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Trump is furious with the January 6th Committee. He demands something he doesn't want.
By Curt_Anderson
June 16, 2022 11:15 pm
Category: Politics

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So Trump jumped on his Truth Social to complain:

"The Fake News Networks are perpetuating lies, falsehoods, and Russia, Russia, Russia type disinformation (same sick people, here we go again!) by allowing the low rated but nevertheless one sided and slanderous Unselect Committee hearings to go endlessly and aimlessly on (and on and on!)," he wrote. "It is a one sided, highly partisan Witch Hunt, the likes of which has never been seen in Congress before. Therefore, I am hereby demanding EQUAL TIME to spell out the massive Voter Fraud & Dem Security Breach!"

In a second posting on his social network, Trump wrote: "I DEMAND EQUAL TIME!!!"

Of course, the people who testified in front of the committee were all under oath. Trump's aversion to testifying under oath is like Dracula's aversion to sunlight.

I am sure that the committee would welcome Trump's testimony if he appears under oath. But I am also sure Trump would never testify willingly. His partner in crime, John Eastman, who requested a presidential pardon, invoked the Fifth Amendment 100 times when answering the January 6th Committee's questions.

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Comments on "Trump is furious with the January 6th Committee. He demands something he doesn't want.":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on June 17, 2022 4:47 am

    It's hard not to laugh at you TDSers over this. As you know, I despise Trump. I think he's despicable but I have never agreed with him more than over these ridiculous, un-American hearings.

    Talk about Fake News. This is the very definition of the term.

    These are not a House Committee hearings. The House is split nearly 50/50 and yet Trump's party has not been permitted to appoint members of their choosing to the Committee. No witness is cross examined, or challenged on any point. The broadcast networks are blasting this over the airways without shame.

    Curt says, "Of course, the people who testified in front of the committee were all under oath." And, during this televised Show Trial, they're saying what they said before, knowing that the members are going to praise them, as they've already praised them in the past.

    Of, course, Trump's pi$$ed.

    What's astounding is that Curt, and y'all, are taking this seriously.

    This is not an investigation. It's a congressional equivalent of the grey haired ladies of the neighborhood sitting in a circle with their knitting, gossiping about the neighbor nobody likes.

    What's that some of you think that this is a legitimate exercise in American, uh, democracy.

    This is precisely justice as it was carried out by Hitler and Stalin and Mao. Think of Lizzy Cheney as Pontius Pilate.

    You TDSers are so d@mn cute, thinking you're accomplishing something.

    The truth is, though, these hearings are failing. This publicized Show Trial was supposed to divert attention away from "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap." It hasn't. Why? Perhaps a few million people are watching the afternoon hearings. EVERY AMERICAN EATS WHAT COMES FROM A GROCERY STORE AND, UNLESS YOU ARE AMISH, YOU BUY GAS!

    Joe Biden remains the most unpopular President in American history, the Show Trial notwithstanding.

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha. You Dems dealt yourselves a losing hand when you foisted the Flatulent Fool on us and you're stuck.

    I think if Trump could testify in a legitimate congressional setting, he would. And, he'd humiliate the people on the Dems' side.

    And, they know it. Hence, the Show Trial.

  2. by islander on June 17, 2022 4:55 am

    "As you know, I despise Trump"

    LoL !!! Me thinks thou doth protest too much.

  3. by islander on June 17, 2022 5:02 am
    "On CNN this morning, Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD), a member of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol, said: “New evidence is breaking every single day now. Suddenly, a lot of people want to tell the truth.”

    After the committee’s third public hearing today, we can see why. The window for getting onto the good side of the investigation by cooperating with it is closing, and the story the congress members are laying out makes it clear that those sticking with Trump are quite likely in legal trouble.

    It appears that the former president thinks the same thing. Before today’s hearing, he wrote: “I DEMAND EQUAL TIME!!!”

    But it seems unlikely Trump wants to tell his version of what happened around January 6 under oath, and if he were misled by his advisors, who can doubt that he would already have thrown them under the bus?

    And, so far, the committee has used testimony and evidence only from those high up in Trump’s own administration. Today was no exception. The committee covered the former president’s pressure campaign against his vice president, Mike Pence, to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Instead of following the law, codified in the 1887 Electoral Count Act, Trump wanted Pence to use his role as the person charged with opening electoral votes to throw out the votes that gave Democrat Joe Biden victory, or at least to recess the joint session of Congress for ten days to send the electoral slates back to the states, where pro-Trump legislatures could throw out the decision of the voters and resubmit slates for Trump."

  4. by HatetheSwamp on June 17, 2022 5:14 am

    Check the polls, isle. Nobody gives a d@mn about your silly little Show Trial.

    People care about inflation and gas prices and crime. Jan 6th is on nobody's mind!

    If you'd wanted people to care, Nancy should have let the GOPs put their people on the Committee. There'd have been a few explosive moments, of course.

    But, the truth is that Jan 6th is one of the darkest moments in American history and, while Trump didn't commit any crimes, his behavior was truly despicable. Heck! Even Sean effin Hannity was BEGGING Trump to do something about the riot.

    But, no one cares. Apart from MSNBC and CNN viewers, no one is paying attention.

    And, Joe's approval tanks.

  5. by islander on June 17, 2022 5:49 am

    Hate -

    Do you actually believe all the crap you post here? 🤣

  6. by HatetheSwamp on June 17, 2022 5:59 am

    Of course I do, isle, and every word is true.

    Sadly, for you, I have no doubt that you believe your drivel.

  7. by islander on June 17, 2022 6:30 am

    What you call “truth”, Hate, doesn’t have to conform to reality as long as you “believe” it’s true. LoL !!

    For example; you think it’s true that, in your own words, ”Nobody gives a d@mn about your silly little Show Trial”

    The reality of course is that there is no trial ! And 11 MILLION people took the time, in the middle of a workday, to watch the 3rd hearing. That's 11,000,000 (million) people and that’s a lot more than “nobody” !!

    So you see, Hate, what I just said is objective truth...It conforms to reality. That’s the difference between us hen we say something is true !

  8. by HatetheSwamp on June 17, 2022 7:46 am

    C'mon man. Gimme a break! Where's your brain!

    Someone should up add the mid day ratings on a normal day on all the outlets covering the show trial and subtract that number from your 11 million. It may very well be negative viewership!

    11 million. What's the US population? 330+ million!

    As I said. Check recent polls. No one effin cares! They care about inflation and crime and gas prices. Jan 6th doesn't get a blip.

    And, of course, approval of "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" continues to fall.

    The most compelling reality in this is that almost everyone on the right condemned Jan 6th on Jan 6th. Even Sean effin Hannity. The best the Committee can do for us is fill in blanks. We don't care. We made up our minds a year and a half ago.

    You, also, made up your mind and Jan 6th is one of the few things you and I agree on. What we disagree about is this ridiculous, waste of time, Show Trial. And, get it. The Show Trial part, if anything, draws support to Trump.

    Open your eyes!

  9. by Donna on June 17, 2022 7:50 am
    It's hilarious watching Hts get all worked into a lather about the hearings. As he well knows, Trump has always been welcome to clear the whole thing up under oath. I know I would if I felt that I did nothing wrong. I think anyone would.

    I wonder why Trump hasn't done that. Hmmm, what could it be?

  10. by HatetheSwamp on June 17, 2022 7:53 am


    As you know, I condemned Jan 6th on Jan 6th.

    As you know, I despise Trump. I think he's despicable.

    But, Show Trial is Hitler, Stalin. Mao. Not America.

  11. by Donna on June 17, 2022 7:56 am
    If you think the hearings are ridiculous, then don't watch them, right ? I wouldn't watch something I thought was ridiculous.

    I think I can speak for everyone here that we're all enjoying very much watching you meltdown in real time. It's almost as good as the hearings.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on June 17, 2022 8:03 am

    I'm conflict because I am a news junkie. I tried watching yesterday and gave up.

  13. by Donna on June 17, 2022 8:04 am
    For the umteenth time, Hts, it isn't a trial!

    We all could have complained about the Republican Senate's show-grilling of Hillary for 11 hours at the Benghazi hearings, but actually we relished watcbing her defend herself and set the record straight for all to see. And then of course they exonerated her.

    Trump has always been free to do the same.

  14. by Donna on June 17, 2022 8:14 am
    The Benghazi hearings went on for three days. I only watched some of it. I was fine with the hearings and exposing any crimes that may have been committed. I doubted that they'd find anything, though. And they didn't.

    I've never been a fan of Hillary, but I have to hand it to her that at least she has character, which is something that Trump has never had.

  15. by Donna on June 17, 2022 8:19 am

    My goondess. Hate has really pulled out all the stops on his gargantuan pipe organ of bullshit I tell ya what.

    It's hard to imagine that he truly believes the flaming misrepresented, obfuscational, bullshit he's regurgitating from Fox. But it's truly entertaining to watch how hard it's becoming for him to keep trying to convince us he does (I admit that it's hard for me to believe he is actually as insane as he presents himself). He's reached the quantity, not quality stage of his protestations against the truth. He thinks that the more bullshit he flings, the better his position is. What a moron. I can wait to see him wriggle and squirm even more frantically as the evidence from the rest of the hearings comes out.

    Notice, he presents nothing in any way critical about the actual blatant evidence that is piling up in flabbergasting heaps against his Mango Messiah. That is mainly because he can't. The evidence has already been highly excoriating for his Carrot Colored Christ. I guess he thinks that if Jim Jordan and several truth-averse MAGA marshals were only on the committee, their asking witnesses, "So, you didn't really hear the president say what you testified under oath that he said, did you?", would really blow the lid off the whole shebang.

    All he can do is complain about the process and attack the motivations of the participants. He and Fox have got nothing.

    They scream and cry and bitch and moan about how we're all focusing on the hearings when gas prices are so high and inflation is taking off as if there's no conceivable way that anything is being worked on in Washington by anyone else there while the hearings are on. Including the president. Like they think all business has stopped while the whole government sits and watches these hearings.

    Trump's supporters have all got Nothing of any substance whatsoever to defend their Orange Julius Caesar with. But we all love how that never stops Hate from trying his slavishly sycophantic best to do it anyways. The man is absolutely relentless in this task. Like it's his sacred mission. And he's the most pathetic of them all.

    "But, the truth is that Jan 6th is one of the darkest moments in American history and, while Trump didn't commit any crimes," -Hate

    Well there it is, folks. His astounding degree of willful pig-ignorance and proof that he hasn't paid the least amount of attention to these hearings is summed up rather nicely in that quoted sentence fragment. It's also a testament to the infallibility he reverently believes his Jiving Jesus is blessed with.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on June 17, 2022 8:24 am

    Point taken, Donna.

    I won't call it a Show Trial...

    Just a SHOW.

    You need to understand how un-American this one-sided thing is!

    This is pure fascism!

  17. by Ponderer on June 17, 2022 8:26 am

    That last post from Donna was actually me. I didn't notice she was still logged in.

  18. by Ponderer on June 17, 2022 8:28 am

    "You need to understand how un-American this one-sided thing is!"

    Please tell us how it could have been more "American", Hate.

    And then tell us how it would be going any differently if what you want had been the case.

  19. by Ponderer on June 17, 2022 8:31 am

    Seriously, I can't understand how you or the Republicans imagine that allowing people on the committee whose only purpose would be to thwart, hinder, obfuscate, misrepresent, and stop the truth from being revealed is a good way to get at the truth. You're gonna have to explain that one to me, Bill.

  20. by Ponderer on June 17, 2022 8:32 am

    "This is pure fascism!" -hate

    You are purely deranged.

  21. by Donna on June 17, 2022 8:46 am
    I never called the Benghazi hearings "un-American" or "fascist". Hearings like these are very much part of a democratic republic, and I think you know that, Hts, or else you would have also complained about the Benhazi hearings.

    It's clear that you just don't like how poorly this all reflects on your own judgment about becoming a Republican and voting for the scum that is Donald Trump.

    As usual, you can't handle the cognitive dissonance these hearings have conjured up. Maybe one day you'll be honest and admit to yourself and others that you made a mistake. If you do, you'll no longer find the need to defend the indefensible. It really is okay to be wrong.

  22. by Ponderer on June 17, 2022 9:01 am

    Donna nailed it, Bill.

    You know, you have it within you to stop all this nonsense and rejoin reality. You can't imagine how happy we would all be for you if you were to simply admit that you have been wrong. About Trump. About the Republicans. About the Democrats. About all the things that you've been vomiting on this forum for so many years fed to you by a sociopathic, nihilistic, Republican propaganda machine that is Fox and all the others. And not just because you are in fact wrong, but because of what continuing to believe lies is doing to you psychologically.

    Seriously. We'd be so incredibly happy for you. It would be like having a friend who had been plagued with a horrific facial mutation, making their face look like a pile of uncooked sausages, finally working up the courage to have it all surgically removed to reveal a normal, human face. We'd be jumping for joy at your decision and courage.

    But unfortunately, it would take courage. And you ain't got enough to fill a thimble.

    I sure wish you could find some somewhere. You know, I think there are actually 12-step programs for reformed MAGA zombies just like you. There might be one nearby you that you could join. Worth looking into someday I think...

  23. by HatetheSwamp on June 17, 2022 9:08 am


    Either I'm splaining this poorly...'re an idiot...

    ...or you're living so much in your subjectivity that you've lost the ability to reason.

    Notice, he presents nothing in any way critical about the actual blatant evidence that is piling up in flabbergasting heaps against his Mango Messiah.

    Take a breath.

    pb doesn't dispute "the actual blatant evidence."

    Trump is despicable.

    pb denounced Jan 6th on Jan 6th.

    pb does say that, on some points, the Committee's INTERPRETATION of the evidence is exaggerated. But, pb truly thinks that Jan 6th was one of the darkest days in American history.

    How can I be more clear?

  24. by Donna on June 17, 2022 9:38 am
    Hts, as usual you didn't address any the points I made. In fact you haven't addressed any of the points anyone here has made throughput the Jan 6 hearings. All you do is whine, deflect, and change the subject.

  25. by HatetheSwamp on June 17, 2022 9:42 am

    I just addressed them all! But, if you want to be specific, I'll reply item by item.

  26. by Donna on June 17, 2022 9:45 am
    I don't understand why you don't want the "darkest days in American history" to be investigated by elected government representatives who are serious about wanting it investigated. You say that you agree wuth us, yet you complain that the investigating committee didn't include people whose intents were to undermine the investigation.

  27. by Ponderer on June 17, 2022 9:52 am

    "pb doesn't dispute 'the actual blatant evidence.'" -hate

    Ummmm....... What do you think your declaring that "Trump didn't commit any crimes" is?

    By saying that, you are disputing all the mountains of evidence and sworn testimonies that we are being shown of crimes he committed as being proof of nothing. Something that no sane, unbiased person having seen the evidence would ever conclude.

  28. by HatetheSwamp on June 17, 2022 9:55 am

    I don't understand why you don't want the "darkest days in American history" to be investigated by elected government representatives who are serious about wanting it investigated.

    Honestly, Donna, I think that you are bull$hitting me, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

    When has pb even remotely suggested that he doesn't want one of the darkest days in American history to be investigated by elected officials?

    You say that you agree wuth us...

    Agree with you about what?

  29. by HatetheSwamp on June 17, 2022 10:06 am

    By saying that, you are disputing all the mountains of evidence and sworn testimonies that we are being shown of crimes he committed as being proof of nothing.

    I acknowledge that lots that’s ugly...and consistent with Trump's narcissism and arrogance...has been brought to light. Are there crimes there?

    C'mon man. Gimme an effin break!

    In the USA, innocence and guilt is determined by juries.

    If I had $100 for every time you've proved yourself to be someone who'd jump on the opportunity to lead a lynch mob, I'd be able to snowbird in the south next year, too. Bahahahahahahahahahaha.

    Neither of us are lawyers. Let's be Americans. Jurisprudence, po.

  30. by Ponderer on June 17, 2022 11:06 am

    Well, it certainly looks pretty damned obvious to any sane person that he broke parts of 18 U.S. Code § 1512 and 18 U.S. Code § 371, just from what we've seen so far.

  31. by HatetheSwamp on June 17, 2022 11:13 am


    Remember that Johnny Mathis classic, "It's not for me to say," probably older than you are.

    It's not for you to say.

    In fact, in this country, it's up to a prosecutor to bring the charge. A year and a half on, no prosecutor has done even that.

    Things were so much simpler, eh, when lynch mobs were an everyday thing. Clearly, you were born too late.

  32. by Ponderer on June 17, 2022 11:18 am

    I don't have to say it. At least one Federal judge has already said that he believes it's likely that Trump broke those laws.

    And Trump even appointed them! The ingrates...

  33. by Ponderer on June 17, 2022 11:21 am

    "It's not for you to say." -Hate

    And yet it's for you to say that Hunter Biden and his father should be arrested for crimes that you say they committed but you can't even specify, over evidence that no one has even presented yet?

    You are quite literally the biggest fukking hypocrite I have ever known.

  34. by Donna on June 17, 2022 11:28 am
    Hts -So I guess we all agree on everything. We have a strange way of demonstrating that, no?

    Btw, everything I post is 100% what I think. My personality on social media is my real-life personality. That's why my monicker is my name.

  35. by HatetheSwamp on June 17, 2022 11:35 am

    And yet it's for you to say that Hunter Biden and his father should be arrested for crimes that you say they committed but you can't even specify, over evidence that no one has even presented yet?

    No. pb never said that. He did say that they should be investigated.

    And, to that point, pb said that the problem with that second impeachment was that the charge against Trump could not possibly have been investigated in time before he was shown the White House door.

    Investigating is what they're still doing now.

  36. by HatetheSwamp on June 17, 2022 11:37 am

    Hts -So I guess we all agree on everything.

    That may be stretching the point...

  37. by Curt_Anderson on June 17, 2022 11:44 am
    Trump's overt actions and statements which we all saw were enough for him to be impeached. People have been charged with inciting a riot and associated crimes based on less evidence.

    What we are finding out now are the details of the machinations and the scheming of Donald Trump in his unsuccessful efforts to cling to power

  38. by Ponderer on June 17, 2022 11:45 am

    "And, to that point, pb said that the problem with that second impeachment was that the charge against Trump could not possibly have been investigated in time before he was shown the White House door." -Hate

    The charges were quite well spelled out with plenty of evidence at his impeachment trial, much of which we are seeing again in more detail in these hearings.

  39. by Ponderer on June 17, 2022 11:47 am

    ...And he was obviously guilty.

  40. by Donna on June 17, 2022 11:51 am
    Building on what Curt said, Americans have been executed for murder based entirely on eyewitness testimony.

  41. by islander on June 17, 2022 2:25 pm
    ”pb does say that, on some points, the Committee's INTERPRETATION of the evidence is exaggerated.”

    That’s nice, Hate, but which points of evidence are you talking about ? If it goes to court the judge and jury will make that determination, however, here when you give a broad opinion like that it’s pretty irrelevant unless you can tell us what evidence you are talking about and why you think it’s exaggerated.


    You say; [you]”acknowledge that lots that’s ugly...and consistent with Trump's narcissism and arrogance...has been brought to light. Are there crimes there?

    This is why you should watch the hearings like the rest of us so that you could be better informed.

    Being a narcissist and arrogant are nasty personality traits which I’m sure you’re familiar with but like you say, they are not a “crime”. However that’s not what the committee is investigating. Crimes are things like obstruction of justice, seditious conspiracy (which is punishable by up to 20 years) and of course you “must” know that trying to overturn an election is a serious crime.

    At any rate, if you were better informed you wouldn’t end up sounding so foolish.

  42. by HatetheSwamp on June 17, 2022 2:47 pm

    That’s nice, Hate, but which points of evidence are you talking about ? If it goes to court the judge and jury will make that determination, however, here when you give a broad opinion like that it’s pretty irrelevant unless you can tell us what evidence you are talking about and why you think it’s exaggerated.

    The most glaring and silly example that comes to mind is the claim that because Bill Barr didn't believe that the election was swiped and Ivanka agreed that Trump effin KNEW that the election was not stolen. That's a ridiculous interpretation that is just plain stupid. There were dozens of people who disagreed with Barr who were influencing Trump every day. Trump didn't know nuthin.

    And, you do this all the time, accusing me of not being specific when I have been.

    Crimes are things like obstruction of justice, seditious conspiracy (which is punishable by up to 20 years) and of course you “must” know that trying to overturn an election is a serious crime.

    You silly old man. Bahahahahahahahahahaha.

    I'm sure you know that the Justice Department doesn't need this Committee to exist or to hold this ridiculous Show.

    If there's a case for an obstruction of justice the charge, let a prosecutor prosecute.

  43. by islander on June 17, 2022 4:08 pm

    Hate wrote: ”The most glaring and silly example that comes to mind is the claim that because Bill Barr didn't believe that the election was swiped and Ivanka agreed that Trump effin KNEW that the election was not stolen. That's a ridiculous interpretation that is just plain stupid. There were dozens of people who disagreed with Barr who were influencing Trump every day. Trump didn't know nuthin.”

    If you had been watching the hearings you’d know that it wasn’t just Trump’s attorney general Bill Bar or his daughter testifying that the election was stolen, you missed the testimony From all the others in Trump’s inner circle who told him the same thing and they carefully explained to him that there was no credible evidence that there was massive voter fraud, and that the election wasn’t stolen.

    Exactly how stupid do you think Trump is ???

  44. by Donna on June 17, 2022 4:14 pm
    As stupid as he is, islander.

  45. by islander on June 17, 2022 4:36 pm

    Donna-I sometimes think Hate and Trump are two birds of a feather in more ways than one.

    Oh! and the typo in my post above should have said,"it wasn’t just Trump’s attorney general Bill Bar or his daughter testifying that the election wasN'T stolen"---That changes (clarifies) the meaning somewhat LoL !!!

  46. by HatetheSwamp on June 17, 2022 4:50 pm

    Exactly how stupid do you think Trump is ???

    Stupid enough to beat Hillary when the deck was stacked for her.

    But, stubborn and narcissistic.

  47. by islander on June 17, 2022 5:17 pm

    "But, stubborn and narcissistic"

    Like I said, "Birds of a feather".

    So, you really believe only intelligent people can win an election 🙄

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