(MedlinePlus)The inheritance pattern of OCD is unclear. Overall, the risk of developing this condition is greater for first-degree relatives of affected individuals (such as siblings or children) as compared to the general public. For unknown reasons, the risk of inheriting the disorder appears to be higher in some families than in others. However, most people who have a close relative with OCD will not develop the condition themselves.
We have an acquaintance who is a hoarder which is an OCD subtype. Her hoarding is debilitating; her house is unlivable. Her late mother had a mania for buying hats. The sort of fancy hats like women wear to the Kentucky Derby or in an Easter parade. When she died there were hundreds or more hats in boxes all over her house.
Most people are obsessive and compulsive to a degree. A certain amount of doublechecking avoids a lot of problems. For example, when I use a saw I follow the dictum "measure twice, cut once".
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