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Crime selectors, pages, etc.
The Hunter Biden case. Credible evidence of tax evasion, money laundering, foreign lobbying.
By Curt_Anderson
April 12, 2022 11:16 am
Category: Crime

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Hunter Biden is suspected to have violated tax laws, committed money laundering, and acted as an unregistered foreign lobbyist. Needless to say, Trump supporters are outraged that anybody would have potentially committed such crimes.

As a public service, I have collected and linked to credible reports that make the case that money laundering, tax evasion and unregistered foreign lobbying was in fact committed by the President, family members and/or close associates. See links below. The mere allegations of such crimes by those within the presidential orbit should be reason enough to disqualify anybody guilty or close to the guilty parties from occupying the White House.

Please read the links below...

Cited and related links:


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Comments on "The Hunter Biden case. Credible evidence of tax evasion, money laundering, foreign lobbying. ":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on April 12, 2022 11:43 am

    You're being ridiculous, Curt. Wassup with the propaganda!!!!!?

    The NYP and the WSJ have been on this story from Day One. Tell us that you couldn't find material from them to add to your post!!!!!?


    I'm convinced that I'm the only poster here who's interested in truth.

    C'mon man. Gimme a break! Don't be silly ma man!

  2. by Curt_Anderson on April 12, 2022 12:21 pm
    Are you suggesting that,, and are not credible? Are you giving the guilty parties a pass on these crimes and alleged crimes? Where is your consistency?

    I don't subscribe to Wall Street Journal, but I trust you will be outraged by this New York Post report. This corruption happened within the Oval Office or close to it.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on April 12, 2022 12:40 pm

    Are you suggesting that,, and are not credible?

    I am straight out saying that they are biased.

    Re: Jared Kushner gets $2B Saudi investment, drawing Hunter Biden comparisons


    Trump Trump Trump Trump
    Trump Trump Trump Trump
    Trump Trump Trump Trump...


    So, what's your point? That the Bidens are just as slimy as the Trumps...

    ...or, that the Trumps are just as slimy as the Bidens.

    I can that I say that Trump is despicable. You can only goose step to the Bidens' cadence.

    C'mon man. Gimme a break!

  4. by Curt_Anderson on April 12, 2022 12:56 pm
    No, that Trump, his family and/or associates have been convicted (or the Trump crime family has used every delay tactic to avoid a trial) of the sorts of crimes for which Hunter Biden is only being investigated.

    In other words, you are a hypocrite.

    I agree with Islander, if Hunter Biden is found be guilty of any crimes, he should receive the same punishment that the courts mete out as anybody else would. And he shouldn't get a presidential pardon. If Joe Biden is found guilty of any wrongdoing, I will weigh his culpability against his election opponents' guilt (if any).

  5. by HatetheSwamp on April 12, 2022 1:05 pm

    In other words, you are a hypocrite.

    How am I a hypocrite?

  6. by Curt_Anderson on April 12, 2022 1:11 pm
    If you don't know and can't see by reading the articles I linked to above, I cannot explain it to you.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on April 12, 2022 1:14 pm

    Nice try. I've read the articles. I know know about those people. What about me is hypocritical?

  8. by islander on April 12, 2022 2:41 pm

    Curt,Hate claims that he loathes and despises Trump yet he voted for him twice and will likely vote for him again. It bothers him a great deal that we don’t hate or despise Biden, but Biden has done nothing to make me despise him and if he ever did, unlike Hate, I would definitely not vote for him again.

    I’d do everything I could to make sure Biden couldn’t run. I’d do my best to make sure as many people as I could know why they shouldn’t vote for him…And if it came down to it, I’d cast a write in ballot for whoever I thought would be a decent president.

  9. by HatetheSwamp on April 12, 2022 2:59 pm

    pb does despise Trump but, on point, pb has NEVER defended the Trump's shady deals.

    It's your Good German goose stepping for Joe that I can't accept.

    I think it's been demonstrated that he's lying when he says he knows nuthin about Hunter's business dealings

  10. by islander on April 12, 2022 4:02 pm

    Hate says:“It's your Good German goose stepping for Joe that I can't accept.”*

    *Translation; I hate that you people don’t hate Biden, I simply can’t accept that. I hate my guy, why can’t you hate yours!

  11. by Curt_Anderson on April 12, 2022 5:23 pm
    You are projecting when you call Biden supporters "Good Germans".

    We are not the ones who attend and tout Nuremberg style rallies.
    We are not the ones who buy and wear cult-authorized apparel to demonstrate fealty to dear leader.
    We are not the ones who are uncritical of the cult leader's admiration for and fawning over foreign despots.
    We are not the ones who chant that perceived enemies should be locked up.
    We don't attempt to undermine elections and disrupt the work of elected leaders like Brown Shirts did 90 years ago.
    We don't unquestioningly swallow lies from our preferred candidate(s) and repeat them ad nauseum despite evidence to the contrary.
    We don't parrot the Nazi term "Lugenpresse" with the pejorative "Fake News".

  12. by HatetheSwamp on April 13, 2022 3:13 am

    There are people who are wildly loyal to Trump...

    ...but this you and pb.

    I despise Trump. I think he's despicable. I will only vote for him as a last resort.

    You? You are as compliant and submissive to Joe as any Good German was to Der Fuhrer. You happily endorse all Joe's fecklessness and evil.

  13. by islander on April 13, 2022 5:44 am

    ”You are as compliant and submissive to Joe as any Good German was to Der Fuhrer. You happily endorse all Joe's fecklessness and evil.”

    That doesn’t work, Hate. “Joe's fecklessness and evil” only exists in your hate filled mind. Try something else.

    But this is true; You hate Trump and you hate it that people don’t hate Biden. Like you said, you simply can’t accept that.

    ‘I hate my guy, why can’t you hate yours’ is the thought that dwells in your head and is expressed in such crude language in all your posts.

    I can easily see you, Hate, voting for Hitler, since you would be impressed with what you see as the enthusiasm of the crowds of people he drew to his rallies and speeches. And, of course, you have already demonstrated to us that you are unabashedly quite willing to vote for someone you believe is a monster.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on April 13, 2022 5:56 am

    But this is true; You hate Trump and you hate it that people don’t hate Biden.

    Dunno about hating the Former Truck Driver but check out the Doddering Old Fart's approval on 538. Bahahahahahahahahahaha.

    What I'd hope is that your side would be honest about the flaws and failings of "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap."

    My strength of character that allows me to be honest with myself about Trump has led to the emotional response to him that I mention so often. Should you HATE the Flatulent Fool? No. He doesn't evoke hate from me. Some pity, certainly. Anger at times when, in his fallen cognitive state, he ends up killing thousands, as he has in Afghanistan...and, now, Ukraine.

    But, hate Joe? Nah.

  15. by Curt_Anderson on April 13, 2022 11:28 am
    We might take you and your "I despise Trump, I think he's despicable" mantra seriously when you start posting about the legal woes, moral turpitude and corrupt activities of Trump, his family and associates with the same enthusiasm that do for Joe Biden.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on April 13, 2022 11:38 am


    Why would I? With all you Blue MAGAs here, if I did that, there'd be no balance on SS. I think, if you check, I rarely defend Trump when one of you point out that Trump is a moral slug. He is.

    I'm as flabbergasted by the evangelicals' support of Trump as I was at the beginning of the 016 campaign.

    The only times I speak on Trump’s behalf, it to point out the hatred and insanity of TDS.

  17. by islander on April 14, 2022 6:34 am

    ” The only times I speak on Trump’s behalf, it to point out the hatred and insanity of TDS.

    Odd, isn’t it? You accuse those of us who do not respect Trump, of “hate”. I don’t hate Trump any more than I hate Jeffrey Dahmer or Al Capone. I don’t respect Trump as a person and a human being, and I don’t believe he was fit to be president, but I don’t hate Trump. I cannot even begin to imagine what it must be like to “be Trump”. That alone would be a nightmare. It’s you who despises Trump, and despise is an even stronger emotion than hate. It takes hate, which is extreme and intense dislike even one step further and implies loathing and disgust as well.

    ”He [Biden] doesn't evoke hate from me. Some pity, certainly. Anger at times when, in his fallen cognitive state, he ends up killing thousands, as he has in Afghanistan...and, now, Ukraine”

    This is where you end hope for any semblance of communication with you. Putin is responsible for ordering the killings and destruction in Ukraine. Biden, along with NATO and other Western Democracies, is working to help the Ukrainian people defend themselves while at the same time not igniting a 3rd world war or a nuclear war. It’s an extremely difficult and complex balancing act.

    You mentioned that you just read Orwell’s “1984”. You might or might not recognize it in yourself but you use Newspeak quite often here, as in your assertion that Biden is killing thousands of people in Ukraine.

    Just as in “1984”, in “Newspeak” the meaning of War is peace, Freedom is slavery, and Ignorance is strength. In your newspeak, those working to end the killing of Ukrainians by Putin are the killers and “they” are the ones killing Ukrainians.

  18. by HatetheSwamp on April 14, 2022 6:49 am


    I don't think of you as a Trump hater. You fall into the "insane" category.

    You are correct that Putin is responsible for the death and suffering. So, what's behind the overwhelming majority of Americans disapproving of Joe's handling of Ukraine. Common sense.

    Joe's Putin's enabler. If Joe had been proactive and assertive, Russia would never have crossed the border. Joe is soft. Meek. Brain dead, of course. And, as I've pointed out, Americans can see what visionary, courageous leadership is from numerous heads of states. It's Zelensky. Even Boris Johnson.

    It ain't "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap."

  19. by islander on April 14, 2022 8:07 am

    As you do so often Hate…“you’re missing your own point”

  20. by HatetheSwamp on April 14, 2022 8:15 am

    First, thanks for the alternate way of telling me that I don't understand.

    Then, do tell.

  21. by Curt_Anderson on April 14, 2022 11:34 am
    We might take you and your "I despise Trump, I think he's despicable" mantra seriously when you start posting about the legal woes, moral turpitude and corrupt activities of Trump, his family and associates with the same enthusiasm that do for Joe Biden." --Me

    "Why would I? With all you Blue MAGAs here, if I did that, there'd be no balance on SS." -HtS

    Because you might come across as the fair and balanced political observer you imagine yourself to be.

    In forums such as this, if one side isn't being represented, there is usually somebody willing to fill the void. If you were not pathologically ignoring Trump's criminality and occasionally posted about some of Trump's eyebrow raising activities, somebody like Olde Dude would be available to defend him.

    Even if there were no defenders of Trump, so what? If what you post is being credibly reported then it's worth sharing.

  22. by islander on April 14, 2022 2:39 pm

    First, thanks for the alternate way of telling me that I don't understand.

    Then, do tell.

    If you don't understand after all this time, it appears to me that you must be incapable of understanding, therefore it would be pointless to try and explain it to you. Can you understand that?

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