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My Tony Ornato Theory.
By Curt_Anderson
July 3, 2022 2:48 pm
Category: Law

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I have already posted my prediction that Tony Ornato and Bobby Engels won't testify under oath. Btw, the operative word in my prediction is "and". That's because I don't think those two can keep their stories consistent if questioned separately. What the committee really wants to know about is Trump's insistence on going to the Capitol.

One of the committee members dropped a hint about Tony Ornato's earlier testimony. The committee member said that maybe a second time Mr. Ornato's memory will improve. I infer from that comment that Ornato answered many questions the way that liars often do when under oath: "I don't recall".

So here's my theory. When he first testified for the committee Ornato claimed to have vague memories of Trump's response and demeanor when he was told that the Secret Service would not permit him to join the insurrectionists in the Capitol. Undoubtedly, that's all on videotape.

It will strain credulity if Ornato suddenly remembers details about what did and didn't happen in the SUV. Ornato's new testimony (if it happens) will be juxtaposed with Ornato's earlier faulty memory testimony highlighting any discrepancies.

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Comments on "My Tony Ornato Theory.":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on July 4, 2022 4:58 am


    What you Blue MAGAs seem to conveniently ignore is the absolute control the Committee has asserted over this "investigation."

    Liz Cheney hasn't put forward an open invitation for people to come forward to volunteer their story.

    If these guys are subpoenaed, at this point, they'd be fools to attempt to have the subpoenas quashed. Their only option will be assert their rights under the Fifth Amendment. That would be foolish, too. One way or the other, they're stuck.

    Here's my prediction:

    IF they are subpoenaed and IF they testify in a televised hearing, they'll tell a story that shares many of the details included in Ms Hutchinson's...

    ...third hand gossip.

    But, there will be distinct differences between their eyewitness account and the ballyhooed gossip.

    And, TDSers will say, "See! See!"

    And, not only Ultra-MAGAs, but many GOPs will point out the discrepancies, call Ms Hutchinson a liar and denounce the hearings as an un-American Show Trial.

    And, we'll be where we were when we started out, but with GOPs more angry than they were before.

  2. by oldedude on July 4, 2022 6:47 am
    I agree with lead, but the version is a tad different.

    Lizzie borton has already heard their testimony. She knows what they're going to say. It's already in the Congressional record. To tell a different story now is an ethics breach and the two secret service agents will be fired on the spot by Treasury.

    She won't subpoena them. 1. it leaves room for the TDSr's and others stupid enough to fall for the stunt thinking he did do it. 2. No one on that kangaroo court wants anything to come in the way of total annihilation. 3. They don't want to put themselves in the position of having Secret Service throw their "Trump" card and make the entire country know what a fiasco this is.

    So this is one of those "I've made up my mind, don't confuse me with facts!"

    And it makes me sick, especially today, to see this happening. After all that people have done to keep this a Republic, this is worse than the "Suicides" of Andres Bader and U. Meinhof.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on July 4, 2022 7:19 am

    And it makes me sick, especially today,... -OD

    More and more, I am deeply chagrined over how un-American the Committee has become.

    I've always admired Liz Cheney. Ideologically, she's pretty close to bang on, as pb sees things.

    But, being a GOP, a person of, well, law and order...of due process...of rules...of justice!

    That she'd be the moving force and Chief Inquisator in an "investigation" which features scripted, pre-arranged testimony, where there's no representation for the person being probed, seems to defy everything she has always stood for.

    What other explanation is there for this behavior than derangement...insanity!!!!!?

    What the Committee is doing is quintessentially un-American!

  4. by Curt_Anderson on July 4, 2022 8:48 am
    HtS, you claim to be a law and order person. Somehow you don't think that Trump broke any laws yet you believe the committee did/is.

    All the witnesses have been lawyered up. You must have noticed Flynn's mouthpiece sitting next to him when he invoked the Fifth three or four times. So contrary to your assertion they do have representation. Of course not all of them need to confer with their lawyers on every question.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on July 4, 2022 9:10 am

    HtS, you claim to be a law and order person. Somehow you don't think that Trump broke any laws yet you believe the committee did/is.

    I suppose that I am a person of law and order.

    What I think about Trump is that he is despicable. But, again, that's not a crime.

    You seem to be exhibiting po's lynch mob tendency. In the US, even the despicable have rights.

    But, no. I don't think that it is obvious that Trump committed an actual crime.
    And, I don't believe anything that comes from the Committee.

    I've never said that the Committee is breaking laws. It is defying the traditions and principles that make America great.

    All the witnesses have been lawyered up. You must have noticed Flynn's mouthpiece sitting next to him when he invoked the Fifth three or four times.

    This is America.

    So contrary to your assertion they do have representation.

    When there's someone around who could have pointed out that nearly all of Ms Hutchinson's "testimony" was nuthin more than gossip, there will be representation.

  6. by Curt_Anderson on July 4, 2022 9:19 am
    Other law and order people don't seem share your dismissive and negative opinion of the committee.

    Solomon L. Wisenberg, a former deputy independent counsel under Ken Starr, called her account “the smoking gun” making a case “for his criminal culpability on seditious conspiracy charges.” Mick Mulvaney, who served as Mr. Trump’s third White House chief of staff, said he had been defending him, but learning that Mr. Trump knew some in the crowd were armed and still encouraged it to go to the Capitol “certainly changes my mind,” he told Fox News.

    David French, a conservative critic of Mr. Trump, had been skeptical the committee would produce sufficient evidence. “But Hutchinson’s sworn testimony closes a gap in the criminal case against Trump,” he wrote on The Dispatch, a conservative website. Two law professors, Alan Z. Rozenshtein of the University of Minnesota and Jed Handelsman Shugerman of Fordham University, likewise opposed prosecution until seeing Ms. Hutchinson, writing on the Lawfare blog that she changed their minds because she provided “proof of intent.”

  7. by HatetheSwamp on July 4, 2022 12:06 pm


    I'm sure you know, from your own reading and viewing of conservative media, baha, that, at the moment, GOPs are more aghast over the way that the Committee functions than over anything Trump might have done.

    But, the Swamp is strong in many GOPs...

    ...and, in the end, as I've said, this makes Trump more attractive to Ultra-MAGAs and, more likely to win the GOP nomination.

  8. by Curt_Anderson on July 4, 2022 12:35 pm
    HtS, You may be right...or not.

    (Mediaite)Fox News’ Howard Kurtz assessed that former President Donald Trump’s offensive against Cassidy Hutchinson is proof her testimony resonated among conservatives.

    Asked for his thoughts on Hutchinson’s impact, Kurtz remarked on how Hutchinson gave her testimony “under oath,” and “some of her ex-colleagues, I think, should also come and testify under oath if they want to challenge” her.

    It is Trump’s attacks on Hutchinson, however, that prompted Kurtz to determine that her testimony struck a chord.

    Here’s how we know her testimony broke through: Donald Trump is calling her a “wacko,” a leaker, and a liar. Secondly, some conservative commentators who have been dismissing the whole committee as a clown show, attacking her credibility and defending former president. But there’s a split on the right. Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s guy, former acting White House chief of staff, saying he believes Hutchinson.

  9. by HatetheSwamp on July 4, 2022 1:06 pm


    There's nothing new here.

    As far as Trump is concerned, there are three GOP factions.

    1. The Lincoln Project gang and its friends. They hate Trump wholeheartedly.
    2. Bill Barr-esque SwampGOP conservatives who are, above all, party loyalists.
    3. MAGAs and Ultra-MAGAs who only have eyes for Trump.

    The first group have Liz Cheney posters hanging on the ceilings of their bedrooms. The second, are following the hearings as an interesting political drama. They're clear minded enough to see the hearings as, as I've said, an exercise in buffoonery. The third worship Trump with greater piety now than ever.

    In the end, only the most wacked of the first group won't vote for Trump if he's the nominee.

    A note about our current batch of posters. Your conservatives here are both fairly moderate as GOPs go. Both of us are already supporting someone other than Trump for 024.

    Wouldn't it be grand to recruit a MAGA or Ultra-MAGA.

    Donna's already proclaimed herself unable to post with OD and pb. Imagine Donna in the real GOP world!!!!!

  10. by oldedude on July 5, 2022 5:45 am
    First, the dims have no power to actually charge Trump in a real court. Otherwise, the district court would have done it. This is the third fabrication of a TDS waste of time and money. Whatever he is actually guilty of is muted by the third world shthole kangaroo style proceedings. This is nothing more than a TDS show to make them feel good about themselves.

    People are paying the highest prices for gas ever. Truckers are going broke and the supply lines of pedojoe's policies are fragmented. It won't take an EMP from China to put us back to the middle ages. This is what I was talking about with the liberal global order crap and the use of Marxist steps to get there. Their idea is to ruin the US and make us a third world shthole so the government can take over our lives. That's why the sheep love it so much and support it. Legislating takes too long.

    The dims are running from pedojoe, and yet on this site, the sheep are in firm lockstep (maybe a goose step) with him. He does nothing wrong and no sheep would dare say anything close to critique him. And yet, to criticize a kangaroo court is to be excommunicated from the church cult of liberalism.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on July 5, 2022 6:25 am

    First, the dims have no power to actually charge Trump in a real court. Otherwise, the district court would have done it.

    I'm convinced that there's no there there.

    These hearings are not really about J6. They're a revisit of Trump bristly temper. It's noteworthy that since the televised hearings began, Trump's polls in a head to head match up with the Flatulent Fool have improved. I think America understands what TDS is.

    People are paying the highest prices for gas ever. Truckers are going broke and the supply lines of pedojoe's policies are fragmented. It won't take an EMP from China to put us back to the middle ages.

    I live in a farming community. Diesel fuel prices are killing farmers. My wife worked for years for an excavating company. The cost of running their equipment has soared!

    When faced with the reality of life under the leadership of the Doddering Old Fool, people are beginning to think that Trump's nasty tweets were well worth it.

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