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Crime selectors, pages, etc.
Trump is facing the several possible felony charges. Why is Trump world obsessed with a single misdemeanor?
By Curt_Anderson
July 3, 2022 10:28 am
Category: Crime

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Trump has been accused of and/or is the subject of a grand jury investigation for:
Election tampering
Election fraud
Inciting a riot
Inciting an insurrection
Obstructing an official proceeding
Overthrowing an election
Seditious conspiracy
The above could be multiplied by including conspiracy charges.

Yet the Trump cult is most obsessed with exonerating Trump on the accusation that he committed a misdemeanor by not remaining seat-buckled in the presidential SUV.

The crux of Hutchinson's recounting of the SUV episode is that Trump desperately wanted to be driven to the Capitol where he said he would join and presumably lead the insurrectionists, who he knew were armed, in interrupting the electoral vote count and stopping the peaceful transition of power. Nobody is refuting that an angry Trump wanted to go to the Capitol.

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Comments on "Trump is facing the several possible felony charges. Why is Trump world obsessed with a single misdemeanor?":

  1. by oldedude on July 3, 2022 12:45 pm
    Because we're aware that there's nothing anyone can do about the third world dictators shthole kangaroo court?

    And besides, if he's found guilty of spitting on the street, or holding a bible upside down, they'll try to put him in jail. Good fukkng luck in a real trial.

  2. by Donna on July 3, 2022 1:00 pm
    It's because of comments like that ^^^^ that I'm not going to argue with him or Hts abour politics anymore. It's obvious that Trump and his loyalists planned and tried to carry out a coup plot, and they don't want to talk about that, hence all the deflection and denial.

  3. by Curt_Anderson on July 3, 2022 1:29 pm
    It amuses me to see how Trump voters will go to ludicrous lengths with laughable "logic" to defend Trump.

    Have you noticed how Trump-world's narrative has shifted since the start of the hearings? First it was "boring", "teleprompters!", "nobody cares", "low Nielsen ratings". Then it was "people are too concerned about inflation and gasoline prices to pay attention". Now the cult's chorus is "it's a kangaroo court", "hearsay".

  4. by oldedude on July 3, 2022 1:43 pm
    Actually, I still don't care much. Ditto to what I said before. Our grocery bill has almost doubled on a fixed income. Gas is horrible due to the pedo not opening up the domestic oil. and this is all the sheep want to talk about. You put it on us, but I might remind you to look at who starts the threads on this. In addition, you asked a question. I just answered. That's all. If you don't like what I have to say, don't ask the question.

    Maybe it isn't us that's immovable. You notice that whenever you're backed in to a corner, you come out and get 3 year old pissy. I have no ability to change your actions. If we own you that bad, then maybe you should get some thicker skin. I also offered a (what I thought was) a thought out explanation of what I meant. If you didn't bother to read that. Not my issue. So have a good life, sheeple.

  5. by Donna on July 3, 2022 1:57 pm
    Anything but the real issue.

    That's why I'm bailing.

    There's a much more interesting thing going on now with UAP. The DoD has been saying since 2017 that they don't know what they are. Navy pilots (and I suspect USAF pilots too, but we've only heard from retired USN pilots) are encountering these things daily. The meneuvets they're seeing defy known physics. A Congressional committee has been is being briefed on this and all UAP-related developments, which was set up via the 2022 NDAA.

    If it's China or Russia, that's worrisome. Actually that would be more worrisome than if the source is, as former AAWSAP and AATIP guys like Luis Elizondo, Christopher Mellon, and Dr. Eric Davis coyly refer to as "something else".

  6. by oldedude on July 3, 2022 2:05 pm
    I know it's been going on since the 1970's. I can tell you that. My view. If it's war of the worlds, There's nothing I can do about that. If it's a government testing or reconning the area? I'm not in that loop any more. I have enough getting ready for hurricane season.

    I do know, though, many people that spend their waking hours on this. As a kid, I thought they were "strange." As of the '70's not so much. It does seem weird they are not affected by gravity. The speed? I think we may be there now, but it's a guess.

  7. by oldedude on July 3, 2022 2:06 pm
    Sorry, Wrong thread.

  8. by oldedude on July 3, 2022 2:19 pm
    It's because of comments like that ^^^^ that I'm not going to argue with him or Hts abour politics anymore. It's obvious that Trump and his loyalists planned and tried to carry out a coup plot, and they don't want to talk about that, hence all the deflection and denial.

    So if that were a "trial" against cliton. How would you react? Would you allow lies? Would you allow a one sided prosecution? Oh, BTW, the GOP tried twice to give little nancy names. She gave them back a short list (1/2 of the dims representing) and told them take it or leave it. This is the third time we've had to put up with their sht. I, for one, is tired of them having so much TDS they can't pass any bill. Why in the fuk can't the dim congress actually get a bipartisan bill through? They have the House, Senate, AND the executive office. Why is the pedo doing all the work with executive orders and leaving one branch of the government out?

    And you didn't say anything about illegal protests in front of the SCOTUS, death threats to them and their families, and one assassination attempt. Just the protests, per. se. are felonies. But nothing about that. Why is DOJ putting parents on "terrorist watch lists" because they don't like what their kids are learning in the schools?

    So all of these things pile up.

  9. by Donna on July 3, 2022 2:22 pm
    Interesting. Thanks for your input, od. I've listened to about 10 hours of interviews with Luis Elizondo. He's very careful about how he says things. He explained that it has to do with his security clearance. One of the more compelling things he said was that we "may" be in possession of "downed UAP" as well as "biological materiel" from the craft.

  10. by Donna on July 3, 2022 2:24 pm
    As for your other comment, as I said, I'm out.

  11. by Donna on July 3, 2022 2:40 pm
    Material not materiel.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on July 3, 2022 3:33 pm

    Yet the Trump cult is most obsessed with exonerating Trump on the accusation that he committed a misdemeanor by not remaining seat-buckled in the presidential SUV.

    I think you are looking at this upside down, Curt.

    Having followed right wing media, the issue is not Trump, it's the Committee. No matter what the right addition to the Trump cult...thinks about Trump, it thinks that the televised hearings of the Committee are an exercise in buffoonery.

    What makes the issue with the Secret Service agents different than the other J6 issues is that the Committee's narrative is being attacked by people who seem to be in a position to contradict it with knowledge and authority.

    Ms Hutchinson told a story without direct knowledge and the people who have direct knowledge of what happened say her story's not true.

    Our contention is that the J6 has been busted.

    I'm not a Trump supporter as you know. But, I can tell fascism when I see it.

  13. by Curt_Anderson on July 3, 2022 5:14 pm
    An Associated Press-NORC poll published Thursday found 48 percent of adults believe Trump should be charged with a crime for his role in the Jan. 6 riot, while 31 percent said he should not be charged. If you remove those who were undecided from the mix, that's 60% of voters saying Trump should be charged with a crime.

    The poll, which was conducted before Hutchinson’s public testimony, also found 58 percent believe Trump bears a great deal or quite a bit of responsibility for the events of Jan. 6.

    Trump leads DeSantis in a poll of Republicans which I saw elsewhere by 20% or more. I am skeptical of those results. Or if correct, they will change if DeSantis becomes a more apparent better known candidate.

    I recently added Gavin Newsom to my Presidential Candidate Selector. He's not declared, but he sure is acting like a candidate for president. Newsom could be the youthful alternative to Biden and Trump that voters are looking for.

  14. by oldedude on July 3, 2022 6:39 pm
    So what your saying is the propaganda arm of the dims is working as planned. This is nothing short of a Himmler style trial. There are no cross examinations, no rebuttable, nothing that might come close to a due process. I'm with Lead on this. I hate what the committee is doing.

    So what are you going to do if he is found "guilty" of any of your charges? It's not really a "trial." The house has no arrest capabilities. They can't sentence him, other than to slap his wrist and do the snoopy happy-dance. So how many dollars is this worth to you? How much political juice? You can't get the green new deal done, or put through a couple of billion dollars in to donors' coffers.

    I don't care whom it may be. If they did it to obomber, pedojoe, shiftless, or hillary, I would feel the same. And I would be calling my Representative every day and actively try to unelect him next time around. I would also change party's in a heartbeat.

    So to say I'm "picking" on y'all, is something I don't get. Unless you want to talk about your unending loyalty to your religion. You've done much worse to us. And I even tried to explain what I said and Donna still just threw a little princess spat and left.

  15. by Curt_Anderson on July 3, 2022 7:53 pm
    Of course they did do the same to Hillary. The Benghazi hearings blew through more than $6 million about six years ago. I don't recall the Benghazi committee setting their sites on anybody besides Hillary. Instead blowing off subpoenas, she sat in the witness chair for 11 hours.

    If that committee made any recommendations to make our embassies safer, I am unaware of it.

    Regarding the 1/6 committee, they should make recommendations in the form of proposed legislation so some future disappointed candidate for president doesn't successfully try to do what Trump wanted to do. It's the job of the DOJ to indict and bring to trial all the perpetrators as they see fit. If the committee can help them with their investigative work, so much the better.

    Of course the hearings are not a trial. Nor is Trump the defendant. Nonetheless, the ex-president has the wherewithal to tell his side of the story in the court of public opinion.

    Axios reported before the hearings began that "former President Trump and his allies, in conjunction with top House GOP leadership and conservative groups, have begun pulling documents and coordinating a behind-the-scenes effort to counterprogram the Jan. 6 committee's televised hearings this month..." Whatever he and his minions are doing doesn't seem effective to me.

  16. by oldedude on July 3, 2022 8:06 pm
    FYSA on Hill. Congress is still waiting for those subpoenas.

    AND there were dims questioning her. It wasn't the Taliban kangaroo court this one is. And don't think she actually answered anything. She evaded, and couldn't answer why the computer holding that information was in her bathroom. My view is we treat you like you treat us.

  17. by HatetheSwamp on July 4, 2022 4:22 am

    An Associated Press-NORC poll published Thursday found 48 percent of adults believe Trump should be charged with a crime for his role in the Jan. 6 riot, while 31 percent said he should not be charged. If you remove those who were undecided from the mix, that's 60% of voters saying Trump should be charged with a crime.

    If being a despicable SOB were a crime, I'd say, "String 'im up!"

    What pb thinks, that he's convinced you Swampcultists don't get, is that this lynch mob, Show Trial, fascist Committee will ultimately help Trump for 024.

    Even many GOPs who don't like Trump, and who are desperate to move on from him, understand what a fiasco the Committee is. On the red side of the aisle, the Committee has become the issue, not J6.

    And, for the Ultra-MAGAs?

    This is persecution. Trump is becoming a living martyr.

    Party nominees are determined by caucus attendees and primary voters who comprise a fraction of registered voters.

    With each of these Show Trial sessions, the Ultra-MAGA voter, justifiedly, becomes more stoked to vote for Trump in the winter and spring of 024...

    ...and, if Trump runs in 024 against the Flatulent Fool, or Kammy or Mayor Pete he'll win, with Bill Barr and pb and millions of GOPs gagging, wishing it could have been Ron or Nikki,...effin anyone...

    ...and blaming the Committee, and you TDSers who think what it's doing is good.

    So, thanks!

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