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List of Tax Hikes in Democrat Reconciliation Bill
By HatetheSwamp
August 8, 2022 9:29 am
Category: Politics

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This is stifling! Just read the bold print headlines in the article. Ultimately, much of this tax stuff will, inevitably, trickle down. These are regressive taxes on the poor.

Clearly, you Dems love to watch Big Brother grow and crush the little guy, and, uh, doll.

This is what you voted for. Thanks a bunch!

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Comments on "List of Tax Hikes in Democrat Reconciliation Bill":

  1. by oldedude on August 8, 2022 11:27 am
    And adding to the IRS 58,000 exempted employees.

    "Yes, the Internal Revenue Service did buy nearly $700K in ammunition in early 2022"

    Why Are Federal Bureaucrats Buying Guns And Ammo? $158 Million Spent By Non-Military Agencies

  2. by Donna on August 9, 2022 12:31 am

    Our ruling

    Laxalt said the Democratic bill would "increase taxes on millions of Americans across every income bracket."

    An analysis by Congress’ Joint Committee on Taxation did find that every income group would lose ground from the bill’s tax changes — approximately 1%.

    However, this analysis didn’t factor in the ways ordinary Americans would gain from the bill, including subsidies for energy efficiency and clean energy, the continuation of expiring subsidies under the Affordable Care Act and lower drug prices because of Medicare negotiations. Independent experts expect these benefits to cancel out, or reverse, the bill’s tax impacts.

    Characterizing the bill as a blanket tax hike obscures how the prescribed taxes would be levied directly on very large corporations and high-earning money managers. The impact on ordinary Americans comes from difficult-to-measure secondary effects.

    The statement is partially accurate but leaves out important details, so we rate it Half True.

    Entire analysis at link below.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on August 9, 2022 3:48 am


    I watched the Sunday morning shows after the Dems announced that Manchin and Chuck You announced their deal. Manchin talked himself hoarse repeatedly claiming that there'd be no taxes that touched anyone except corporations making over a $billion.

    Clearly, he lied.

  4. by oldedude on August 9, 2022 6:30 am
    Donna- I agree there were some really good pieces that should, by any measure, been passed. The issue is all the trash the dims put in it. Did you see the one post with the goals of LWO. This is not a dig or anything else. I think you'll find them interesting.

    One of the issues is the 58,000 IRS agents are specifically to look at people making under $200,000. I'm pretty sure that includes all of us on this site. The dims even said it was set up to audit the middle class. This is the class that doesn't have the money to fight the IRS. They don't have the money for legal fees. As proven by the IRS under obomber, the IRS cannot be trusted to provide uniform application of the law.

  5. by Ponderer on August 9, 2022 6:37 am

    olde dude, why do you believe that people making under $200,000 a year should be allowed to get away with cheating on their taxes?


  6. by oldedude on August 9, 2022 6:54 am
    It's the targeting I oppose. And, as Lois proved, if you have an "R" next to your name, you're fucked. Legal or not. It's nothing more than chickenshitting the people they don't like.

    And what's the end result? A couple of hundred bucks after all that? You spend more hours paying some GS7, with benefits about 10 times more than what you're getting. It's a stupid fiscal policy.

  7. by Ponderer on August 9, 2022 6:58 am

    So olde dude, why do you believe that people making under $200,000 a year should be allowed to get away with cheating on their taxes?


  8. by HatetheSwamp on August 9, 2022 7:21 am


    It stuns me that you're not cautious about increasing the outreach of the IRS, a band of bureaucrats enabled to operate among our citizens without regard to due process.

    Please, please, please, please, please!!!!! Read Nineteen Eighty-four.

  9. by oldedude on August 9, 2022 7:22 am

    AND I believe there's a reason why they are targeting people. I know you love third world shithole legal systems built by dystopian dictators, so this will be fine for you.

    And of course, you hate small businesses, and families trying to make it, especially to pay medical bills. Unlike you, not everyone can pay for their bills that come up suddenly. They have to put their pain aside just to feed their families.

  10. by Ponderer on August 9, 2022 8:13 am

    "[Blah, blah, blah, irrelevant nonsense, blah, blah, made-up baloney, blah, blah, lies about me, blah, blah, blah...]" -olde dude

    I get it. I understand that you think that people making under $200,000 a year should be allowed to cheat on their taxes.

    I'm just trying to find out why you believe that. Can't you shed some light on that for me?

  11. by Donna on August 9, 2022 8:35 am
    "It's the targeting I oppose. And, as Lois proved, if you have an "R" next to your name, you're fucked. Legal or not. It's nothing more than chickenshitting the people they don't like." - od

    That sounds exactly like the kind of persecution complex nonsense I hear from woke lefties.

    Just pay your taxes for fuck's sake.

  12. by oldedude on August 9, 2022 10:58 am
    I do pay my taxes for fucks sake. Just because I do, doesn't keep me from an "audit" as Lois Lerner showed. I hope for the day the government gets turned over and puts in their computer, "males or females claiming same sex spouse." And I won't really give a shit because that's not me.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on August 9, 2022 12:10 pm


    "Biden’s big spending bill takes $80B of OUR money to hire more IRS agents ... to take more of OUR money and snoop on what we share on Venmo/Cash apps. They're not going after the wealthy. They're coming for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and hardworking Americans."

  14. by oldedude on August 9, 2022 12:38 pm
    "That sounds exactly like the kind of persecution complex nonsense I hear from woke lefties."

    There you go again, You don't give a shit about anyone else, but you expect everyone to listen to whine like a stuck pig in it's own muck.

  15. by oldedude on August 9, 2022 4:43 pm
    Also, remember it's the same people that were just concerned about their children and are not listed as "domestic Terrorist" by DOJ by request of pedojoe. At the same time, pedojoe told these parents the kids weren't theirs, they were the "schools," they are "ours."

    It runs completely in line with your bible at the LWO.

  16. by Donna on August 9, 2022 7:45 pm
    My 1986 federal tax return was audited. I didn't whine about it - I just calmly cleared up the matter.

    Turns out the IRS was wrong. My tax return was fine. A year later the state of CA questioned my 1986 state return. I told them the matter was already resolved and to contact the feds and I never heard anymore about it.

    The controversy was over how I reported my winnings from The Price Is Right when I won the showcase. My uncle who was a CPA told me that I only needed to report the fair market value of the prizes, which totaled about $23K according to Goodson Todman Productions. I called stores that sold the same items and determined that the fair market value was about $19K, and reported that amount on my return instead of $23K. The IRS said I was wrong, so I hired a lawyer who sent a protest to the IRS, and I won.

  17. by oldedude on August 9, 2022 8:19 pm
    Did they audit you because you were a trans person? Were you being targeted? That's the difference.

  18. by oldedude on August 9, 2022 8:22 pm
    So you "hired a lawyer." Good for you. You have the money to do that. Most small businesses don't. I know you don't give a shit about them, but I actually like hard working people that are just trying to make it better for their kids.

  19. by Donna on August 9, 2022 9:51 pm
    I didn't have much money. The lawyer didn't spend much time on it. It cost very little.

    I wasn't even thinking about transitioning in 1986.

    I think it was a 1099 from Goodson-Todman Ptoductions that I had to file with my tax return. One would think that the IRS would know that it was perfectly legal to use the fair market value.

    Years ago I investigated the conspiracy theory about the IRS supposedly targeting Republicans. Like most conspiracy theories, there's no truth to it.

    If you're honest on your tax return, you have nothing to fear even if you're audited.

  20. by oldedude on August 10, 2022 2:52 am
    "Years ago I investigated the conspiracy theory about the IRS supposedly targeting Republicans. Like most conspiracy theories, there's no truth to it."

    You were lied to. Even Lois said it happened. 90% of the "audits" were done on conservative groups. That is, until they were handed up. Only then did they start with left wing groups. By the time your stats were taken, it "appeared" to be non-existent.

    The left has done a major job of "rewriting" history. Curt and I have had this discussion several times. It's the same with Fauchi. He was the one that put off closing the Bath houses which was a huge issue for spreading AIDs.

    The Civil War was also rewritten. Now, Shermans March to the Sea were a "series of minor battles." They refuse to use the word Siege, which is far more accurate. They also rewrite it that it wasn't a siege and the people had plenty of food. The "plenty of food" were rats (if you ate the dogs, the rat infestation would over run the city), and they were living in cold caves that were built to store food.

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