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Just try having hay fever in the Biden economy!
By HatetheSwamp
August 8, 2022 9:19 am
Category: President

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I was out to go to my physical therapy session today and decided to run over to Walmart while I was out.

We needed some fruit and a few kitchen cleaning items...

AND...I've got my allergies. (We are surrounded by corn field.) Evie has either a summer cold or another round of BA.5 Covid, with lots of sniffles.

We reeeeeeeeally needed tissues.

And, AGAIN! It's been the case every time we've gone to restock...and, it happens often...the cupboard was pret'near bare. AND, only the most expensive options.

These days, we usually buy groceries on line, make an appointment to pick them up and have a store worker place them in our trunk.

But, every time pb actually walks into a store and sees the price increases and all the empty and mostly empty spots on the shelves, his confidence in a red wave is restored.

Walking into Walmart is like watching a GOP election ad!

The Dems' absolute control over the innocent among us has to be broken!

And, it will.

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Comments on "Just try having hay fever in the Biden economy!":

  1. by Donna on December 13, 2022 3:13 pm


  2. by Curt_Anderson on December 13, 2022 3:31 pm
    Camrade HtS yearns for a state-run economy. How dare the capitalists at Walmart set their own prices and allow their suppliers to stock the shelves.

  3. by oldedude on December 13, 2022 3:43 pm
    This is a nation-wide problem. Especially with the RSV and children. It's really hard to get almost any meds for them. Paper products are another issue. Everyone is looking "forward" to the shipping issues and are starting to gobble up any paper products possible.

    And of course, baby's milk is STILL an issue. We got a call last night to see if we had any of my daughter in law's milk left. there was a 4 month old that hadn't eaten in 18 hours because of an allergy to the milk the mom had to get instead of her usual because they hadn't had any of that brand for awhile.

    I didn't ask about the feeding situation with mom, or if mom was alive or anything. I offered to drive to Tampa at midnight to drop it off, or to go this morning if anything would help. It turns out they picked up the milk about 1am because they were picking up a few others in our area.

    We bought a freeze-dryer a couple of years ago. Next week, we're cutting a whole ham up to freeze dry and put in to mylar for storage. My wife and I agreed that we needed a 1 year amount of the things that are a routine shortfall.

    Welcome to the new "norm" in the land of "plenty." Saul would be proud of pedojoe!

  4. by Donna on December 13, 2022 3:49 pm

    We had trouble finding flu meds a couple of weeks ago. They were completely out of liquid Ny Quil and I got lucky and bought the last bottle of Coricidin.

    What do you think Biden should do sbout it, od? I haven't heard any Republican politicians offer any suggestions either.

  5. by oldedude on December 13, 2022 7:46 pm
    About this? Unfuck the diesel issue. He knew this was coming up when he sold off the national stock reserve and pedojr made a few million dollars.

    The baby formula is more of an actual issue. This will murder babies (although the left doesn't care, it's just more parts to sell). They knew in mid-SEPTEMBER there was an issue and did absolutely NOTHING about it. And mother's milk from a known source, is going for hundreds of dollars a day. Here's a timeline for the first few months. Remember this is September of LAST year.

    September 20
    The FDA learns of an infant who contracts a Cronobacter infection after they consumed baby formula produced at Abbott Nutrition’s Sturgis, Michigan, facility. According to the FDA, the department “immediately reported this case to Abbott Nutrition and immediately followed up on the complaint, including testing formula associated with this case complaint. No Cronobacter was recovered from the product after FDA testing.”

    October 19
    The date on the whistleblower report that details allegations of negligent cleaning practices and efforts from officials at Abbott to keep the FDA from learning about safety problems at the Sturgis plant.

    October 19 and 20
    According to House Appropriations Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro, a Connecticut Democrat, this is the day the whistleblower report was submitted to the FDA.

    October 21
    This is the day the FDA received the whistleblower complaint from a confidential informant electronically, according to congressional testimony. They said the “(c)omplaint is reviewed by multiple FDA staff. FDA acknowledges receipt. FDA begins planning for an inspection at Abbott Nutrition’s Sturgis facility.”

    October 26
    According to the FDA, the FDA Detroit District Office receives a hard copy of the whistleblower complaint. The FDA says that leadership did not receive direct copies of the complaint due to an isolated failure in the FDA’s mailroom, likely due to Covid-19-related staffing issues.

    November 16
    CNN reports that Walgreens, which operates more than 9,000 locations across the United States, said demand for infant formula is increasing nationwide while its suppliers are struggling to quickly meet orders.

    “(This) may cause temporary and isolated shortages,” Emily Hartwig-Mekstan, spokesperson for Walgreens, said at the time.

    December 1
    The FDA learns of the second case involving an infant with Cronobacter infection. The FDA says in its congressional testimony the department “again collected intact samples of powdered formula,” and no Cronobacter was recovered.

    December 6
    The FDA begins planning for an inspection at Abbott’s Sturgis facility with an anticipated date in early January 2022. The FDA notified Abbott of the planned inspection on December 30. According to the FDA, Abbott Nutrition responded by telling the FDA of approximately a dozen Covid-19-positive employees in its facility. The FDA says it delayed its inspection until January 31.

    December 7
    According to the FDA, the agency requests to interview the confidential informant who submitted the whistleblower report, “but due to scheduling limitations associated with the informant, the interview was not scheduled until December 22, 2021.”

    December 22
    According to the FDA, the agency interviews the whistleblower. The FDA says “this information informs the inspection that occurs in January 2022.”

    January 11
    The FDA says it learns of a third infant who contracted Cronobacter illness on January 11. Remember, the FDA has not yet inspected the Sturgis facility because of Covid-19 cases. Again, the FDA tested the Abbott product associated with this illness, found no Cronobacter and notified Abbott Nutrition, it said.

    January 31
    FDA says it finally begins inspection of Abbott Sturgis facility after delays.

    February 14
    Dr. Janet Woodcock, the then-acting commissioner of the FDA, received the whistleblower report via email, according to congressional testimony.

    February 15
    The Senate votes to confirm Dr. Robert Califf as the next commissioner of the FDA, despite opposition from some Democrats regarding his ties to the pharmaceutical industry.

    February 17
    The FDA learns of a fourth case of Cronobacter infection in an infant on February 17, the same date on which Abbott Nutrition initiated a voluntary recall and FDA issued a consumer advisory.

    The FDA also requests that FMI, the Food Industry Association, “asks retailers to limit sales to no more than five cans of baby formula per shopper.”

    February 23
    US Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service learns of the formula recall and immediately begins working to both notify state agencies administering the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) and provide the flexibilities needed to ensure families can get the formula they need.

    February 24
    Russia invades Ukraine. According to the FDA, “This leads to additional uncertainty in the infant formula supply chain as Ukraine is a major exporter of sunflower oil, an ingredient used in many infant formulas.” This is also the next shortage the FDA is worried about.

    March 18
    The FDA’s Sturgis plant inspection and related sampling activities finally conclude.

    April 1
    The FDA creates its intra-agency working group on baby formula, according to congressional testimony.

    April 8
    Abbott says it responded to the FDA’s inspection findings, according to congressional testimony.

    May 9
    Then-White House press secretary Jen Psaki is asked for the first time about concerns about a formula shortage. She says the FDA is “working around the clock to address any possible shortage,” saying the agency is working with manufacturers to increase production, exercising flexibility and streamlining the import entry review process.

    May 11
    Abbott announces the company could restart its Sturgis plant within two weeks with FDA approval, which would put products onto shelves six to eight weeks later.

    May 12
    Biden holds virtual meetings with the leadership of retailers Target and Walmart, as well as formula manufacturers Reckitt and Gerber.

    May 13
    Biden addresses the shortage for the first time during an event on American Rescue Plan funding.

    “I’ll answer the baby formula question because, all of a sudden, it’s on the front page of every newspaper,” Biden told a reporter, highlighting efforts to increase flexibilities in the WIC program and importation of formula from abroad. He said he spoke by phone with Walmart and other major distributors. “I think we’re going to be, in a matter of weeks or less, getting significantly more formula on shelves,” he said.

    Pressed on whether his administration should have anticipated the shortage sooner, he said, “If we’d been better mind readers, I guess we could have, but we moved as quickly as the problem became apparent to us. And we have to move with caution as well as speed, because we got to make sure what we’re getting is, in fact, first-rate product.”

  6. by oldedude on December 13, 2022 7:55 pm
    Soooooo. How about be aware of what the peons are doing? And if it's going to kill people, unfuck it. It really is that simple. should have worked on it seven months before it happened. You could have spun up Europe, which would be happy to oblige.

    The other thing is to look out for the average American citizen the same way you look out for your son (welcome to socialism).

  7. by oldedude on December 13, 2022 7:59 pm
    "Camrade HtS yearns for a state-run economy. How dare the capitalists at Walmart set their own prices and allow their suppliers to stock the shelves."

    If my daughter in law, and a few hundred thousand Cubans, Venezuelans, and Salvadorians want to teach you about "socialism," I'm sure they can educate you. Your kind are the ones they worry about. And they've lived through it before. Welcome to you supporting Saul. You're nothing more than a useful idiot.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on December 14, 2022 4:33 am

    Camrade HtS yearns for a state-run economy. How dare the capitalists at Walmart set their own prices and allow their suppliers to stock the shelves.

    Oy effin vey! Talk about the Rorschach effect! C'mon man, gimme a break, there, Curt! You think that pb, of all SS posters, wants Big Brother to manage the supply and pricing of facial tissues. pb's pointing out that the Biden economy is a disaster! Even with inflation now DOWN to 7-ish%, grocery prices still are up 12%! Tell me that that's a Putin Price Hike. Baha! No. Apparently, while Mayor Pete was on paternity leave, he destroyed the US supply chain.

    But, state-run!!!!!? pb!!!!!? Duh!

  9. by Donna on December 14, 2022 7:12 am

    I wasn't asking about a specific product shortage, but shortages in general. I didn't see a cogent answer in that long thing you posted on the baby formula shortage.

  10. by oldedude on December 14, 2022 9:17 am
    You mean the fact they knew about it in September, and did nothing about it until May? Eight months late? That doesn't raise any red flags for you? Apparently, you don't know anyone who has that issue. Even Jessica Tarlov, a diehard dim, is critical of this and the issues it created.

    The distilled oil products I've talked about several times before. pedojoe sold off our reserves knowing it was going to leave us short during the winter. Most of the oil knowingly went to china through pedojrs company. Things that are going to be severely impacted are especially distilled spirits; Heating oil, Diesel fuel (therefore, costs of all commodities will go up as their costs go up). This includes all food from meat to fresh fruit and vegetables, paper products, feed for livestock and fertilizer for crops (making their costs increase), other petroleum products (because of transportation costs). So basically, anything you don't grow or raise is going up. I've listed these things several times.

    What could we have done? Not close off lands that had prior drilling on them. Companies now have to reapply for permits. That process takes about 5 years from application to drilling. And if the land is available, the land to the sites is not. It makes no sense to apply for something you can't get to. He also put almost a complete stop to LPG, one of the cleanest energy sources readily available at this time.

  11. by Donna on December 14, 2022 7:34 pm


    "By the time BHR sold its share in 2019, Mr. Biden controlled 10 percent of the firm through Skaneateles L.L.C., a company based in Washington. While Chinese corporate records show Skaneateles remains a part owner of BHR, Chris Clark, a lawyer for Mr. Biden, said that he “no longer holds any interest, directly or indirectly, in either BHR or Skaneateles.” The Chinese records show that Mr. Biden was no longer on BHR’s board as of April 2020. Mr. Biden did not respond to requests for comment."

    If you're interested, you might want to look at this article, second link below.

    U.S. Selling Oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to the Highest Bidding Companies

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