by Donna on May 4, 2022 8:40 am
True. But Senate Republicans aren't the only problem as long as the Democrats have senators like Manchin and Sinema.
Anyhow, SelectSmart forum alum Sean Shealy a.k.a. Paleoliberal chimed in on David Sirota's piece, referencing the article at the bottom:
I Googled 'Wolfson DeVos Sirota' just to see if Sirota had updated the record by lavishing praise upon Biden for reversing this action a week later.
He has not.
No; Sirota has done his damage, using a Justice Department automatic appeal to destroy Joe Biden -- as though Biden personally oversees, on a daily basis, the many thousands of actions taken by the Justice Department.
No, no correction, no praise, no recognition. Just another packet of rage added to the stew of acid that will be thrown into Biden's face, or more significantly, into the faces of young voters, blinding them with misplaced anger, and adding to their apathy, paving the way for a second term of Donald Trump.
Way to go, Dave! We'll have white nationalists and Christian soldiers in tanks commanded by Marjorie Taylor Green hunting down LGBT people and minorities in no time! Hey, they can fund the hunt with our Social Security money! WOOHOO!