100 top secret documents? Or will she turn on Trump and say she took his word for it that there were no more classified documents?

  3. by Donna on August 31, 2022 5:12 pm
    It's funny watching these Trump deadenders deny the obvious.

  4. by islander on August 31, 2022 5:17 pm

    Curt, I agree with you 100% , I've always seen the irony and had to chuckle at the MAGAS use of the the term TDS as it so aptly fits themselves. Trump exploited them from the beginning, when he said at the start of his campaign that he could go down into the street right now and shoot someone and he wouldn't lose a single vote he was right !! He knew he had them even back then.

    I clearly see the illusory world they live in when I read their posts here. Even their idea that Trump's crimes are really nothing goes right along with believing that going down and shooting a person in the street is not something serious enough to turn them away from their leader.

    Hate, for example, shows that he has no real understanding of the seriousness of what Trump has done. He brushes it aside with a wave of the hand.

    Hate, I would urge you to click on this link and take just a few minutes to read what is really going on and what all this means especially pay attention to the part about National Defense material.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on August 31, 2022 5:33 pm

    Hate, for example, shows that he has no real understanding of the seriousness of what Trump has done. He brushes it aside with a wave of the hand.

    pb does no such thing.

    You, and you're all deranged by your Trump hate, feed yourself on leaks dumped on the SwampMedia as if that's even fairly representative of the truth. You feed yourselves on the rantings of wacked out, Trump hating political commentators and ideologues passing themselves off as legal authorities. pb gets his perspective from academic sources.

    I've been ignoring the wackos.

    No President’s administration has ever done anything close to a leading political rival in American history. In Nazi Germany, yes. In Stalin's USSR, yup. In Putin's Russia, uhuh. In Mao's China?...

    In the good ol USA, until "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" shuffled into the White House, we've been above that.

    pb can't see Trump being convicted.

  6. by Curt_Anderson on August 31, 2022 5:54 pm
    The reason that we have information (you call it "leaks") about what happened earlier this month in Mar-a-Lago is because of Trump's loquacity---he's a blabbermouth. Normally it's not public knowledge when a search warrant is executed. Trump publicized the FBI search because he (and you) believed that it would generate public sympathy. That was the cause of DOJ's public responses. Trump and his team have made public arguments so the DOJ has made public responses in kind.

    It is a lame argument to say that no previous past president has been prosecuted like Trump. No past president has been a sociopathic lawbreaker like Trump.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on August 31, 2022 6:24 pm

    Trump didn't leak this morning's pictures of the documents seized in the raid.

  8. by Curt_Anderson on August 31, 2022 6:36 pm
    The reason that DOJ released that photo along with their filing is because Trump asked for it. He publicly demanded that the court provide a special master. The DOJ argued against it. He's been shooting himself in the foot demanding the warrant, the affidavit and other DOJ court filings be released publicly.

    I am not the first one to notice Trump's self-destructive approach to his legal woes. See the front page of the New York Times:

    Analysis: Trump Unwittingly Gave Justice Dept. an Edge in Document Fight
    Former President Trump may have thought that he was playing offense when he asked for an independent review of the documents found at Mar-a-Lago.
    Instead, it was as if he cracked open a door, allowing the Justice Department to push past him and initiate a blistering counteroffensive.

  9. by oldedude on August 31, 2022 7:54 pm
    I'm not sure whom your talking to. I know I've never said it, as I haven't made final conclusions without actual evidence. There hasn't been any to date. The only thing I've talked about are next steps and legal aspects of the case. Many of which bring up logical questions to those that actually understand the constitution. And that isn't political. I've sided with the DOJ a couple of times. Admittingly, not often because I honestly don't believe they support any of America's Constitutional ideals.

  10. by Curt_Anderson on August 31, 2022 8:25 pm
    We in the public have seen and heard a lot of evidence regarding the Mar-a-Lago case. Testimony is a type of evidence. They may not be under oath, but let's stipulate that Trump's self-incriminating statements are true.

    Today he complained about the FBI photo of top secret documents taken on the floor of his office. He doesn't deny their authenticity. He doesn't deny he had them even though his lawyer swore under oath that all classified documents were returned last June. He tries to excuse their being in his office by saying "I Declassified!” He even admits that those classified documents should be secured and confidential, saying "Thought they wanted them kept Secret?"

    Going back to his "Lock her up!" rallies, he has repeatedly stated he knows how to handle classified documents. So he cannot plead ignorance of classified document procedures now.

  11. by Ponderer on September 1, 2022 6:49 am

    Hate is still falling all over himself defending his Glorious Mango Messiah still I see. He never lets up. Such abject dedication! And he doesn't even understand that he's doing it! Or is simply loathe to admit it.

    If only he could be as dedicated and supportive of the United States of America, the Constitution, and democracy as he is for this career felon he wants so badly to see walk scot-free.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on September 1, 2022 7:02 am

    Hate is still falling all over himself defending his Glorious Mango Messiah still I see. He never lets up.

    po, pb didn't initiate this. pb was replying to Curt.

    And, po, pb has said nary a word about Trump’s guilt. He's not defending him, and never has.

    pb has noted, from the beginning of this ridiculous drama, that the current President’s DOJ has NEVER, EVER, raided the panty drawer of the his chief rival's wife. pb thinks that the raid is an abomination. He thinks it's a threat to the integrity of our constitutional republic.

    But, defend OrangeMan? Uh uh. pb supports Ron DeSantis for President. He'd love this to come to something but...

    ...pb can't see it.

    But, po, pb thinks your TDS is the cutest he's ever seen.

  13. by oldedude on September 1, 2022 7:28 am
    Lead- so I'm going to ask the same question I asked earlier, and no one is answering me. All I want is for the FBI/DOJ/Administration/ Congress is to act in accordance with the constitution. That's it. I've said it three times now. If this were reversed, and biden were in this, I would defend him the same way. I'm not picking sides. I'm demanding they run this lawfully. They've had a lot of issues with that since Trump came down the staircase in NYC.

    I think they're making up fictional arguments just to have someone to blame for the voices in their little heads.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on September 1, 2022 7:35 am

    I've said it three times now. If this were reversed, and biden were in this, I would defend him the same way. I'm not picking sides.

    Exactly! And, that's the difference between the two of us and the others here.

    Though, I think you are taking sides, in a way, and so am I. We're both on the side of the Constitution...which allows us to be able to act the same way if this were reversed.

    It's how we could get vaxed and wear masks but not support mandates and shut downs.

    You and I are people of principle. Sadly, I think, the others here have TDS. They are people of hate.

  15. by Ponderer on September 1, 2022 7:48 am

    "po, pb didn't initiate this. pb was replying to Curt." -Hate reflexively defending your Mango Messiah from Curt's accusations. Yes. I know that already. I never said you started anything, Mr. Strawman Obfuscator. I was commenting on your incessant and selfless, brain-dead defense of your cult's leader.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on September 1, 2022 9:06 am

    pb ain't defending Trump.


    Otoh, he will not join the lynch mob you and the other Swampcultists want to set up.

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