Why mainstream media didn't jump on NY Post's Hunter Biden laptop story. Hint: neither did other Rupert Murdoch media.
By Curt_Anderson April 11, 2022 10:34 am Category: Media (0.0 from 0 votes)
Rules of the Post
Notice how those who are loudly feigning outrage at Hunter Biden's alleged lobbying, tax evasion, money laundering and nepotism, etc. are oblivious to the Trump family and friends' lobbying, tax evasion, money laundering and nepotism which has been documented and in some cases resulted in charges and convictions.
(Excerpts from an NPR interview with David Folkenflik)
We've learned a bunch more detail about Hunter Biden's vision to help a Ukrainian natural gas company called Burisma handle bad press in the U.S.* and some other ramifications here although he didn't register as a lobbyist. We also learned about a Chinese energy company presumably with links to the Chinese communist government that made Hunter Biden seven figures in a short amount of time. To be clear, Hunter Biden has not been charged with any wrongdoing on this.
The New York Post presented this story as a bombshell, and it said the emails were a smoking gun showing effectively Hunter Biden's corruption and suggesting much the same about candidate Joe Biden. Yet, its scoops were based on emails that could not at the time be independently authenticated, on a laptop that had not been positively identified as belonging to Hunter Biden, which was said to be abandoned at a repair shop.
The laptop was provided, it's worth remembering, by President Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, to The New York Post. That's a tabloid owned by Rupert Murdoch, a political ally of Donald Trump. And I think it's also worth noting, Murdoch's Wall Street Journal and Fox News had reporters who had the same material. They passed on the story concerned about how authentic it might be.
Think of what happened in 2016. You had the Russian involvement in the leaking of hacked emails from Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, and that caused incredible havoc during the election season. And think, too, a bit later of the so-called Steele dossier that attracted a ton of press coverage. It was posted in full by BuzzFeed News, and it turned out that contained a lot of misinformation not about Hillary Clinton and Democrats, but about the conduct of Donald Trump.
You know, from the evidence we have now - and that's important to note, the timing - President Joe Biden's actions have not been shown to be corrupt. What has been shown is a seeming tolerance for close family members - Hunter Biden, the president's brother - who are willing to trade on the family name in a way that seems, if not corrupt, untoward.
* So simply advising a foreign company on how to handle press relations in the US is considered lobbying?!
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