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Government selectors, pages, etc.
Thursday's Primetime J6 Committee hearing
By HatetheSwamp
July 19, 2022 11:46 am
Category: Government

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Last-chance hearing: Jan. 6 committee has yet to establish a criminal case against Trump

The eighth and final scheduled hearing of the House Jan. 6 select committee is scheduled for Thursday, and its members reportedly will present a time line of events on that day, particularly the 187 minutes between the end of then-President Trump’s speech on the Ellipse and his call for supporters to leave the Capitol.

It will again replay moments from the horrific to the heroic. What it has not shown thus far, however, is what was promised at the outset: a clear criminal case against Trump.

At the start of the hearings, committee members promised they had the long-sought smoking-gun evidence — new material that would close the circle on Trump. Committee member Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) indicated he thought there was now “credible evidence” to support a variety of criminal charges. His colleague, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), said the committee would show that Trump organized a “coup” on Jan. 6, 2021.

No sooner had the hearings begun when many in the media declared that the criminal case had been conclusively proven — even though most of what was being presented was already generally known.

It often sounded more like a prayer than proof...

It is difficult to make a criminal case over what an official failed to do. Yet the last hearing seemed to focus on a number of things that did not occur, from a draft tweet that was not sent to an executive order that was never signed. There were discussions of appointing Trump attorney Sidney Powell as a special counsel, seizing voting machines or replacing the Justice Department’s leadership. As unnerving as these proposals were, they also were not carried out.

...again, it is a difficult criminal case to make, based on a layperson believing one set of lawyers over another. Former prosecutor and former senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) said of the hearings that “as a former prosecutor myself, everything that I’ve heard, I think it would be a very tough indictment to get.”

It is not even clear, after seven hearings, what crime we are discussing.

The Jan. 6 committee has made a case against Trump personally and politically. It has not done so criminally. This final scheduled hearing would be an excellent time for that promised case to be finally made.

No offense, gang, and not to rub it in, but this is pret'near what pb's been saying all along.

In pb-speak: The Committee has proved that Trump's an SOB, but, as far as a crimes concerned, WHERE'S THE BEEF!?

Anyway, because of scheduling issues, pb, almost certainly, won't be able to watch the hearing live. He'll probably even watch MORNING JOE's slobbering, groveling worshipful coverage of it before he watches a replay.

So, for now, here's to wishing all of us who think Trump is despicable well, whether or not we have TDS.

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Comments on "Thursday's Primetime J6 Committee hearing ":

  1. by Curt_Anderson on July 19, 2022 11:55 am
    Who says that the Jan. 6th Committee has a "last chance" Thursday? They haven't even submitted their interim report. After that they will issue their final report. They already said they may, if new information is uncovered, hold more hearings.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on July 19, 2022 12:05 pm


    My understanding is that this will be the final televised hearing.

  3. by islander on July 19, 2022 12:07 pm
    Capone's defense attorney,Fink "admonished the jurors to “not be swayed by the argument that the defendant is a bad man. He may be everything he is said to be, but do not for that reason find him guilty of something of which he has not been proven guilty.”

    On October 17, the trial’s last day ended with the prosecution’s rebuttal. U.S. Attorney George E.Q. Johnson requested the jury to “draw your own conclusion” about where the cash originated to pay for the money orders that enriched Capone. In answer to Fink’s summation, Johnson made perhaps the most enduring statement of the tax evasion trial of the infamous leader of a violent Chicago crime group who had served so little time behind bars.

    “Future generations will not remember this case because of the name Alphonse Capone, but because it will establish whether or not a man can go so far beyond that law as to be able to escape the law,” Johnson said."

    Sound familiar?

    We'll just have to wait and see if Johnson was right.


  4. by HatetheSwamp on July 19, 2022 12:27 pm


    I'll repeat...AGAIN...pb thinks Trump is despicable. pb supports Ron DeSantis for President. He wants OrangeMan outta here.

    I hope that the Committee is the first step in a journey that ends with Trump living out his life in the pokey.

    But, with all the hearsay and rumor and gossip packed into the Committee's hearings, pb's not hopeful.

    But, you? Keep a good thought.

  5. by islander on July 19, 2022 2:44 pm

    According to the polls and the people I know personally, the majority of the people on your side hope Trump beats any and all charges. And like you, they still think it was voter fraud by Democrats that made it possible for Biden to steal the election. And like you, they would vote for Trump a third time rather than vote for a Democrat/progressive.

    Al Capone was also a hero to many people back then, even though he was a gangster, a multiple-murderer, a thug, a racketeer, a kidnapper, a whore-master, a bootlegger and a tax cheat, among many other terrible things. 

    That didn’t matter because... ”On the other hand, Al Capone created an empire dealing in booze (which everybody wanted) when it was illegal, he was incredibly wealthy, even during the great depression, when most people struggled to make ends meet, he wore the finest suits, drove around in a bullet-proof Cadillac, had an army of vicious thugs at his beck and call, stood trial multiple times and walked away scott-free almost every time (until the last time), had enough money and influence to bribe prison officials as Eastern State Penitentiary into letting him equipped his prison cell with all the luxury and comfort of a suite at the Ritz-Carlton the one other time that he did go to jail, and he also pistol-whipped the mayor of Chicago on the steps of City Hall, in full view the public, the media and half the Chicago Police Department — and nobody even batted an eye! That's definitely not a hero, but to a lot of people having that kind of money, influence and power seems pretty damned cool! He did also open soup kitchens to feed Chicago's homeless at a time when there were more homeless and hungry people than ever.” * Russ Adams

    Sound familiar? As "you" of course know, there a plenty of people with that mindset, it's no different today today.

    Capone was someone, in their minds, who could beat “The Government”, what Trump and you call “The Swamp”. Even though they knew he was corrupt and responsible for the murders of countless people, they thought he would look out for and take care of “them” and their interests. Like Trump said, he could go down onto the street and shoot someone and not lose any of his supporters. 

You believe Trump, as despicable as you say he is, will look out for "your" interests.

    Even though I have philosophical differences with today’s Republican conservatives whose philosophy is based on Ayn Rand’s objectivism,/i>, I could bring myself to vote for a conservative Republican like Liz Cheney or Mitt Romney, over a Trump like “Democrat thug”...And no, neither Obama nor Biden is a Trump like thug. Even you know better than that.


By the way, to get a good idea as to how a gangster can, at the same time, be a hero to Trump voters, pick up ”Public Enemies” by Bryan Burrough

  6. by oldedude on July 19, 2022 5:15 pm
    "Who says that the Jan. 6th Committee has a "last chance" Thursday? They haven't even submitted their interim report. After that they will issue their final report. They already said they may, if new information is uncovered, hold more hearings."
    So that means the the little nancy doesn't get to answer questions about her millions of dollars she is going to make on her insider trading?

  7. by HatetheSwamp on July 20, 2022 1:51 am

    From the AP:

    The president didn’t do very much but gleefully watch television during this timeframe,” he added.

    Throughout its yearlong investigation, the panel has uncovered several details regarding what the former president was doing as a mob of rioters breached the Capitol complex. Testimony and documents revealed that those closest to Trump, including his allies in Congress, Fox News anchors and even his own children, tried to persuade him to call off the mob or put out a statement calling for the rioters to go home.

    At one point, according to testimony, Ivanka Trump went to her father to plead with him personally when those around him had failed to get through. All those efforts were unsuccessful.

    So, if the AP is correct, the Committee will fail to prove that Trump led an insurrection.

    I have no doubt that there will be vivid testimony demonstrating that Trump is an SOB. And we all always knew that.

    Still, it ain't over till the Wyoming lady no longer sings.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on July 20, 2022 3:32 am


    According to the polls and the people I know personally, the majority of the people on your side hope Trump beats any and all charges. And like you, they still think it was voter fraud by Democrats that made it possible for Biden to steal the election. And like you, they would vote for Trump a third time rather than vote for a Democrat/progressive.

    I'd say that a plurality of GOPs and antiSwampers favor Trump. pb supports Ron DeSantis for President.

    The latest poll I saw on the 020 election indicated that 52% of likely GOP voters believe that there was Dem fraud. The conviction of Dems in Texas and Arizona PROVES that Dems committed felonies to conduct vote fraud for the Doddering Old Fool. I think people of sense know that's merely the tip of the iceberg.

    pb himself is agnostic on whether or not the proved cheating stole through election. That will never be known.

    It's true. If the only choice that remains for me is to vote for Trump or a Dem, I'll vote for Trump...unless someone like Tulsi is the nominee.

  9. by islander on July 20, 2022 7:17 am
    ” The latest poll I saw on the 020 election indicated that 52% of likely GOP voters believe that there was Dem fraud”---Hate

    Don’t you think it’s surprising that only 52% think there was fraud in the election? Do you think it means that 48% of the GOP voters are naive and they don’t believe there was fraud in the election? Most reasonable people are well aware that cases of Republican and Democrat fraud have occurred in virtually every election including the last one. And of course we readily acknowledge that.

    ...OR...Do you mean something else? If so, what, exactly, do you mean?

    I suspect that you mean or are implying that 52% of GOP voters still believe there was enough Dem fraud to affect the election, and that Biden’s win was achieved only because of massive Dem election fraud and that Republican fraud was not sufficient to to give Trump the win.

    If you don’t believe that either, then I think you are simply one of those trying to introduce doubt into minds of the American people as to the legitimacy of our elections and our election process, which of course, if you are successful, would be the end of our Democracy.

    Arguing with you over the fact that there is not and never has been sufficient evidence of voter fraud from either side to change the election will always be as fruitless an endeavor as arguing with a Flat Earther.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on July 20, 2022 8:30 am

    Arguing with you over the fact that there is not and never has been sufficient evidence of voter fraud from either side to change the election will always be as fruitless an endeavor as arguing with a Flat Earther.

    I don't think that there will ever evidence that those Dem shysters who engineered the ballot harvesting that the authorities have prosecuted in Texas and Arizona stole the election.

    Personally, I believe it. No doubt, long after both of us assume room temperature, someone will do the research. My guess is that, were you still around, you'd be stunned to hear that 81 million Americans actually were not stupid enough to believe that Corn Pop story...or its story teller.

    ...but I'm at peace believing that we'll never know.

  11. by Curt_Anderson on July 20, 2022 10:17 am
    "Personally, I believe it. No doubt, long after both of us assume room temperature, someone will do the research.". --OD

    Unless a person has a room temperature IQ they would know that there has been zealous research done on the legitimacy of the last election. The election researchers include Trump's "all the best people" and the 52% of Republicans who believe the last election was rigged. Despite all that intellectual firepower they've lost 60 court cases and have come up short in a dozen or so recounts and forensic audits.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on July 20, 2022 10:52 am


    pb wrote that, not OD.

    pb doesn't believe that the election was "rigged." But, serious Dem vote fraud is a proven fact.

    Courts have convicted Dems for felonious ballot harvesting and overturned election laws. As the song says, "You can't take that away from me."

    You are credulous. You embrace every Blue Ultra-MAGA myth with all your heart.

    Here's some undeniable truth: The Former Truck Driver is President. His victory will always be tainted in the minds of tens of millions. And, next time around, GOPs will be on the lookout for Dems to repeat their ballot harvesting ruse.

    That's just fact.

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  13. by islander on July 20, 2022 11:13 am
    Hate wrote: "I don't think that there will ever evidence that those Dem shysters who engineered the ballot harvesting that the authorities have prosecuted in Texas and Arizona stole the election.

    Personally, I believe it"

    I hope I'm never in the position of being an innocent man tried by a jury made up of people like you.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on July 20, 2022 11:20 am

    Me, too. Bahahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh!

  15. by Curt_Anderson on July 20, 2022 12:23 pm
    HtS, whether you want to attribute Trump's election loss to a "rigged election" or "Dem vote fraud", you've got nothing. Nor did the DOJ find anything of sufficient magnitude that would change the election outcome.

    William P. Barr was a steadfast Trump ally. But in the Oval Office that afternoon, he had no solace to offer the president. He told Trump that claims of 2020 voter fraud were “complete nonsense,” “crazy stuff,” “a grave disservice to the country,” he later recounted. They were “bullshit.”

  16. by HatetheSwamp on July 20, 2022 12:35 pm

    HtS, whether you want to attribute Trump's election loss to a "rigged election" or "Dem vote fraud", you've got nothing.

    I'm not suggesting that Trump lost because of Dem fraud,...which has now been established by the conviction of Dem operatives for felonious election fraud.

    I'm saying that I don't know what the honest result of the election would have been.

    Based on that Wisconsin Supreme Court decision about ballot drop boxes and those felony convictions and, of course, and among many other things, the recordings released by the Pennsylvania whistle-blower and the tens of millions who still are dubious, the election of the Former Truck Driver will always be tainted.

    All you seem to have to defend it is your credulity. Fine. Believe away.

  17. by islander on July 20, 2022 1:04 pm

    “I'm not suggesting that Trump lost because of Dem fraud,...which has now been established by the conviction of Dem operatives for felonious election fraud.”

    Yes you are. That’s exactly what you have been doing since the election.

    ”I'm saying that I don't know what the honest result of the election would have been.”

    You’re suggesting that the result of the election was not an honest result. That could only be the case if Biden’s win was the result of dishonesty.

    You are someone whose posts are classic examples of the definition of a lie...An attempt to deceive.

  18. by HatetheSwamp on July 21, 2022 4:47 am

    Yes you are. That’s exactly what you have been doing since the election.

    No. I'm not. No. I haven't been.

    From the beginning, I pointed out that the Dems' cheating was ingenious so that, at this point, it's impossible to know what the honest vote count is.

    You’re suggesting that the result of the election was not an honest result.

    Duh, isle.

    Dems have been convicted of felonies for vote fraud in two states already. The Wisconsin Supreme Court has declared the ballot drop boxes...of the sort used by those Dem convicted felons to engage in ballot harvesting...unconstitutional. The Pennsylvania whistle-blower has produced recordings of Dem election officials here laughing about destroying the chain of custody for thousands of ballots.

    Of course, the election result was dishonest. That's a legally proven fact.

    Would the Flatulent Fool have won anyway? We'll never know. That much is established fact. Why you can't drop this, I don't know.

  19. by islander on July 21, 2022 5:38 am

    “I'm not suggesting that Trump lost because of Dem fraud,...which has now been established by the conviction of Dem operatives for felonious election fraud.”

    Yes you are, and you’re still doing it.

    ”Of course, the election result was dishonest. That's a legally proven fact.”

    That’s an out right lie. The legally proven fact is that Biden won fair and square. 

There were proven attempts by some Republicans and some Democrats to cheat in order to change the election results just as there has been in all past elections. It has, however, been legally proven that the result of this past election was NOT affected by those attempts...the result was the honest result of the will of the voters.

    You can live in your own dishonest world of denial all you want but you can’t change the facts. 

Mitt Romney described you perfectly...

    ”I have witnessed time and again—in myself and in others—a powerful impulse to believe what we hope to be the case. We don’t need to cut back on watering, because the drought is just part of a cycle that will reverse. With economic growth, the debt will take care of itself. January 6 was a false-flag operation. A classic example of denial comes from Donald Trump: “I won in a landslide.” Perhaps this is a branch of the same delusion that leads people to feed money into slot machines: Because I really want to win, I believe that I will win. Bolstering our natural inclination toward wishful thinking are the carefully constructed, prejudice-confirming arguments from the usual gang of sophists, grifters, and truth-deniers.” -Mitt Romney

  20. by HatetheSwamp on July 21, 2022 6:10 am

    That’s an out right lie. The legally proven fact is that Biden won fair and square.


    Here's, to me anyway, a fascinating realization.

    During the last year, Chief Justice John Roberts has lost control of the conservatives on the Court.

    A year ago he still held the reigns tightly. And, the five conservatives were compliant, following his belief that the Court should act with modest incrementalism. The Court often refused to grant certiorari to many of the cases presented to it, including many of the GOP 020 election appeals.

    As you know, and feel more intensely than I, since the post election time in 020, Supreme Court conservatives have, very quickly, turned radical. They have left Roberts is evident in the Dobbs decision. In the Dobbs decision, the Court didn't merely uphold the Mississippi law, which would have been temperate and understandable. Instead, it used the case as a pretense and blew up the Roe precedent...very unnecessarily.

    Since the 020 election, a new day has dawned for the Court. No more caution. No more hesitation to grant certiorari.

    pb strongly suspects that if the Court that overturned Roe had been given the opportunity to settle the 020 election, OrangeMan would still be President.

    And, if the Dems pull shenanigans again in 024, the Court will be much less temperate in inserting itself into the fray.

    If you're pi$$ed at Dobbs, bruh, hold on to your hat. pb suspects, as the song says, "You ain't seen nothin yet."

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  21. by islander on July 21, 2022 6:15 am

    Continue to try and push "The Big Lie" all you want Hate...But the fact is "you have failed" and nothing you say can change the facts.

  22. by HatetheSwamp on July 21, 2022 6:19 am

    What I'm about hasn't failed. Quite to the contrary.

    Literally, tens of millions of Americans think that the 020 election result is tainted. There'll be no changin their minds.


    ...most of them are waaaaaaaaaay more radical than pb.

  23. by islander on July 21, 2022 6:50 am

    "What I'm about hasn't failed" ---Hate

    Yes, you have failed.

    Most Americans don't believe your lies, and the number continues to drop.

  24. by Donna on July 21, 2022 8:24 am
    I'm content with Hts making himself look like a fool.

  25. by HatetheSwamp on July 21, 2022 11:00 am

    Ten of millions distrust the election results and the guy for whom several are serving felony prison terms is now, by far, the most unpopular President in the history of polling.

    I'll take that. Maybe you do, too. If so, we're all happy...

    ...but, I'll bet pb's getting more chortles out of this President than you are.

  26. by islander on July 21, 2022 11:16 am

    I wonder if Hate thinks making non sequiturs and trying to change the topic being discussed will "somehow" make him look less foolish !

    Tonight at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, we can all get to see and hear more of how and why Trump and Hate's "Big Lie" failed.

    Be sure to watch it so that you won’t be stuck only knowing what the TV and celebrity pundits tell you about it and their interpretations of what took place.

    Watch it yourself and then make your own conclusions !!! 

  27. by HatetheSwamp on July 21, 2022 11:29 am

    I've already said that I won't be able to watch it live. The first thing I'll see is MORNING JOE'S fawning and worshipful recap tomorrow morning. It's always easier to handle JOE when I know the truth but to see TDS live on MSNBC is worth any price.

    Since this will probably be the last episode of J6 political porn, please enjoy!!!!!

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