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Biden: For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power
By Curt_Anderson
March 26, 2022 10:41 pm
Category: Opinion

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President Biden ended his speech in Warsaw by dramatically saying that Russian President Vladimir Putin "cannot remain in power." Later, a White House official, who was not authorized to comment by name and spoke on the condition of anonymity, attempted to walk Biden's comment back. He shouldn't have. Biden was right.

Biden also called Putin a "dictator" and a "butcher". That reminds one of Reagan, who famously labeled the Soviet Union an "evil empire."

Does anybody deny that what Biden said about Putin is morally true? Few nations and very few companies will want to do business or have a relationship with Putin. I mean besides Trump.

Russia will be shunned by the community of nations as long as Putin remains in power. Putin turned Russia into pariah nation---and a nation in economic decline. Global response to the attack on Ukraine will wipe out 15 years' worth of Russian economic gains, experts forecast.

Biden's heartfelt comments remind me of his heartfelt remarks on an entirely different matter, same-sex marriage, which were also true. There was some initial nattering and gnashing of teeth over that Biden remark too.

"I am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women, and heterosexual men and women marrying another" Biden said before any other officials were saying it, "are entitled to the same exact rights, all the civil rights, all the civil liberties. And quite frankly, I don’t see much of a distinction beyond that."

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Comments on "Biden: For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on March 27, 2022 3:54 am

    What concerns me about Joe is his unpresidential behavior.

    If the issue were polled, I think that there'd be near unanimity among Americans that Putin should no longer control Russia when this dust settles but, c'mon man. With his constantly increasing cognitive decline becoming his defining characteristic, Joe is becoming a dangerous joke. And, a danger.

    Hoe many times, just in recent days, has the White House had to walk back Joe's comments!

    The man's word is untrustworthy. Unreliable.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on March 27, 2022 1:34 pm
    Various political commentators including Gary Kasparov, former secretary Jeh Johnson and Republican strategist Scott Jennings all say that what Biden said was correct and a statement of fact.

    They have no problem with what Biden said but they are all critical of the anonymous White House spokesperson's walk back of President Biden's comments comments.

    I expect we will hear Biden say again that Putin cannot remain in power.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on March 27, 2022 1:46 pm

    They have no problem with what Biden said but they are all critical of the anonymous White House spokesperson's walk back of President Biden's comment.

    It was Secretary of State who walked back Joe's apparent call for regime change. I saw the video of Blinken speaking at a news conference in Israel...

    ...on Fox.

  4. by Donna on March 27, 2022 2:28 pm
    I saw Blinken walk back Biden's remark too, on CNN.

    Biden very clearly was addressing the Ukranian people when he said that. Blinken was just being cautious.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on March 27, 2022 2:34 pm

    How do you think it would be going over if Putin had said about Biden, "For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power."

  6. by Curt_Anderson on March 27, 2022 2:40 pm
    Blinken, during a press conference in Jerusalem, noted, "I think the president, the White House, made the point last night that, quite simply, President Putin cannot be empowered to wage war or engage in aggression against Ukraine or anyone else," adding, "As you know, and as you’ve heard us say repeatedly, we do not have a strategy of regime change in Russia or anywhere else, for that matter. In this case, as in any case, it’s up to the people of the country in question. It’s up to the Russian people."

    As Donna said Blinken is being cautious. I would say too cautious. Biden had a worldwide audience, including the Russian people who Biden specifically mentioned. They are the ones who should oust Putin.

    HtS practically everyday says comparable things about Joe Biden to what Biden said about Putin. I don't assume that HtS that will attempt to oust Biden from office aside from casting his vote in 2024.

    I am glad that Biden said it and I hope he repeats it. That sort thing breaks through Putin's effort to censor the news.

  7. by Curt_Anderson on March 27, 2022 2:43 pm
    How do you think it would be going over if Putin had said about Biden, "For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power." --HtS

    You would deny that Russia was attempting to influence our election.

  8. by islander on March 28, 2022 6:21 am

    I agree with what Biden said. I also can’t say Lindsey Graham was totally wrong when he called for someone to “take out” Putin. 

One can argue that it’s not always wise to tell the truth or state an obvious fact which is what Biden did, the truth of it is though: a man who is committing genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity “cannot remain in power.” The only way criminal autocrats and dictators can remain in power is through fear, increasing repression, and violence. And if history is any lesson, such tyrants cannot remain in power and they do not live happily ever after. Their story usually has a violent ending. 

    The “danger” lies not in stating that fact, the danger is the war criminal himself, the tyrant wielding his power.

  9. by HatetheSwamp on March 28, 2022 6:40 am

    Wow, isle, you'll go so far in covering up for "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" as to agree with Lindsey Graham.

    Now I think I've seen it all!

  10. by Curt_Anderson on March 28, 2022 12:42 pm
    Good. --CA

    (Associated Press)President Biden on Monday said his assertion days earlier that Russian President Vladimir Putin "cannot remain in power" was an expression of moral outrage and not intended as a formal policy call for regime change.

    "I’m not walking anything back," Biden said Monday in his most extensive comments to date since his speech in Warsaw on Saturday.

    "The fact of the matter is I was expressing the moral outrage I felt toward the way Putin is dealing and the actions of this man," Biden continued, noting he had just met with Ukrainian refugees before giving his speech in Poland.

    "But I want to make it clear: I wasn’t then nor am I now articulating a policy change," Biden said. "I was expressing moral outrage that I feel, and I make no apologies for it."

  11. by islander on March 28, 2022 1:29 pm

    "I was expressing moral outrage that I feel, and I make no apologies for it."

    Excellent! We're all with you, Joe !! There is absolutely no need for you to apologize !!

    Let the Trump deadenders whine and cry their crocodile tears while they express their outrage! They look and sound ridiculous when they do.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on March 28, 2022 1:50 pm
    Macron warns against escalation after Biden’s criticism of Putin

    Yeah, isle, as I noted when I was splaining how the extemporaneous remark points to the fact that the Doddering Old Fool is suffering from dementia, we were all thinking what the Roaring Bear from Delaware said.

    It's that, while he was speaking for our nation, "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" inserted a personal yearning into a critically important speech.

    Since that moment, the whole administration has been frantically trying to wipe Joe's a$$ in front of all the people of the world.

    And, note the link, he has our NATO allies poopin their own pants.

    That NBC poll, conducted before the latest Biden BS, has more than 70% thinking Joe's blowing it in Ukraine.

    Maybe your continuing approval of the Flatulent Former 18 Wheeler Driver proves you to be superior to most.

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh.

    But, I doubt it.

  13. by Donna on March 28, 2022 1:53 pm
    If Biden had done what you wanted him to do, Hts, he would have received MUCH more backlash from those people you mentioned.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on March 28, 2022 1:58 pm


    If Biden had done what pb wanted him to do, he would have, simply, read the speech and would have been regarded hailed as the closest thing to JFK since Lee Harvey Oswald.

  15. by Curt_Anderson on March 28, 2022 2:07 pm
    The Republicans look particularly ridiculous with their complaints about Biden. They've been complaining that Biden hasn't been tough enough with Putin. When Biden says Putin cannot remain in power, now Republicans complain that Biden's comment went too far. Biden called Putin a "butcher", "thug", "dictator", "war criminal", et cetera but calling for his removal from office is apparently too mean for some.

    Republicans didn't complain when Trump complimented despots from Putin to Kim Jong Un with words of encouragement like "smart", "genius" and "strong" after they acted on their worst impulses.

  16. by Donna on March 28, 2022 2:08 pm
    You castigated Biden for not imposing a no fly zone on Ukraine when Putin was amassing his army on three sides of Ukraine. Other than you, I haven't come across a single person, party, or group who advocated for that. NATO would have wanted Biden's head if he had done that.

  17. by islander on March 28, 2022 2:14 pm

    You're right, Donna!

    I have to admit, it's quite amusing to watch the Trump deadenders twisting and turning as they try to figure out how to justify their anger over Joe Biden stating an obviously true fact.

    No matter how much it bothers them that Joe said it: A man who is committing genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity “cannot remain in power.”

  18. by HatetheSwamp on March 28, 2022 2:23 pm


    Check that effin NBC poll. 71% of America is on board with the GOPs. The accepted narrative among Americans is that "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" wants Ukraine to lose slowly, not win.

    And, more than 7 in 10 of us, aren't happy with the mess Joe's making.

  19. by HatetheSwamp on March 28, 2022 2:34 pm

    Other than you, I haven't come across a single person, party, or group who advocated for that. NATO would have wanted Biden's head if he had done that.


    You have to know that, frequently, more people are watching Fox than MSNBC and CNN combined. And, Fox is center right compared to other media outlets.

    What pb has said is certainly not the opinion of everyone on the right but many think what pb thinks. Those who don't are Tucker clones.

    I have no doubt that you're being honest in saying that you "haven't come across..."

    ...but you don't search widely for truth...


    Beyond the HuffPo? What?

    My sense of NATO is that much of it would have been much more aggressive in fighting the Russian threat.

  20. by Donna on March 28, 2022 3:10 pm
    "My sense of NATO is that much of it would have been much more aggressive in fighting the Russian threat."

    But as you know (or SHOULD know,) NATO can't act on anything unless there's unanimous support from all 30 NATO countries. That's the reason Ukraine hasn't been admitted to NATO. Several NATO countries have been holdouts.

    "What pb has said is certainly not the opinion of everyone on the right but many think what pb thinks."

    Logic would predict that there would probably be some people who "think what pb thinks", but I've got a feeling that you just pulled that out of your favorite orifice. I'm not buying that you know of anyone who shares that POV.

  21. by HatetheSwamp on March 28, 2022 3:37 pm


    As America settles on the reality of the war between Ukraine and Russia, the reason that the Roaring Bear from Delaware is losing the approval of the populace is that people are buying into the narrative...which almost all GOPs now embrace...that the Doddering Old Fool doesn't behave as if he wants Ukraine to win, only to lose slowly.

    Many on the right were appalled, from the beginning, that Joe was slow to react to what Putin did and, then, was only measured and defensive.

    That's been pb's view from Day One. pb's got a lot of company over here, and always has.

    Truth be told, my sense is that, as much as Dems are cautious to mutter discouraging words to and about Joe, based on Congress' bipartisan outlay of nearly $14 billion for Ukraine, I suspect that many Dems agree with pb, and the GOPs, more than with their very own Flatulent Fool.

  22. by Donna on March 28, 2022 3:47 pm
    Probably three-quarters of Americans only have a basic understanding (at best) about what's going on, regardless of the issue. I think you'd find that even a good chunk of Democratic voters wrongly blame Biden for the inflation we're experiencing now. That partially explains his dismal poll numbers. It's more than Republicans who think he's inept. That perception is completely out of the control of people who actually study issues. Actually pretty much everything is. Americans are downright stupid regarding math and science.

    People are going to believe what they want to believe regardless of the facts. That's why I don't spend much time anymore debating politics.

  23. by islander on March 28, 2022 3:49 pm

    Donna, I don't know "anyone" who believes the accepted GOP narrative...that Joe "wants Ukraine to lose slowly, not win".

    For all I know, maybe the GOP has actually been able to convince Hate as well as a large number of their base to believe such nonsense. But again, pushing stuff like that is one of those things that makes not only Trump, but the whole GOP party look and sound ridiculous.

  24. by HatetheSwamp on March 28, 2022 4:14 pm


    I've been making the point that 71% don't approve of Joe's handling of Ukraine.

    In that poll, Joe's overall disapproval was only 54%.

    And, I know that you progressives are brighter and better informed than other Americans.

  25. by islander on March 28, 2022 4:27 pm
    As we all know, without knowing the context of questions asked, etc. simply citing poll numbers is pretty useless. What does it mean when a poll says that only 36% of Americans say Biden is doing a good job in response to the war in Ukraine, while 52% say he's not? 

    For instance, Many say the president has been too cautious, even as a majority say they're wary of sparking a broader conflict.

    What Biden is doing is fundamentally what the American people want but if you looked at certain polls you’d think the opposite.

    NPR gives a much better understanding of what’s behind “poll numbers” in the link below.

  26. by HatetheSwamp on March 28, 2022 4:29 pm

    People are going to believe what they want to believe regardless of the facts. ~Donna

    Another was of hinting at the reality that subjectivity is truth.

    Did you groove on Joe's Kierkegaard quote on Saturday as much as I?

  27. by HatetheSwamp on March 28, 2022 4:32 pm

    What Biden is doing is fundamentally what the American people want but if you looked at certain polls you’d think the opposite.


    You need to take a glance at RCP and 538.

    You're deluded.

  28. by Donna on March 28, 2022 4:34 pm
    There are conservatives who study issues thoroughly too, but we have different world views.

  29. by islander on March 28, 2022 4:36 pm

    "The American people are supportive of Ukraine, up to a point," said Chris Jackson, a senior vice president at Ipsos, which conducted the poll.

    More than 6 in 10 Americans want the U.S. to give Ukraine some of the support it wants, while still trying to avoid a larger military conflict with Russia. Fewer than 2 in 10 say the U.S. should give Ukraine everything it wants, even if it risks a wider war.

    Those responses were remarkably consistent across the political spectrum with strong majorities of Republicans, Democrats and independents all in agreement. But when Americans are asked to assess President Biden's performance, that bipartisan consensus breaks down.

    "What he's doing is fundamentally what the American people want," Jackson said. "But even if Biden is doing everything that people want to do, he's not going to get a lot of credit for it."*

    *Excerpt from NPR article

  30. by Donna on March 28, 2022 5:01 pm
    That's the sense I get, islander. I don't see the Republican Party or for that matter anyone saying that Biden is going about it wrong. I wish Ukraine was getting more military equipment from NATO, but the NATO countries aren't in full agreement on how to go about that. The US and NATO are walking a tightrope. One slip, one bad decision, and we could all be in WW3, which is the last thing anybody wants.

  31. by HatetheSwamp on March 28, 2022 5:21 pm

    France’s Macron Scolds Biden for Calling Putin a ‘Butcher’: If We Want to ‘Stop This War,’ We Must Not Escalate With ‘Words or Actions’

    “We want to stop the war that Russia has launched in Ukraine without escalation — that’s the objective. If this is what we want to do, we should not escalate things — neither with words nor actions.”

    You Blue MAGAs have inflicted the Roaring Bear from Delaware on a cringing world.

  32. by Curt_Anderson on March 28, 2022 5:35 pm
    French President Emmanuel Macron says he has been maintaining "a dialogue" with Putin. Whatever they've been talking about, it doesn't seem to abate Putin's continued war crimes. There is a place for diplomacy and polite discussions, but at a certain point nations have to realize that Putin is the butcher and every other denigrating term that Biden called him.

  33. by Donna on March 28, 2022 5:47 pm
    Putin's not even listening to his advisors. In fact several have left. Macron is wasting his time. It's like trying to reason with Hitler.

  34. by Curt_Anderson on March 28, 2022 6:08 pm
    That's right. Macron is taking the Neville Chamberlain approach to the war in Ukraine. Even if Macron were able to make a "peace in our time" type announcement, Putin is no more trustworthy than Hitler was in abiding by his part of a peace agreement.

    Here is Biden answering reporters questions today in the link below. Biden makes some of the points that some of us have been making here.
    View Video

  35. by Donna on March 28, 2022 6:25 pm
    Putin was still saying the day before Russia invaded Ukraine that they weren't going to invade. <<<< Right there That's why Putin should never be trusted.

    I watched that press conference live this morning. I like the way Biden handled the reporters' questions. People like Macron and whoever wrote those reporters' questions just don't get it.

  36. by HatetheSwamp on March 29, 2022 3:36 am

    More than 6 in 10 Americans want the U.S. to give Ukraine some of the support it wants, while still trying to avoid a larger military conflict with Russia. Fewer than 2 in 10 say the U.S. should give Ukraine everything it wants, even if it risks a wider war.

    What Americans are increasingly unified in, isle, as the NBC poll reveals, is their conviction that their President has been inept in leading ours and NATO's response to the war.

  37. by HatetheSwamp on March 29, 2022 3:50 am


    You amuse and befuddle me and I can't help but look back to the heartbreakingly incompetent leadership of LBJ during the Vietnam conflict.

    As people were suffering and dying, a shrinking number of American Good Germans were saying that we must trust our President, that he's our elected leader and he's doing a good job.

    You all faithfully support the Roaring Bear from Delaware and, as in the 60s, your numbers are shrinking...rapidly.

    That's who you are. Faithful supporters of an inept Commander-in-Chief. Since the 60s, people such as yourself went down in history as worthless buffoons who enabled the mishandling of a war.

  38. by islander on March 29, 2022 5:39 am
    Hate apparently thinks that he can compare the war in Ukraine to the war in Viet Nam where we had thousands of American soldiers fighting and dying in a war halfway around the world. A war we have no business being in. And he doesn’t quite understand why we protested that war and the government’s policies, but we are not now protesting against our president who has kept our soldiers out of the war in Ukraine and the very real possibility of a third world war. While at the very same time, successfully using sanctions instead of bombs, supplying Ukraine with the money, weapons, and aid that it needs to fight and keep the much larger Russian military from achieving its goal, and now, in many cases, they are actually driving the invading Russian army back.

    Basically, Hate despises the fact that “this” president, is doing a masterful job of doing the right thing in what many thought was going to be a hopeless no win situation. When Americans gripe about it I don’t for one moment doubt that the more intelligent and thoughtful of the gripers, really understand what Biden is doing and why he is doing it and they know he is doing the right things but they just hate Biden, and progressives, and Democrats.

    Those who don’t really understand the complexities of this highly volatile situation will be the ones you hear complaining about what a terrible job the president is doing, but when asked, they cannot give a reasonable explanation of what “Biden should do”. When (and if) they try to explain what “they” would do and what the president “should do”. They sound like the guy sitting in the bar after a few beers, proudly wearing his MAGA hat and boisterously shouting with the others, “We aughta’ set up a no fly zone and bomb the Russian supply lines, and then take out their airbases and tell Putin to get out of Ukraine or else” !!!

    And then of course, there will be those who will try to explain how Putin is the good guy in all of this and Ukraine really is just a part of Russia, and Putin is just trying to get rid of the Nazi’s.

  39. by HatetheSwamp on March 29, 2022 6:14 am


    pb is not comparing Vietnam to Ukraine. He's comparing one inept Commander-in-Chief to another and, more directly... generation of blind loyalists to another.

    Re: "Those who don’t really understand..."

    Ah, yes. UNDERSTAND MAN.

    Day after day, more Americans UNDERSTAND that Joe Biden is nothing more than a doddering old fool. That you can't UNDERSTAND that yourself shows that you don't serve to be wearing the cape and shirt bearing the letter, U.

  40. by islander on March 29, 2022 7:02 am

    ”one generation of blind loyalists to another”

    No. It was the liberals and progressives who protested the war in Viet Nam and our government leaders at that time, and that included myself. We did not blindly support the then president. We knew better.


Today, we have a different leader who learned why we should not fall into the same trap that took place back then. That’s why we “support” this president in his continuing efforts to keep our service men and women from getting involved in yet another war.

    The conservatives were on the wrong side then, just as the former conservatives, now Trump dead-enders, are on the wrong side of history today.

  41. by HatetheSwamp on March 29, 2022 7:17 am

    No. It was the liberals and progressives who protested the war in Viet Nam...

    This is a point that I've been making here for years.

    What it means to be progressive has changed. Radically. Disgustingly.

    In so many ways...and this war is only guys are now what you deplored in your youth.

    We have a President who is bungling our foreign affairs in a way no other president has. The heads of several nations won't even take his phone calls.

    That you can support that...praise that? If, in the 60s you could have looked into the future to see yourselves now? You might have blown out your brains.

  42. by islander on March 29, 2022 7:44 am

    No. You still don’t understand.


We did not support the president’s sending our service men and women to fight and die in the Vietnam war.


We DO support this president’s successful efforts to keep our military “out of a war” in Eastern Europe.

    Somehow you fail to grasp that.

  43. by HatetheSwamp on March 29, 2022 7:56 am

    No. You still don’t understand.

    You just can't help yourself!

    Check RCP. 538.

    Grasp for a connection to the real world!

    With each passing day, increasingly, Americans are awaking to the reality that the Roaring Bear from Delaware makes LBJ seem like FDR.

    But, not a hardened core of pro Joe supporters who channel the 60s' flag wavers.

  44. by islander on March 29, 2022 8:51 am

    No. You still don’t understand.

    We (Liberals and progressives) did not support the president’s sending our service men and women to fight and die in the Vietnam war.

 We DO, however, support this president’s successful efforts to keep our military “out of a war” in Eastern Europe.

    Your argument is based on a false premise. That’s why you can’t explain why supporting Joe’s successful efforts to keep us out of a war in Europe is somehow a turnaround from our position protesting the sending of our kids to fight a war in Vietnam.

    Your premise is that Biden has bungled this effort.

    You are like the rest of the complainers who are arguing from that premise. You don’t present your plan on how to deal with this situation that is any different from some other poorly thought out and incomplete proposals that have, for good reasons, been rejected by both sides.

    In other words, all you can do is call Joe childish names and whine and cry that he is bungling it and that there are other people just like you who are doing the same thing.

  45. by HatetheSwamp on March 29, 2022 2:30 pm

    Your premise is that Biden has bungled this effort.

    My CONCLUSION, along with an overwhelming majority of our fellow citizens, is that Joe sputtered himself through many disastrous decisions.

    As the first Russians were crossing the Ukraine border, I was saying that Joe allowed this to happen and that he will be responsible every death and all of the suffering of people in Ukraine.

    And, he is.

    And, more people agree with pb every day.

  46. by islander on March 29, 2022 5:00 pm

    Your argument has been that we progressives have done a turnabout since we did not support the then president sending our troops into a war in Vietnam but we now support President Biden’s efforts to keep our troops out of the war in Ukraine. Do you realize how ridiculous that is? You are now trying to justify that argument by somehow, ‘assuming’ that Joe has bungled that effort.

    You are, in some bizarre train of thought, attempting to use that unjustified assumption/premise as the basis for your assertion that we progressives have done a turnabout.

    You can call your assertion that ‘Joe bungled it’ your conclusion if you want, but that would now be another, different argument.

    You claim; “As the first Russians were crossing the Ukraine border, I was saying that Joe allowed this to happen”.
 Realize this; Joe is not in charge of the Russian military, Putin is, and Putin ‘allowed’ if you will, his army to cross the border into Ukraine.

    If you want to claim that Biden should not have allowed the Russian army to cross that border, you’d have to be able to explain how he should or could have accomplished that. You haven’t been able to do that. Therefore your claim is just an empty assertion that you can’t back up with any kind of reasonable and workable plan. And the people you say agree with you and your alter personality?...They have no explanation either.

    The leaders on both sides of the aisle understand this...You don’t.

  47. by HatetheSwamp on March 30, 2022 4:08 am

    Actually, isle, all I'm doing is observing.

    Back in our early days, it was liberals who were the first to recognize that LBJ, our Commander-in-Chief was, well, bungling the war effort and that these days, it's you progressives who are worshiping the President and waving the flag...

    ...and condemning Americans who would dare suggest that the President is doing a poor job leading the war effort.

    And, it's not just you, though it is you. But, when I watch MSNBC, when they discuss Joe's handling of the war, their on air people act like a bunch of teenyboppers talking about the latest boy band. How dare anyone question the management of the war effort by our heroic President!

    The days when freethinking and being progressive align are over. Free, independent thought is the way of the libertarian right.

    It's just the observable truth.

  48. by islander on March 30, 2022 6:21 am

    ”How dare anyone question the management of the war effort by our heroic President!” ---Hate

    What you are doing is describing to us the way you think. You seem to think that others must, in reality, reason and think the way you “imagine they do”.

    That’s why you are so baffled and can’t figure out how it could be possible, that we did not support the then president sending our troops into a war in Vietnam, yet today we support President Biden in his efforts to keep our troops out of the war in Ukraine.You simply don't understand who we could do that without doing a complete turnabout in our thinking...Like you said, ”If, in the 60s you could have looked into the future to see yourselves now? You might have blown out your brains”. That shows how out of touch with reality you are.

    We support a president or don’t support a president based on his or (hopefully someday) her actions.

    Your decisions about a president are derived and flow from your hatred of the “other side”, hence the appropriateness of the name you chose, “Hate The Swamp”.

  49. by HatetheSwamp on March 30, 2022 6:32 am


    I love it when you and Curt read my posts then tell me what my point should be.

    Talk about your Blue MAGA sanctimony!

    I've, simply, observed a truth. It's you progressives who are flag waving and defending this President as if it's treason to question his handling of the war.

    The core reason for that is the point I made when I said:

    The days when freethinking and being progressive align are over. Free, independent thought is the way of the libertarian right.

    And, I know that that must sting. But, it's truth.

  50. by islander on March 30, 2022 6:52 am

    Except that nobody, and I mean nobody ever suggested or implied that “it's treason to question his handling of the war”...

    You simply made that up in order try and to distract from your absurd argument that we progressives must have done a complete turnabout in order to support the president’s effort to keep us out of a war in Ukraine !

    ”But, it's truth” 

    Once again you demonstrate your warped understanding of “truth” !!! LoL

  51. by HatetheSwamp on March 30, 2022 7:16 am

    No one here, isle.

    I don't know how you inform yourself. You can probably tell from the various links I provide here, that I read on both sides. I just linked to a CNN article on Hunter Biden, as an example.

    Earlier, I referred to Hillary Clinton criticizing people who oppose the President’s handling of Ukraine and all but called Biden’s critics traitors...

    ...and I laughed. The Clintons have always worn their opposition to the war in Vietnam as a badge of honor.

    You, personally, aren't guilty of all of your side's sin. But, you fit the mold rather snuggly.

  52. by Curt_Anderson on March 30, 2022 9:38 am
    "Back in our early days, it was liberals who were the first to recognize that LBJ, our Commander-in-Chief was, well, bungling the war effort and that these days, it's you progressives who are worshiping the President and waving the flag..." --HtS

    How do not see the difference between our Vietnam protests and now? There was a draft sending young men off and body bags coming back. There was never a credible moral justification for our being in Vietnam.

  53. by HatetheSwamp on March 30, 2022 11:06 am

    The only difference I see is that today it's progressives who are blindly and sycophantly believing in the Commander-in-Chief and people on the right who don't have their noses up his butt.

  54. by islander on March 31, 2022 1:57 pm

    “The only difference I see is that today it's progressives who are blindly and sycophantly believing in the Commander-in-Chief and people on the right who don't have their noses up his butt.”


That seems rather irrelevant and inconsequential, except possibly to yourself. 

Surely you don’t think any of us expect you to see it differently, do you?

  55. by HatetheSwamp on April 1, 2022 4:36 am

    None of you agree with me about anything. Ever.

    Your resemblance to those 60s flag wavers and blind President supporters, while claiming to be freethinkers, amuses me.

  56. by islander on April 1, 2022 5:34 am

    None of you agree with me about anything. Ever.”

    That must be awful for you.

    Of course it’s certainly not your fault.

    It’s somebody else’s fault.

  57. by HatetheSwamp on April 2, 2022 4:45 am


    It's a badge of integrity!!!!!

  58. by islander on April 2, 2022 6:31 am

    So, at least in “your” own mind what does that say about your opinions?

  59. by HatetheSwamp on April 2, 2022 6:38 am

    My opinions have been consistently revealed to align with my difference with Curt over Joe's approval demonstrates.

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