by HatetheSwamp on May 21, 2022 3:29 am
A while back, when I first mentioned that the Dems are fascists and demand party members adhere to a strict, woke and progressive orthodoxy and that it's the GOPs that are the party of openness and inclusion, I gave numerous examples of people who have become important among GOPs who illustrate that truth.
You pitched a hissy, and still chafe against the truth. And, Curt wrote a post demeaning my examples as proof that GOPs are open.
While doing that, he said, with typical Blue MAGA progressive Swampcultist sanctimony, "I don't even know who this Guy guy is."
Since then, when Benson, the host of the drive time show on Fox News Radio, comes up in dialog here, he's always "that Guy guy, the gay gut Curt's never heard of."
It's a bit of a jab at Curt, but, more than that, at run of the mill Blue MAGA we-think-know-everythingism, which you all exhibit.
The truth is that the Dems are a fascist party of intolerant, woke progressives.