NEWSWEEK: Biden-Trump 2024 Rematch Is Almost Certain. Polls Indicate Trump wins
By HatetheSwamp July 20, 2022 4:55 am Category: President (0.0 from 0 votes)
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A Trafalgar Group poll conducted from July 11 to 14 showed Trump would defeat Biden in 2024, with the former president enjoying 47.9 percent support to Biden's 42.6 percent. That poll surveyed 1,085 likely general election voters.
A YouGov poll from July 8 to 11 among 1,261 registered voters showed Biden with a slight lead of 44 percent to Trump's 43 percent. But among 1,672 adults surveyed, Trump beat Biden with 40 percent to the president's 39 percent.
A Redfield & Wilton Strategies poll conducted on July 9 showed a similar result. Among the 1,078 likely voters surveyed, Trump enjoyed 43 percent support and Biden 41 percent.
It's amazing that, as the J6 Committee is televising hearings making it abundantly clear that OrangeMan is an arrogant SOB, that polls show him, at worst, slightly ahead of the Former Truck Driver in a projected 024 rematch. That Trafalgar poll has Trump waaaaaaaaaay ahead...and it's a poll of likely General Election voters.
Remember. The Electoral College being what it is, apart from vote fraud, if Trump loses the popular vote by 2 or 3 points, he wins. If that Trafalgar thing happens, in the Electoral College, we'd see an old fashioned Reagan landslide.
If polls continue to show these results, the smoke filled room will not let President Clouseau run for reelection.
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