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Why pb thinks the GOP will win politically if Roe is overturned
By HatetheSwamp
May 5, 2022 5:41 am
Category: Politics

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As is obvious from the Alito opinion that has been leaked, if Roe is overturned, abortion will not be outlawed.

If Roe is outlawed, legislatures, elected by citizens, will regulate abortion.

In my opinion, it is the fact that the people, not a Court, might define access to abortion is that has Blue MAGA progressives poopin their pants because they know that the people disagree with them and, in practice, agree with pro lifers, not the pro choice crowd.

Here in Pennsylvania, the 022 Primary election is on May 17. On the very day that the Alito opinion was leaked, candidates in both parties began to stake out their position on abortion.

For the Dems, both the Senate and gubernatorial nominations are, essentially, settled. The man leading in the polls, in both cases, has a huge lead.

On the day the opinion leaked, both men came out strongly in favor of keeping abortion legal. While they have not been specific, their language suggests that they favor access to abortion to the moment of birth.

On the GOP side, there are about a half dozen serious candidates for the GOP place on the fall ballot for both Senate and governor. Many of them have already staked out their position on abortion. From what I can tell, a few are as absolutist in being pro life as the Dems are in being pro choice. But, not most.

The GOPs tend to favor limiting abortion to protect the life of the mother, some include exceptions for rape and incest. Bottom line: there's more care, more nuance among GOPs than there is for the Dems.

So, when people vote, what happens?

First, most voters don't make decisions based on a candidate's position on abortion.

As much as Pocahontas and Kammy want people to storm the polls to vote out pro life GOPs,...ain't happening.

Second, among the what?, 10-15 percent of voters who vote on abortion, the standard, absolutist position of the Dems, favoring the sucking out of a baby's brain in mommy's 39th week of pregnancy?, few voters groove on that. Very few. Very, very few.

If the Court follows through on the Alito opinion, either the federal legislature or state legislatures will regulate abortion and the extreme views of nearly all Dems won't be popular.

I've made the point that the GOP has become the party of openness and inclusion. And, it is.

But, on abortion? Noop.

On abortion, Dems are wacko pro choice and GOPs are pro it's many shades. And, most voters will be far more comfortable with the nuanced sanity of the GOP than the extremism of the Dems.

GOP ads featuring the rage of Pocahontas, bahahahahahahahahahaha, will fill the airways and GOPs will, undoubtedly, win on abortion.

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Comments on "Why pb thinks the GOP will win politically if Roe is overturned ":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on May 5, 2022 6:06 am


    That insane rant by Pocahontas included in the video above reminded me of the most amusing feature of Rush's show. See link.


    View Video

  2. by Curt_Anderson on May 5, 2022 8:36 am
    "As is obvious from the Alito opinion that has been leaked, if Roe is overturned, abortion will not be outlawed.". --HtS

    You seem to think of the Constitution and the Supreme Court that interprets it as being equivalent of the Ten Commandments. Of course abortion will be outlawed and probably about 22 states.

    With the Supreme Court does most often is tell governments which laws are constitutional. That happened with the same sex marriage case a few years ago and happened about 55 years ago with Loving v. Virginia. Virginia made it illegal for interracial couples to be married and even incidentally to leave the state to be married.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on May 5, 2022 9:00 am


    Did you read the leaked opinion?

    Punch line: Abortion will be regulated by the legislature...

    ...literally, "to the people and their elected representatives."

  4. by Curt_Anderson on May 5, 2022 10:01 am
    You are being willfully obtuse.

    The purpose of the Constitution is to prohibit state legislatures and other governing bodies from passing laws that unconstitutionally restrict individual rights. That is what Brown versus the board of education and Loving v. Virginia and other famous Supreme Court cases are all about: stopping legislatures from passing laws that infringe on individual freedom.

    Of course as I said many times constitutional freedoms are not absolute. That's why states can have a law that cars must drive on the right side of the road. That's because anything else would literally collide with our freedom to drive down the road safely.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on May 5, 2022 10:16 am

    Are you saying that this opinion, if it becomes the Court’s decision is, uh, unconstitutional?

  6. by Curt_Anderson on May 5, 2022 10:29 am
    Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes said the Constitution means whatever the Supreme Court says it means. So by that measure this court's abortion ruling is constitutional. But I think Alito et al have it wrong. Of course abortion is not an expressly granted right; that's an inane argument. Btw, abortion was not illegal in the US until the 19th century.

    The Supreme Court has managed to get things wrong. Dred Scott v. Sandford and Plessy v. Ferguson for example are now considered wrongly decided.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on May 5, 2022 12:31 pm


    About a third of Alito's opinion illustrates the history of abortion law. Perhaps you should do some reading.

    Amy Coney Barrett, who makes my heart throb, put, I think, four?, Supreme Court decisions in the category of a Super Precedent, meaning that they are beyond reversing. If the Alito opinion becomes the ruling, will it be regarded as a Super Precedent? Certainly not. But, based on what I'm hearing it will take more profound reasoning than that of Roe to reverse it.

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