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The bogeyman was wrong. There was no mass defunding of police.
By Curt_Anderson
July 28, 2022 11:38 am
Category: Government

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A study of budgets in over 400 American cities over the last 5 years shows that, despite persistent claims by politicians, pundits, and police unions, there was no mass defunding of police. Police departments got the same average cut of the city budget in 2021 as they did in previous years.

Our analysis of over 400 American municipal budgets found that police departments in America got more or less the same amount of money in 2021 than they did in the previous three years. The budget cuts that did pass in a handful of cities were modest compared to the size of the total budget.

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Comments on "The bogeyman was wrong. There was no mass defunding of police.":

  1. by Donna on July 28, 2022 11:55 am
    No surprise to me. As leftist as I am, and I know this will be a disappointment to olde dude, but I've always been opposed to defunding the police.

  2. by oldedude on July 28, 2022 3:59 pm
    Defund the Police? These Cities Said Yes

    "Law Enforcement has become a target in 2020. Media has seized every opportunity to demonize the entire law enforcement community, using isolated events to cast the entire system as being violent, corrupt, and irredeemably racist. Politicians and activist groups with an agenda to completely reshape the structure of this country didn’t let this crisis go to waste. The “Defund the Police” movement is a radical response, pushed by radical players, but the impacts were very real. The result was that many American cities defunded police or seriously considered re-allocating funds away from local police departments. Here are some of the major metropolitan areas whose governments voted to “Defund the Police”:

  3. by Curt_Anderson on July 28, 2022 4:33 pm
    I won't factcheck every city your site lists as police defunders. I'll take their number one city, which they call the epicenter of the defund police movement.

    (MPR)The Minneapolis City Council is scheduled to finalize the city’s $1.6 billion dollar budget Wednesday night with very few substantial changes from Mayor Jacob Frey’s budget proposal.

    While some community members have criticized the proposal for increasing the size of the police department's budget, council members have not shifted significant amounts of money away from the Minneapolis Police Department coffers.

    The 2022 budget represents a return to normal following some cuts last year and incorporates some federal pandemic assistance.

    One of the more controversial aspects of Frey’s proposal was a $27 million dollar increase in the Minneapolis Police Department’s budget for 2022.

    Every city in America, unlike the federal government, has an annual budget to adhere to. Sometimes a decrease in tax revenue requires that a city's departments, including police, get their budgets cut. Our town which relies on tourists had a bad couple of years because of fires and COVID, consequently the parks, road, police, fire and other departments had their budgets reduced. It happens. It's not a leftwing plot.

  4. by oldedude on July 28, 2022 5:36 pm
    So you're saying they defunded the police, found out it didn't work and gave them back money. Got it.
    The question is; are they going to support their police? Again, Biden got booed at the 9/11 memorial by the cops. That shows you something regardless of what you want to believe.

  5. by Curt_Anderson on July 28, 2022 6:02 pm
    That Biden was booed by some New York cops at the site of 9/11 had nothing to do with defunding the police. They were ignorant, misinformed and mad that we withdrew from Afghanistan. The American casualty count in Afghanistan since last September has been zero. Not to mention we're saving billions of dollars.

    We were there with the idea that we could turn Afghanistan into some semblance of a democracy. After 20 years the mission was not accomplished. I predict that the Taliban will implode and the chances of Afghanistan having a democracy are improved by our absence.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on July 28, 2022 6:16 pm

    They were ignorant, misinformed...

    Ain't we all!!!!!?

  7. by Curt_Anderson on July 28, 2022 6:35 pm
    Not all, and your numbers are dropping. This poll was taking late September 2021.

    Americans are divided over whether Biden seriously mishandled the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan (48%) or if he did the best he could in a bad situation (49%). At the same time, only 29% believe the current Afghan situation would have been better if the U.S. had postponed the withdrawal deadline until later in the year. Most Americans (62%) say the situation there would be the same no matter when we withdrew. Among those who feel Biden mishandled the situation, 47% say it would have been better if the U.S. pushed back its deadline while 42% say the situation would have been the same regardless.

  8. by oldedude on July 28, 2022 7:12 pm
    "That Biden was booed by some New York cops at the site of 9/11 had nothing to do with defunding the police. They were ignorant, misinformed and mad that we withdrew from Afghanistan."
    cite? Or are you a NYC cop now?

  9. by Curt_Anderson on July 28, 2022 7:31 pm
    Play the video on this page.

  10. by oldedude on July 28, 2022 9:48 pm
    Can't blame them much for that.

    Curt- So you agree that making the Taliban the third largest arms dealers in the world, and allowing them (or the chinese/ russians) to have access to our classified crypto machines. You agree with leaving Americans behind and putting every interpreter and their family on a hit list. The terp will be murdered, his wife and children will be sold in to slavery.Generally, they are sold in to the slave trade. I think it's really interesting that you have so little thought in this. To you, it's just something to bail out on. Oh, yeah, the thousands that served in that country. Their losers, so chalk that one up to your list of hated people. There was a way to do this without all of that being done, but many people are too small minded to think about others.

  11. by oldedude on July 28, 2022 9:51 pm
    Sorry, "they're"

  12. by Curt_Anderson on July 28, 2022 10:17 pm
    Trump announced our withdrawal from Afghanistan in February 2020 it was supposes to happen in the Spring of 2021 as long as there a ceasefire until then. So anybody there who had misgivings about the possibility of Taliban rule should have packed their bags. Besides the news reports, the State Department issued a half dozen warnings to leave.

    I don't consider the soldiers there over that 20 year period "losers". But you have to admit they were employed in a losing operation. Not every military action is a success. The war in Afghanistan cost about 6 trillion dollars. Considering that financial cost and the human cost of our being there, it seems to me that it was an abject failure.

    American service members killed in Afghanistan through April: 2,448.
    U.S. contractors: 3,846.
    Afghan national military and police: 66,000.
    Other allied service members, including from other NATO member states: 1,144.
    Afghan civilians: 47,245.
    Taliban and other opposition fighters: 51,191.
    Aid workers: 444.
    Journalists: 72.

    As for "a way to do it" regarding our departure, I doubt there is any surefire way to leave a war that isn't messy. Not everything is predictable. Even in the wars that we've won there have been American casualties after the surrenders and armistices. Besides the additional cost of lives and dollars, and the end of the ceasefire, what would be different if we waited longer to leave?

  13. by HatetheSwamp on July 29, 2022 6:08 am

    I swear, Curt, you are as much a true believer in "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" than the most bonkers Ultra-MAGA at any Trump rally.

    Fanaticism uses me.

  14. by Donna on July 29, 2022 7:09 am
    I loved reading Hts's point-by-point deconstruction of Curt's last post.

    For the record, I was always opposed to the US going into Afghanistan militarily. To me it was a no-brainer. I'm not at all surprised it became a debacle. Everything the US involves itself in militarily becomes a debacle.

    The one thing I applaud Trump for was his decision to pull the US out of Afghanistan and Syria.

    We should be spending those trillion$ improving the lives of Americans. Implementing a healthcare system that doesn't drive millions of Americans into the poorhouse would be a great start.

  15. by HatetheSwamp on July 29, 2022 8:49 am


    As you probably remember, Curt and I have been doing the point by point Afghanistan thing.

    But, there comes a time, with a True Believer, like with Blue Ultra-MAGA Curt, when it's, simply, time to pull bait.

  16. by Donna on July 29, 2022 9:02 am
    What countries do you think the US military should have a presence in now? I'm not talking about military bases. I mean occupation, combat, bombing, etc?

  17. by oldedude on July 29, 2022 1:13 pm
    My guess is that those cops that booed pedojoe knew a whole lot more and had actually stepped foot in that country. You are the ignorant, misinformed jackazz in this situation. These people have actually walked the ground, NOT been a fukking armchair quarterback like you.

    And yes, this confirms that you give no more thought to their lives as you do an ant you accidentally step on. So I take it back. You don't hate them. That's a feeling. You have none for them. So 22 veteran suicides a day and the crappest health care in the nation you never think about because you too self absorbed.

    Trump announced our withdrawal from Afghanistan in February 2020 it was supposes to happen in the Spring of 2021 as long as there a ceasefire until then. So anyboi there who had misgivings about the possibility of Taliban rule should have packed their bags. Besides the news reports, the State Department issued a half dozen warnings to leave.
    You'd be a complete moron to believe there is any hard and fast rule about running with our cowardly tails between our legsout of a country on the skids of your helicopters. Interesting though. The epic Biden fail was played over and over again daily on Russian TV. And then they had footage of Vietnam, then back to Kabul.
    You "assume" (and you know what that does), the people there are free to leave. Who in the fuk do you think the westerners are in that country? Tourists? Much to a really pissed off State Department, we left some of their assets IN COUNTRY because of what pedojoe did. These are people that are left because pedojoe had an artificial deadline and told people a week in advance. THere was no "plan" to this. They didn't even have airlift handled. CIA and military assets were in the same plane with people we knew nothing about. I am shocked one or mor of those planes didn't blow up in the air.

    I don't consider the soldiers there over that 20 year period "losers". But you have to admit they were employed in a losing operation. Not every military action is a success. The war in Afghanistan cost about 6 trillion dollars. Considering that financial cost and the human cost of our being there, it seems to me that it was an abject failure.
    I covered this. Just read it twice and it'll tell you what I think of that remark.

    "As for "a way to do it" regarding our departure, I doubt there is any surefire way to leave a war that isn't messy. Not everything is predictable. Even in the wars that we've won there have been American casualties after the surrenders and armistices. Besides the additional cost of lives and dollars, and the end of the ceasefire, what would be different if we waited longer to leave?"
    Inteesting, There is a way that would not be a total goatfuk.
    1. Plan 1 year in advance. Tell the Taliban that if any convoys are hit from this date, we will turn their training facilities in to dust and burn those things out and mean it. We've been there 20 years, we should have a lay of the land, etc. Why did we give them an airbase? That was fukking stupid.
    2. Start leaving from the outposts the enemy already control. It doesn't make a fukbit of difference if we leave. There are also well filters for the cynide the Russians put in the wells when they were there. Start a bet among drone operators. Hit the wells with small ATG missiles just to get rid of them. As we leave those bases, take your terps and other assets cleared through State Dept. If needed, the Air Force and Navy have HH 53's that will carry 35 at a time, or you can use Chinooks that will carry 55. All the classified goes with them. Anything left gets incinerated with WP and napalm.
    When the troops get to a drop off point from each FOB, the equipment is checked, cleaned, etc. Anything left also gets incinerated.
    3. When this is happening, start moving your operations centers out of country. Reduce the amount of local assets on base.
    4. As the ring gets smaller, you are taking equipment, weapons, ammo, classified, etc. At remote State Dept resources, give some of the drone operators some practice and blow those up also.
    5. So you keep doing this until you have the main base with a couple of POS vehicles and some office buildings you can take a dump in before you leave. You can also fly over with an A10 and dispose of those if you want. What gets taken out are three aircraft (C17), then a C130 to get the security team out.
    And my guess is that you got rid of at least 1 Taliban command center (because it's pedojoe and he's a pussy).

  18. by HatetheSwamp on July 29, 2022 1:34 pm

    What countries do you think the US military should have a presence in now? I'm not talking about military bases. I mean occupation, combat, bombing, etc?


    I don't think we should be bombing anyone.

  19. by Curt_Anderson on July 29, 2022 1:54 pm
    The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.

    If you don't like that agreement your gripe is with Trump, not Biden.

    The Trump administration kept to the pact, reducing U.S. troop levels from about 13,000 to 2,500, even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists into the Taliban leadership.

    Biden inherited the agreement. His choices were to fulfill the agreement or to prolong our presence there and increase the troop level to stay.

    Biden delayed that withdrawal by four months. The military brass had the responsibility to plan the details of our departure. They had a year and a half to think about all the contingencies including the collection and retrieval of assets.

    Yes, I do care about people. But I care more about their lives than the egos of those who had their feelings hurt because they were on the losing team. Since our departure about 8000 people--the annual death toll average for the last twenty years--did NOT die.

  20. by islander on July 29, 2022 2:07 pm

    OD should have gone to the Pentagon and showed his plans to Generals!

    We could have been out there years ago !!!

  21. by islander on July 29, 2022 2:10 pm

    Hate wrote: "I don't think we should be bombing anyone."

    Wow !!! Imagine that. We actually agree on something !👍

  22. by oldedude on July 29, 2022 4:36 pm
    First, quit making excuses for this pathetic POS. You're worse than the worse Trumpster.

    Biden was under no obligation to follow that timeline. At all. Period. Full Stop. It's part of their culture. Quit thinking like an ugly american. These murderers and rapists deserve better than you to make that decision for them.

    The "people" that booed pedojoe and hate you are also real people. For someone that has never served, and can't buy a clue, you talk about things you don't know anything about. It's clear you're exactly the "new liberal." Pale delicate white boy, educated in college, calls his frat house "a good preparation for the real world," and has been protected all "his" life. It's that frame of mind that veterans are subjugated to on a daily basis. Armchair privates passing judgements when they don't understand anything they haven't read in a fourth or fifth person letter who is also someone that hasn't gotten off their arse and even think about something like that.

  23. by oldedude on July 29, 2022 4:46 pm
    Curt- "Biden delayed that withdrawal by four months. The military brass had the responsibility to plan the details of our departure. They had a year and a half to think about all the contingencies including the collection and retrieval of assets."
    That was the exact wrong thing to tell me. It makes me even more pissed at this POS. Maybe the pentegon was remembering obomber and all the generals he fired? Whatever it was, this goatfuk should have never happened. Again. Don't make excuses for him. They had 3 (count'm, THREE) C17's for that whole group. That was all.
    OH, FYSA, Biden approves the plan. It's all up to him. HE is the "Commander and Chief."

    Since our departure about 8000 people--the annual death toll average for the last twenty years--did NOT die.

    And about 160+ have died by suicide. Give yourself a huge round of applause.

  24. by oldedude on July 29, 2022 4:49 pm
    That would be 160k+

  25. by Donna on July 29, 2022 4:51 pm
    Republicans would have found fault with Biden regardless of whether or not he honored Trump's committment to pull out.

  26. by HatetheSwamp on July 29, 2022 4:56 pm

    I doubt that, Donna.

    And, check RCP and 538. The Doddering Old Fart was still popular a year ago. America dumped him because of Afghanistan.

  27. by oldedude on July 29, 2022 5:07 pm
    I know a lot of military folks wouldn't have as long as he was honest (well, there's that political part). Even if he would have just said, "hey. my people are looking at the plan left with us for feasibility. It may take us longer than expected to get this done." Easy. That's a stand by to stand by.

    To the Taliban, "we're looking at this. You'll keep you people at bay. We'll get back with you, In shaa Allah. Have a nice day. Keep in touch with them as you start prepping those FOBs (don't tell the Taliban anything). Task much of the Special Operations Forces with a warning order they will be a big part of this.

  28. by Donna on July 29, 2022 11:00 pm
    I said Republicans would have found fault with Biden regardless of how he handled it.


  29. by HatetheSwamp on July 30, 2022 3:54 am

    I disagree, Donna.

    Check RCP and 538. The Flatulent Fool is the most unpopular President in history. There's plenty to chide the Former Truck Driver for legitimately. Thinking people don't have to manufacture reasons to oppose him. They already have too much to work with.

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