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Good news for Kamala and the Ds
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So is Trump too much of a pants-pissing coward to debate Harris?
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Government selectors, pages, etc.
Watching today's hearing...June 21
By HatetheSwamp
June 21, 2022 10:22 am
Category: Government

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I've seen Bennie Thompson and caught him in a lie, and Liz Cheney who's more nuanced and it goes on.

Two thoughts.

1. How it is that they think watching them read a teleprompter is compelling, escapes me. I listen to audiobooks regularly. Why couldn't they hire a decent reader!?

2. How much is the Committee hiding? If the case is so strong, why did this gang have to exclude people not already convinced of Trump's guilt from the process. Reason tells you sumthin ain't right about the Committee itself.

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Comments on "Watching today's hearing...June 21":

  1. by Ponderer on June 21, 2022 11:26 am

    Bill, you are exactly like a dog who stares at a person's hand when they are pointing at something for the dog to look at.

    You will waste a novel's worth of blather condemning that hand. Laughing at it's manicure, assigning meaning to the numbers of hairs on it, criticizing any little scars on it, how horribly long the fingers are in your estimation. Any wrinkles on the skin of the hand... And, most importantly to you, how ohmydeargodinHeavenabove it's a left hand!

    But you can't criticize or contradict a single word of what is being pointed at, what is being shown to you by that hand. You got nothing.

    You are a bloviating bag of fetid wind deflating by its own weight.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on June 21, 2022 11:57 am

    But you can't criticize or contradict a single word of what is being pointed at, what is being shown to you by that hand. You got nuthin.

    Well, there's the continuing lie that Trump knew that he'd lost the election.

    But, I'll never be able to get over the fact that the Committee wouldn't allow for the presence of GOPs appointed to the Committee by GOPs...or the cross examination of witnesses. Why? What are they afraid of?

    Perhaps you've heard the expression, "preaching to the choir." You're the choir. No one not in the choir is listening.


    On another note. How's the back?

  3. by Curt_Anderson on June 21, 2022 12:06 pm
    I am watching on 45 minute tape delay. Rusty Bower's testimony was powerful and credible.

  4. by Ponderer on June 21, 2022 12:31 pm

    "Well, there's the continuing lie that Trump knew that he'd lost the election." -Hate

    Boy, I sure wish you were watching these same hearings that Curt and I are watching. It's been totally proven dozens of times already by many sworn under oath witnesses that he was made totally aware of the fact that his illegal "Bullshit" was bullshit and also illegal.

    Please don't confuse Trump's or your immoral, calculated, willful ignorance for actual "knowledge" that what you were being presented wasn't reality. It doesn't strengthen his or your assertion of ignorance of the facts, for the two of you to simply declare that you refuse to acknowledge that all the facts you've been shown mean what you don't want them to mean.

  5. by islander on June 21, 2022 1:38 pm

    I watched this hearing in its entirety just as I did the others.

    Very,very powerful testimony, especially as Curt mentioned, from Rusty Bower.

    And the recordings of Trump's phone calls threatening and pressuring election officials and legislatures to commit illegal acts was stunning. These witnesses were Republicans and Trump supporters who had worked to help him in his bid for reelection but they would not violate their conscience and do Trump's bidding by breaking the law. Like I said, powerful stuff.

    The testimony of election workers Shaye Moss and her mother Ruby Freeman, was heartbreaking and showed "Trump the Bully" to be exactly that. The most powerful man on earth lying about and attacking two ordinary citizens doing their job in a small town in Georgia.

  6. by Ponderer on June 21, 2022 1:55 pm

    Just hearing that putridly disgusting mutherfukker in those recordings lying his fat orange ass off and making those baseless accusations about those poor innocent women, I was inspired to post a meme on Facebook...

    It's just a closeup shot of that fat, smug, orange excuse for a face of his grinning euphorically with the text next to him that says:

    "No one will ever know how much wood it gives me every time I think about how I can totally destroy any poor, innocent person's life that I want to... simply by mentioning their name."

  7. by islander on June 21, 2022 2:25 pm

    I think we all felt the same way Pondy! Trump is disgusting and his enablers are no better !!!

  8. by HatetheSwamp on June 21, 2022 3:30 pm

    Trump is despicable.

  9. by Ponderer on June 21, 2022 8:53 pm

    At this point in the history of SelectSmart, do you actually imagine that anyone here has the slightest reason at all to think that you actually believe that? You never criticized a single despicable thing that he ever did for fukk sake.

  10. by Donna on June 22, 2022 1:11 am
    A friend of mine on Facebook posted this:

    The President of the United States singled out two honest black election officials- mother and daughter- and accused them of being "hustlers" and 'vote stealers". To drive home the racist overtones, Giuliani said that they passed around a USB "like cocaine or heroin". Of course it was a ginger mint, not a USB.

    Because of these false accusations by the world's most powerful person, these two women were inundated with death threats, and forced to leave their homes for months for their safety. They still live in fear, and are incredibly brave to testify publicly.

    'If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.'- George Orwell.

  11. by islander on June 22, 2022 4:32 am
    Donna-Your friend expressed my own feelings perfectly.

    It's one thing to read that such and such said and did such things like their lies about these two election workers...But what makes these hearings so powerful are the videos and recordings that allow us to not just read about it, but actually see and hear them.

    It is mind blowing when I realize that these are not some mobsters in a Godfather movie that I'm watching...this is actually the President of our country and his associates !!

    How did it ever come to this?

  12. by HatetheSwamp on June 22, 2022 4:47 am

    If it's really that outrageous, why did the Dems not allow GOPs to appoint their own members to the Committee!

    No one ever addresses that question. It's impossible for people who aren't deranged about Trump to take this seriously...

    ...and, it's hard for us who are not deranged to watch you TDSers be so orgasmic without laughing.


    I can't see anyone being convinced. You already hated Trump. OD, pb and sane opponents of Trump chafe at the essential dishonesty of the hearings and moderates know that Biden was elected on time and Immaculated on time, peacefully.

  13. by islander on June 22, 2022 5:55 am

    ”If it's really that outrageous, why did the Dems not allow GOPs to appoint their own members to the Committee!”

    “Bipartisan legislation to establish an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol has failed in the Senate, as Republicans staged their first filibuster since President Biden took office to block the plan.” *

    "House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy says he will pull all five of his picks to serve on the select committee investigating the January 6 assault on the Capitol,"

    "Instead, McCarthy said during a press conference Wednesday afternoon that Republicans will conduct their own investigation." **

    * NPR
    ** CBS

  14. by HatetheSwamp on June 22, 2022 6:20 am


    ...McCarthy appointed a slate of five GOPs to be on the Committee...

    ...point being: the GOPs were perfectly willing to participate in good faith.

    Use your brain, isle!

    McCarthy appointed five GOPs. What you failed to acknowledge is that the Dems rejected part of the GOP slate of Committee members. Dems wanted to pick and choose. That's a no-no in a two party Representative Republic. McCarthy said that GOPs have the right to appoint their own Committee members.

    Dems would not back down..., McCarthy, seeing where this was going, pulled the whole slate of GOPs, suggesting that if the Dems won't act in good faith, they can go ahead and create their own debacle...

    ...which they did.

    And, the Dems went forward...

    ...except that they invited two GOPs, who are consumed with Trump hate, to serve on the Committee to rub GOP faces in their pile of excrement..., voila!... have this Show Trial.

    And, no one cares...except you who'd already decided that Trump's scum.

    If you're unhappy that all of this ugly Trump stuff is being exposed and no one but your ilk cares...and Joe continues to plummet in the polls,...

    ...blame Nancy Pelosi.

    She overplayed her hand.

  15. by islander on June 22, 2022 6:39 am

    ”the GOPs were perfectly willing to participate in good faith.”

    No they weren’t...

    “Bipartisan legislation to establish an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol has failed in the Senate, as Republicans staged their first filibuster since President Biden took office to block the plan.”

    ”If you're unhappy that all of this ugly Trump stuff is being exposed and no one but your ilk cares”

    I’m happy it’s being exposed, it’s you and your ilk who obviously are not.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on June 22, 2022 6:53 am

    釘ipartisan legislation to establish an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol has failed in the Senate, as Republicans staged their first filibuster since President Biden took office to block the plan


    This Liz Cheney fiasco? It's a House Committee. And, GOPs were willing to participate in good faith!

  17. by islander on June 22, 2022 6:56 am

    "And, GOPs were willing to participate in good faith!"

    No they weren't.

  18. by HatetheSwamp on June 22, 2022 7:06 am


    They were.

    Bottom line is that a Committee was formed.

    The minority party appointed its slate of members, as is usual.

    The majority refused to accept the minority is extraordinary.

    And, again, thinking people wonder why.

    They continue to wonder why every time, prescripted testimony presents a zinger.

  19. by islander on June 22, 2022 7:22 am

    Jim Jordan was deeply involved in the attempted coup to overturn the 2020 Election

    “The net is tightening around Jimbo. As more damning text messages, testimony and phone call records encircle the pint-sized pol from Urbana, Jim Jordan should be breaking out in a cold sweat. The 4th District U.S. congressman should be squirming in his shirt sleeves with each new revelation trickling out about his behind-the-scenes treachery leading up to and including Jan. 6. 

    After all, a sitting member of Congress publicly exposed as a central player in a nefarious plot to overturn a certified election should be toast, right? Someone who willfully chose loyalty to a megalomaniac over allegiance to country should be forced to slink into oblivion as a scorned turncoat, right? Jordan, we are fast learning, was deeply involved in the attempted coup to overthrow our government of the people. He conspired to cancel the 2020 votes cast by millions of his fellow Americans and reverse the outcome of a decided election for his Il Duce.” *

    "Jim Jordan Refuses to Cooperate With Jan. 6 Panel

    The Republican congressman from Ohio, a close ally of former President Donald Trump’s, denounced the House investigation of the Capitol riot as one of the Democrats’ “partisan witch hunts.”

    "Mr. Jordan was deeply involved in Mr. Trump’s effort to fight the election results, including participating in planning meetings in November 2020 at Trump campaign headquarters in Arlington, Va., and a meeting at the White House in December 2020." **

    The “good faith Republicans” lol wanted this guy to be on the committee investigating the attempted coup to overturn the election.

    * Ohio Capital Journal
    ** NYT

  20. by HatetheSwamp on June 22, 2022 7:31 am

    Someone who willfully chose loyalty to a megalomaniac over allegiance to country should be forced to slink into oblivion as a scorned turncoat, right?

    Now, that is straight down the middle of the fairway journalism.

    Do you wonder why everyone not suffering from Stage 4 TDS has lost patience?

    Tell me. You do see some bias there. Right?

  21. by Donna on June 22, 2022 11:08 am
    It's essential for justice and continuance of our democratic republic that high crimes by our top officials be exposed, heard by everyone, and tried in a court of law.

    To appoint officials who through their prior statements and actions would likely have undermined that process would have been counterintuitive to justice being served and the continuance of our democratic republic,

    If you wanted to find out who sexually molested your daughter, you probably wouldn't want pedophiles to conduct the investigation.

    If you wanted someone to watch your kids, you probably wouldn't hire someone you saw jacking off to a nude photo of a
    nine year old child.

  22. by Curt_Anderson on June 22, 2022 11:21 am
    Can you imagine the hearings if Jim Jordan were on the committee? I can:
    "Mr. Rusty Bowers...if that is your real testified that a pro-Trump crowd was loudly protesting outside your house calling you a pedophile among other things which upset your gravely ill daughter. Is there any evidence that your daughter was gravely ill, besides your say-so?

    Note: Kacey Rae Bowers died on January 28th, 2021 at the age of 42.

  23. by HatetheSwamp on June 22, 2022 12:29 pm

    Curt and Donna,

    This is a two party representative republic...whether you think that's messy, or not.

    If you Dems actually wanted people to pay attention and care about these hearings, they should have encouraged GOP participation.

    Had they been inclusive as far as GOPs are concerned, pb'd be watching...from the edge of his seat.

  24. by Donna on June 22, 2022 1:53 pm
    Obviously the Democrats do want Anericans to watch the hearings as do I, But we want the hearings to go as they are now, and not the circus they would have been if the committee had included lawmakers who would have undermined them.

    Frankly I don't give a flying fuck if people like you don't watch the hearings. You are watching them though despite your objection to the makeup of the committee.

  25. by islander on June 22, 2022 2:50 pm
    Had they been inclusive as far as GOPs are concerned, pb'd be watching...from the edge of his seat."

    No pb wouldn't. Neither would you! LoL

    There are Republicans on the committee and all the witnesses are Republicans and most of them are from Trump's own inner circle. It doesn't get any more bipartisan than that !!

    What you and pb wanted to watch was a circus !!! 😁

    And like Donna said, we really don't care whether you and pb watch it or not. It's not going to change the outcome one bit!🍻

  26. by HatetheSwamp on June 22, 2022 3:45 pm

    Remember those Watergate hearings? pb was glued to the tube.

    And, as far as pb watching, so far as I can tell, the people who are grooving on these hearings are people who are happy to watch CNN and MSNBC.

    No one not already convinced is on board. You need to engage independents and moderates like pb if the narrative is going to change.

    Think of the millions like pb. The committee needs to find a way to engage us.

  27. by Curt_Anderson on June 22, 2022 4:42 pm
    "Remember those Watergate hearings? pb was glued to the tube." --HtS

    First off, the Watergate hearings weren't always must see TV. There was a lot of dry, dull testimony.

    I was attending college at the time. So I watched whenever my schedule permitted. You probably did too. Back then, you could watch it live or not at all. There were no VCRs or ways to record the hearings for future viewing. Now we can watch it later in the day on cable news channels, on YouTube (see link) at our convenience and/or other places online. When it's live (at least) you can watch it on your smartphone or laptop on and many other news sites.

    Back in 1973 there were no 24-hour news channels. It was a half hour or hour of Walter Cronkite, Huntley-Brinkley or whoever was on ABC's evening news to catch snippets of hearings. Now you can catch the highlights whenever you want.
    View Video

  28. by Donna on June 22, 2022 5:13 pm
    I don't remember watching any of the Watergate hearings. I was a normal kid.

  29. by HatetheSwamp on June 23, 2022 4:30 am

    Hard to imagine, Donna. Baha!

  30. by islander on June 23, 2022 4:36 am

    ”Then you should ask that both sides be represented as is stated by a legal court system”


    There are already two Republicans on the committee and there could have been more if the Republicans had actually wanted more, and this isn’t a trial or a judicial activity. This is an “investigation”. This committee’s purpose is to find evidence, not to determine guilt or innocence.

    If there is a trial I don't doubt that a prosecutor will present a lot of this evidence and there’ll be a defense team presenting their evidence. A trial in a court of law is where a legal determination of guilty or not guilty will be made by a judge and jury.

    Do you think any of the evidence gathered so far is false? If so, can you give us an example?

  31. by islander on June 23, 2022 4:42 am

    ”You need to engage independents and moderates like pb if the narrative is going to change”.


    Nothing’s going to change your mind or the minds of people like you. It makes no difference whether you or people like you watch the hearings.

    I'll be watching the entire hearing today but you won't.

    I'll be better informed about takes place than you, since I'll have seen it first hand.

  32. by HatetheSwamp on June 23, 2022 4:49 am

    The GOPs on the Committee were invited by Dems, not appointed by GOPs.

    There's no cross-examination by the, uh, loyal opposition.

    These hearings are a sham. And, watching MSNBC, I've concluded that GOPs are merely apathetic...

    ...but Dems are becoming increasingly frustrated and angry.

    And, still, voters are planning to vote on gas prices, inflation and crime, not Trump.

  33. by islander on June 23, 2022 5:46 am
    ”The GOPs on the Committee were invited by Dems, not appointed by GOPs”

    I think that was very nice of the Dems to do that since the wrongdoings being investigated were committed by Republicans. It would have been awkward for a Republican on the committee to investigate himself.

    ”There's no cross-examination by the, uh, loyal opposition”

    Of course not ! That’s something that takes place during a trial and this is not a trial.

    If this goes to court, the witnesses will undoubtedly be cross examined, evidence from both sides will be presented and argued over, and a judge and jury will decide on the legal guilt (or not) of the defendant/s.

    How many times does all this have to be explained to you?

  34. by HatetheSwamp on June 23, 2022 5:55 am

    By this late time in your life, I'd'a thought you'd have seen a bipartisan congressional hearing but maybe not.

  35. by islander on June 23, 2022 6:41 am

    Sure I've seen them and they never had anyone on the committees who was, him or her self, a possible subject being investigated which is what the GOP wants.

    The GOP blocked having a bipartisan investigation and then cried and whined that the investigation wasn't bipartisan. Even so, the Dems were graceful enough to still invite them to join and some did. The others said No !!

  36. by HatetheSwamp on June 23, 2022 7:02 am

    The GOP didn't block this Committee from being bipartisan.

    But, listen, Bubba, pb's happy with the way the Dems' abuse of our democratic traditions is working out.

    And, pb is happy for you that you get to watch your political porn. I hope you have a dozen more political skin flicks to watch.

    Check the links in my post on the Flatulent Fool's polls. Clearly, somehow, voters are dumping Joe even as the hearings go on.

    From where I sit, I say, keep cranking out those hearings right up to election day!

    We could end up with 300 GOPs in the House and mid 50s in the Senate.

  37. by Donna on June 23, 2022 7:41 am
    I was 16 when the Watergate hearings commenced. I don't even remember them. I was too busy playing sports, listening to rock and roll, doing my homework, taking part in church activities - stuff like that. I don't even think my parents watched them.

  38. by Donna on June 23, 2022 7:47 am
    Hate is miffed because they're so incriminating and effective. The more that people like Hate complain about the hearings, the better indication it is that they're going impact the popularity of Trump and his Republican Party.

  39. by HatetheSwamp on June 23, 2022 7:55 am


    This is pb's take from earlier today:

    pb is happy for you that you get to watch your political porn. I hope you have a dozen more political skin flicks to watch.

    Check the links in my post on the Flatulent Fool's polls. Clearly, somehow, voters are dumping Joe even as the hearings go on.

    From where I sit, I say, keep cranking out those hearings right up to election day!

    We could end up with 300 GOPs in the House and mid 50s in the Senate.

    Because I am so devoted to the very idea of America, it's almost impossible for me to watch the hearings. I can only watch minutes at a time.

    But, pb loooooooooooves what's happening in the polls.

  40. by Donna on June 23, 2022 8:18 am
    Hts- If you love how the hearings are affecting the polls, then that would indicate that you love how the hearings are going. And if that's true, then I would think that you would want to watch every minute.

    I think you're watching a lot more than a few minutes at a time - because you're an admitted political junkie and you think that they'll help DeSantis in the primaries.

    Do you like the poll that Curt reported on which revealed that 60% of Americans want to see Trump prosecuted? I would think you do, because that's more good news for DeSantis.

    DeSantis, if he wins the primary, might present a decent challenge to the Democratic Party nominee, which I don't think will be Biden. I'm hearing some talk from Democratic voters that they'd like to see Michelle Obama run. I'd like to see her run too. I think she'd mop the floor with any Republican. I don't think she'll run, though.

  41. by islander on June 23, 2022 8:18 am

    Hate. Remember when we talked about a lie being an attempt to deceive?

    Hate said: ”The GOP didn't block this Committee from being bipartisan

    No, they didn’t block “ THIS” hearing which you claim is not bipartisan. What they DID BLOCK is the bill to form a bipartisan investigation into Jan. 6 just like I said.

    GOP blocks bipartisan probe of deadly Jan. 6 riot at Capitol

    ”WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Republicans on Friday blocked the creation of a bipartisan panel to study the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, refusing to back down on their opposition to the independent investigation even amid emotional appeals from those who fought with and fled from the rioters that day.” *

    You see? By telling a partial truth you did indeed try to deceive the readers into thinking that the GOP didn’t block a bipartisan investigation into Jan 6.

    Obviously they didn’t block this ongoing investigation or it wouldn’t be “ongoing”...and you knew all this.

  42. by HatetheSwamp on June 23, 2022 8:21 am



    Your point?

  43. by islander on June 23, 2022 8:56 am
    Here is a hint, my claim: "The GOP blocked having a bipartisan investigation"

    You replied: "The GOP didn't block this Committee from being bipartisan"

    With all your whining and crying that the ongoing hearings are not bipartisan, did or didn’t the Republicans block having a bipartisan hearing.

  44. by HatetheSwamp on June 23, 2022 9:02 am


    Based only on your word, yes. GOPs blocked bipartisan Senate hearings.

    Here's the crucial issue. Did Senate Dems go forward with hearing on their own?


  45. by Donna on June 23, 2022 9:36 am
    Right, because anyone who isn't out of their fucking mind would have been able to see very clearly that an investigation was warranted.

  46. by Donna on June 23, 2022 9:36 am
    Right, because anyone who isn't out of their fucking mind would have been able to see very clearly that an investigation was warranted.

  47. by HatetheSwamp on June 23, 2022 12:08 pm


    We have a Justice Department. An Attorney General. Even a Federal Bureau of Investigation.

  48. by Donna on June 23, 2022 2:28 pm
    And by law, Congress doesn't need any of those agencies to conduct its own investigation.

  49. by Donna on June 23, 2022 2:31 pm
    Or I say "entities". If that we the case, the Banghazi investigation and enduing hearings wouldn't have taken place. But you know this. You're wasting my time.

  50. by HatetheSwamp on June 23, 2022 2:39 pm

    It seems to me that, whomever it is who should be charged, and punished, by prosecutors, this time around, Congress has done nuthin other than to ignite a political dumpster fire.

    I think it's obvious that the purpose of these televised hearings has been to attempt to remind the country that Trump is despicable in the hope of diverting attention from the truth that Biden is a Doddering Old Fart.

  51. by Donna on June 23, 2022 9:20 pm
    But the intention of the Benghazi hearing wasn't to make it look like Hillary caused the deaths of American embassy workers?

    Why are you getting all butthurt about Trump and his henchmen being exposed as the unAmerican undemocratic poor sports they are? Just how fragile is your ego?

  52. by HatetheSwamp on June 24, 2022 4:24 am

    Why are you getting all butthurt about Trump and his henchmen being exposed as the unAmerican undemocratic poor sports they are? Just how fragile is your ego?

    If Trump is exposed, pb's happy. pb's supporting Ron DeSantis in 024. Trump being battered by this hearing malarkey would be a benefit for those of us in the DeSantis gang.

    I doubt Trump is being hit where it will hurt him. As far as I can tell, the only people who care about the hearings are Blue MAGA political porn addicts like isle.

    What I'm, uh, "butthurt about," is the fascism of the Show Trial. I know. You claim it's not a trial. But, it's all that a Hitler, Stalin, Mao show trial ever was. It's the Show Trial of Jesus, though no one's washing their hands.

    I did some checking. On 538, the Doddering Old Fool's net approval has dropped about three points since the Show Trial debuted...just in that little time.

    Increasingly, people are catching on to the fact that your ilk always behave as if democracy and individual liberties are a bad thing.

    I was stunned to see, on my Twitter feed yesterday, people were proclaiming Clarence Thomas GOAT and nominating him for sainthood.

    And, why?

    I'm convinced that it's because people have got your side's number.

    It seems as if you're freedom-phobic. People these days rejoice at every proclamation of freedom in any form.

    The pandemic proved it when you ALL grooved on mandates and shutdowns as if they were the best thing since zippered pants. These hearings come from the same place. Let those GOPs just shut the eff up!

    So, crush Trump, if it makes you happy. PLEASE!

    Just don't kill the principles of the Republic!

  53. by Donna on June 24, 2022 7:26 am
    It's weird to believe that the hearings are "fascist". You're an extremist and a nihilist. And a pathological liar.

  54. by HatetheSwamp on June 24, 2022 8:32 am

    Many agree with me, Donna.

    The practical reality: There's nothing that remotely resembles a hearing in these gatherings.

    This is like a nontraditional presentation of the sermon as a dramatic dialog that might take place in Unitarian Universalist Church.

    This is not how a two party Republic operates. It is what happens when fascism reigns. I don't know how you can deny that this is fascism.

    If anything is fascist, this Committee is it.

  55. by Donna on June 24, 2022 9:01 am
    There's nothing that has ever remotely resembled what happened on Jan 6, 2021 either. Our democratic republic was threatened that day and still is.

    You don't like hearing that because it's the guy you voted for and members of your party that were part of an organized plot to violently interrupt the peaceful transfer of power and reverse the results of the presidential election. You guys want everybody to forget that and pretend that it didn't happen. That's the real reason you guys are foaming at the mouth about the investigations and hearings - because they've ben very effective exposing the sorry unAmerican plot for all to see.

    60% of Americans want to see Trump and his henchman prosecuted. If the rest of you don't like that, you can all go pound sand.

  56. by HatetheSwamp on June 24, 2022 9:19 am

    You don't like hearing that because it's the guy you voted for and members of your party that were part of an organized plot to violently interrupt the peaceful transfer of power and reverse the results of the presidential election.


    pb has been saying since before Trump was inaugurated in 017 that he thinks Trump is despicable.

    And, pb supports Ron DeSantis for President in 024.

  57. by HatetheSwamp on June 24, 2022 9:24 am

    60% of Americans want to see Trump and his henchman prosecuted. If the rest of you don't like that, you can all go pound sand.

    Why are you lying? That's po's thing.

    pb thinks that the best thing for the GOPs is for Trump to be compromised by these hearings. pb's made that clear. pb doesn't think he will be, but he absolutely hopes Trump'll be convict of something meaningful. Absolutely!

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