Have any examples of math books supposedly teaching CRT been publicized?
Wise words from a brilliant math teacher regarding the crazy CRT myth:
"Math has dozens of words or terms that express concepts that are entirely mathematical, but have different meanings outside of mathematics. Examples include 'radical', 'integration', 'analysis', 'binary', 'non-binary', 'imaginary numbers', 'latus rectum'. To have people with no training in mathematics go through math books, eliminating any books that include words or phrases offensive to them is too ludicrous to imagine. Yet, here we are. The problem with people without math backgrounds selecting texts in mathematics goes far beyond the classroom. Mathematics is the basis for all sciences, including medicine. So this ludicrous decision to let parents pick the text books for mathematics will echo for generations, as we produce ill prepared scientists, doctors, engineers. No wonder master teachers are fleeing the profession in unimaginable numbers. Sigh, weighty sigh."
- Judy Murden Donaldson