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Netherlands climate fiasco
By oldedude
July 28, 2022 5:58 pm
Category: Business

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Dutch farmers dump manure, garbage on roads to protest planned emission reduction

Here's how the liberals do climate change.
The Dutch want to get their gasses in order.
They tell their major industry, the dairy farmers, they must reduce their gasses at a rate that will make the family farms go under.
The Dutch interior minister admits "a number" of family farms will go broke
Politicians do it anyway

"THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — Dutch farmers protested government plans to reduce nitrogen emissions by dumping manure and garbage Wednesday on highways and setting fires alongside roads — the latest actions in a summer of discontent. Police urged them to stop for safety reasons and were investigating who was responsible.

Traffic authorities said several roads in the central and eastern Netherlands were completely or partially blocked by the early morning blockades and fire services rushed to clear roads as traffic built up. Cleanup operations were expected to take hours on some roads.

By the end of the day, some roads were still not cleared, in part because some companies involved in the cleanup had received threats, said Diederik Fleuren, a spokesman for the the government’s roads and waterways organization Rijkswaterstaat.

“We are doing everything to clear the roads but … some contractors are being intimidated,” Fleuren told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. He said it was not clear when all the roads would be fully cleaned."

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Comments on "Netherlands climate fiasco ":

  1. by Donna on July 28, 2022 6:35 pm
    "Here's how the liberals do climate change." - olde dude

    Again, you're applying the American usage of the term "liberal" to Europe where it has the opposite meaning.

    In March 2021, centre-right VVD of Prime Minister Mark Rutte was the winner of the elections, securing 34 out of 150 seats.

    The VVD is generally seen as the most conservative of the major parties. As of February 2007 it had 22 seats in the Second Chamber. Under the European definition of liberal, the party is a right-wing entity within the Dutch political spectrum. It is a strong advocate of smaller government and a defender of individual freedoms.

    The Netherland's other political parties:

    Since suffrage became universal in 1917, the Dutch political system has been dominated by three families of political parties: Christian Democrats (currently the CDA), Social Democrats (currently the PvdA, and Liberals (currently the VVD).

    The Christian Democratic Appeal (Dutch: Christen-Democratisch Appèl, pronounced; CDA) is a Christian-democratic political party in the Netherlands. It was originally formed in 1977 from a confederation of the Catholic People's Party, the Anti-Revolutionary Party and the Christian Historical Union; it has participated in all but three cabinets since it became a unitary party.

    The Labour Party (Dutch: Partij van de Arbeid, abbreviated as PvdA, or P van de A,) is a social-democratic political party in the Netherlands. The party was founded in 1946 as a merger of the Social Democratic Workers' Party, the Free-thinking Democratic League and the Christian Democratic Union.

    The People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (Dutch: Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie, VVD) is a conservative-liberal political party in the Netherlands. The VVD, whose forerunner was the Freedom Party, is a party of the centre-right, which promotes private enterprise and economic liberalism.

  2. by oldedude on July 28, 2022 7:09 pm
    Perhaps, but there are three cities that run the country. These are made of either liberal young, or industrial and financial owners. The conservatives are conservatives, but for the most part they are our age and older and are dwindling in numbers.

    It's also about the act. The government is willing to put people out of work forever (and knows it) to do this. There is no middle ground. I've been following this for over a couple of weeks. Being Dutch, they brought their machinery to protest in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. They weren't even given an audience with any politicians in Amsterdam. They also really buggered up traffic in den Haag.

    "The Netherlands, the world's second-largest agricultural exporter, would have enough food to feed its population even without trade, according to a study by farm-economy researcher Landbouw Economisch Instituut."

    So now they're to this. Which is interesting because hay is usually a pretty valuable commodity. And the bullsht is pretty self explanatory. I expect their GDP to plummet if the government keeps this up.

  3. by oldedude on July 28, 2022 7:19 pm
    And no, I'm using a comparative Political view of the terms. Being a still active Monarchy, they're considered a welfare state, not a socialist state. So they are much like the rest of Europe. The difference is who owns the means of production. In the Netherlands, it's private ownership, but there is little generational movement up or down in the economic system. Of the EU, they are higher on the scale of liberalism, than say, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, etc.

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