by oldedude on August 19, 2022 8:38 am
Naw.... I read it and there was no feeling at all. There was nothing from the government that even looked remotely illegal. He got caught. Like I said before, this is where the IRS money should be coming from. Not working stiffs that don't have the capability to have a team of 100 lawyers at their disposal. All the sheep here want Trump to be audited (for the money). Again, it's where the wealth is. I would start with the COVID money and what it was used for. We know there is a lot of money sitting there not used that need to help (especially) inner-city and rural school districts. This to me is a more reasonable way to spend that IRS money rather than going after middle class folks that just got a 9% pay cut through the bidenflation.
Having done these cases, I know it doesn't take much to actually make them stick. IF your DA will go through it. In CA, this money is considered a "victimless crime" since it's only money. I adamantly believe it does have victims.
If this case were mine as the analyst? No feeling. If there's a case, I'll tell my agents. If I don't have a case, I'll do the same. If I can see that money exchanged? I'll go for it. Layering, filtering, structuring. It's illegal.