Trump complained U.S. generals lacked the loyalty German generals showed Hitler, book says
By Curt_Anderson August 8, 2022 8:00 pm Category: Military (0.0 from 0 votes)
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Before anybody runs off halfcocked and accusing Trump of having authoritarian impulses, let's wait to for denials from military people and others who were in the room when Trump made the alleged statements. As soon as we hear the debunking of this story, let's link to it. Nothing yet? Hmm.
(CNBC)Former President Donald Trump complained to then-White House Chief of Staff John Kelly that American generals were not as loyal to him as he believed German generals had been to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, according to a new book about Trump’s tenure in office.
“You f---ing generals, why can’t you be like the German generals?” Trump asked Kelly, a retired Marine Corps general, according to an excerpt published online Monday in the New Yorker of the book, “The Divider: Trump in the White House, 2017-2021.”
“Which generals?” Kelly replied.
“The German generals in World War II,” Trump responded, according to the excerpt of the book, which was co-authored by New York Times White House reporter Peter Baker and New Yorker staff writer Susan Glasser. Doubleday is publishing the book in September.
“You do know that they tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off?” Kelly said, according to the book excerpt.
Trump then said, “No, no, no, they were totally loyal to him,” the excerpt said.
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