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Government selectors, pages, etc.
NBC: ‘Impeachment No. 3’: Jan. 6 panel isn’t swaying these swing-state Republicans
By HatetheSwamp
June 18, 2022 6:32 pm
Category: Government

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“Reprehensible,” said one voter.

“Disgusting,” said a second.

“It has everybody angry,” said a third.

It wasn’t the noose hanging outside the Capitol that upset them, the chants of “hang Mike Pence” or the testimony of the president’s former attorney general.

Instead, it was “Washington politicians” and “the media establishment,” several voters interviewed said, who they saw as trying to stack the deck against the former president...

NBC News talked to more than two dozen voters in both Washoe and Clark counties — the two most populous in Nevada — and found that the Jan. 6 committee hearings that captivated Washington not only failed to persuade these voters but pushed them in the opposite direction.
He called the Jan. 6 committee flawed because it has “nobody on it with opposing views” to the majority on the panel of Democrats and what he called “anti-Trumpers” like Cheney...

When a reporter asked the group if they were persuaded by testimony the day before of insufficient voter fraud in 2020, one of the voters who did not give his name pulled his head back: “You mean on the TV?” Then waved his hand in disgust.

pb is tempted to say that he told you so but, in the end, he can only say, "Duh!"

This is NBC and you may have noticed that, on Thursday, NBC dumped hearing coverage to cover the effin first round US Open golf.

pb has been saying that this Show Trial approach to presenting the evidence is something thinking people won't abide.

He's bang on.

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Comments on "NBC: ‘Impeachment No. 3’: Jan. 6 panel isn’t swaying these swing-state Republicans":

  1. by Curt_Anderson on June 18, 2022 7:00 pm
    This week, I quoted a poll in another thread that said more than half of Americans polled say Trump should face a criminal court. Not just "disapprove" or "don't prefer", but want Trump charged criminally. I think the number was 55%, a majority anyway. The poll was taken after the first hearing.

    When the Watergate hearings began only 1 in 5 Americans thought that Nixon should be removed from office. When the hearings ended a large majority wanted Nixon gone. And Nixon had won the election in landslide. So it was quite a turnabout by the public.

    There will be the inevitable Trump deadenders who will stubbornly refuse to believe the apparent and obvious. Just as they gullibly believe the illogical and ridiculous.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on June 19, 2022 4:01 am


    This article is about the Jan 6th Committee which is profoundly profoundly anti-democratic.

    With the exception of a very small circle of Ultra-MAGA wackos, GOPs have been appalled about the January 6 shenanigans from the moment the riot began. pb denounced it contemporaneously and, as I've been saying, even SEAN effin HANNITY begged Trump to do what he could to stop the riot WHILE IT WAS TAKING PLACE!

    Why the Dems decided to hold these hearings in this way is one of the most foolish decisions it's made during this Congress in which they control everything...

    ...and, truly, in the nation's history.

    The truth is that the Dems have turned people like pb, who thinks Trump is despicable, toward opposing these hearings and not to focus on Trump High Misdemeanors.

    How idiotic!

  3. by Curt_Anderson on June 19, 2022 9:41 am
    "The truth is that the Dems have turned people like pb, who thinks Trump is despicable, toward opposing these hearings and not to focus on Trump High Misdemeanors." --HtS

    So you're saying that the Democrats just blew any chance of winning over the PB and HtS vote? I consider that a calculated risk.

  4. by Donna on June 19, 2022 3:08 pm
    Oh no! They've turned Hate against the Democrats!

  5. by Ponderer on June 19, 2022 3:42 pm

    "With the exception of a very small circle of Ultra-MAGA wackos, GOPs have been appalled about the January 6 shenanigans from the moment the riot began. pb denounced it contemporaneously and, as I've been saying, even SEAN effin HANNITY begged Trump to do what he could to stop the riot WHILE IT WAS TAKING PLACE!" -Hate

    Ah the indignation of the guilty.

    Yes. There certainly is tons of corroborated evidence that an awful lot of his advisers, Republican politicians, family and lawyers around him were all begging him to stop it. To do something. To call people. To activate reserve security units. Anything.

    He did nothing, Bill. He called no one. He sat on his tiny orange hands and didn't do a god damned thing.

    Do you think that there is evidence from somewhere other than where the "anti-democratic" committee found all their evidence that would show he actually did do something? Are there email records and phone records and police records and military records and witnesses who only the Republicans can see and hear? And they can't show up on Fox at least and tell their side of how Trump was actually appalled by the violence and tried the following list of things to try to stop it?

    He did nothing, Bill. He sat on his tiny criminal orange hands and let it all happen. The obvious conclusion, forgive me for employing logic, is that he was perfectly content with what was happening. He saw what was happening as actually helping his him. He saw it as helping the other plans he had afoot that we are hearing about now in damning detail.

    Can you come up with any logical, excusable explanation as to why he wouldn't lift a finger to stop any of the violence until well after it was already essentially quelled and it was obvious that they weren't going to pull it off for him? Any rational explanation at all?

    I'll save us all a lot of time... No you can't. Neither could any Republican you could have ever dreamed of putting onto that committee.

    He was derelict in his duty.

  6. by oldedude on June 19, 2022 5:14 pm
    "To call people. To activate reserve security units. Anything. "

    That is up to the Speaker of the House according to the joint congressional rules. In your delirium, you're blaming the wrong person. Nancy did that purposefully to put congress in danger.

  7. by Ponderer on June 19, 2022 6:19 pm

    od, is it your contention that the president is actually helpless to order anything, other than, oh... say, using national guard or reserve units to forcibly clear streets to facilitate presidential photo ops in front of churches, when such an attack against our democracy happens literally on his doorstep?

    So Trump couldn't have done anything...? Even if he had wanted to? So heck, it wasn't even worth him trying...?

    That's an interesting defense for his disgusting and treasonous behavior that day...

  8. by Donna on June 19, 2022 7:03 pm
    In fact VP Pence called the National Guard.

    To defend Trump's inaction is about as lame as it gets.

  9. by oldedude on June 19, 2022 7:21 pm
    "This week, I quoted a poll in another thread that said more than half of Americans polled say Trump should face a criminal court. Not just "disapprove" or "don't prefer", but want Trump charged criminally. I think the number was 55%, a majority anyway. The poll was taken after the first hearing."

    I think that would be pretty entertaining. They would have to prove that the 220 people (out of an estimated 20,000 that heard the same speach) entered the building were under his direct control. When that happens, then there would be demands regarding Maxine Waters and the attacks on "perceived" Trump supporters (some were attacked merely because they were white).

    Just to put this in to perspective. They couldn't show that Charles Manson did the same thing. They did charge him with the murders and (because he was in collusion at the crime) conspiracy to commit murder.

    Then they would have to charge little nancy when she stated the 2020 summer of rioting was a "peaceful demonstration."

    I understand this is just another shot at Trump. What's interesting to me, is that once Trump is gone, who do you blame? And are your ready for the 2.0.

    I much as I really don't care for Indy, he was correct. The revolution is coming. Along with the rest of the sheep, he's on the side of Stalin and Pol Pot.

  10. by Donna on June 19, 2022 7:36 pm
    More willful ignorance. You know damned (or you should know) well that Pelosi wasn't referring to the riot when she was talking about the peaceful demonstration that also took place.

  11. by oldedude on June 19, 2022 7:45 pm
    She had the same information I did, and probably more. She willfully chose to make those statements as people were burning down buildings and private small businesses. She did this repeatedly, even when given facts. I hold her accountable. I hold you willfully stupid and in concert with the other marxists.

  12. by Donna on June 19, 2022 8:17 pm
    That's a ridiculous analysis.

  13. by oldedude on June 19, 2022 8:49 pm
    Only because you're willfully blind to your masters. If it's conservative or according to law, you absolute hate. Where conservatives can disagree and talk, sheep are taught just to draw the hate card. It may have to do with the weedthe sheep smoke. "People who use marijuana are more likely to develop temporary psychosis (not knowing what is real, hallucinations, and paranoia) and long-lasting mental disorders, including schizophrenia (a type of mental illness where people might see or hear things that are not really there). (CDC)

  14. by Donna on June 19, 2022 10:12 pm
    LOL! I don't do MJ. The strongest drug I do is caffeine.

    You're clearly on crystal meth, though.

  15. by Ponderer on June 20, 2022 12:10 am

    I think you've struck upon it, Donna. Crystal meth. It answers so many questions about him.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on June 20, 2022 4:01 am

    He did nothing, Bill. He sat on his tiny criminal orange hands and let it all happen. The obvious conclusion, forgive me for employing logic, is that he was perfectly content with what was happening. He saw what was happening as actually helping his him. He saw it as helping the other plans he had afoot that we are hearing about now in damning detail.

    po. We agree. Essentially, anyway.

    Trump didn't incite an insurrection. And, he is culpable because he didn't do everything in his power to quell the riot.

    That's what pb's always said.

  17. by HatetheSwamp on June 20, 2022 4:11 am

    Where conservatives can disagree and talk, sheep are taught just to draw the hate card.

    And, that's essential.

    As is obvious from this Jan 6th mess, the Blue MAGAs operate, not so much from hate only, but from emotion all the time. I don't necessarily believe that they can't think. It's that emotion kicks in before the brain engages.

  18. by oldedude on June 20, 2022 7:42 am
    that makes sense. You're the one that generally doesn't fly off the delusional rampage while your wife is all over the board.

    I still maintain that your view is nothing more than getting used to being spoon whatever MSM wants to feed you. "shoulda known" does not prove guilt. And if it was little nancies job to protect the house and senate, why didn't she do anything? If she's criminally culpable, then Trump would have had to circumvent her authority. Not that he "couldn't" have, but then she could have played the interference game to have another hearing to waste taxpayers time and energy. Again, I bring up maxine (that old crusty foul tempered woman) who has repeatedly called for violence in a much stronger tone.

    If you really feel that Trump is criminally at fault, quit wasting money in a kangaroo court that is incapable of doing what you want and take him to criminal court. Period.

  19. by Donna on June 20, 2022 8:01 am
    The process may result in indictments against the Oranguman.

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