I've been saying for years that the US should be split into two nations. Each state could have an election where the people would decide which nation they want their state to be part of.
The two nations wouldn't be contiguous. For instance, one nation would be comprised of Hawaii, the west coast states, New England states, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Illinois, Minnesota, Nevada, Colorado, and New Mexico. Swing states like Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Virginia and others would decide via state elections. The rest of the states would comprise the other nation.
I think we need to face up to the fact that the USA isn't working in its current form, and that it's going to get progressively worse. The two Americas just don't see eye-to-eye and they never will.
So let's shake hands and part ways. We're spending so much valuable time and energy fighting instead of engaging in productive things. It would give us an opportunity on the Left to enact laws that have thus far been impossible to enact, like nationwide instant runoff voting, Medicare for all, abolishing the electoral college, forbidding corporations and wealthy individuals from buying elections and Congress, installing a parliamentary form of democracy, and many other things most of us on the Left have been wanting for many decades. And of course the Right would be free to create the nation they've been wanting.
It's a win-win.