Aren't you glad that Trump isn't president?
Rudy Giuliani said former President Donald Trump made an unusual threat to Russian President Vladimir Putin while he was in office.
Giuliani told Newsmax over the weekend that Trump had authorized him to share the details of a meeting with Putin where Ukraine came up in the conversation.
Trump “says, ‘Vladimir, you shouldn’t, like, attack Ukraine. I never liked those big, what are those things you got in Moscow, those big bubbles? Those big gold bubbles, I never liked those things, so I’m gonna have to blow them up,’” Giuliani said.
He was presumably referring to the Cathedral of the Annunciation, which is in the Kremlin and has gold onion domes.
“So Putin says, ‘They’re churches,’” Giuliani recounted. Trump said, “Oh, Vladimir, don’t tell me that about churches, c’mon. Churches? You can fool Bush, you can’t fool me. You care about churches?”
Giuliani also defended Trump’s praise of Putin as “smart.”
“That’s why he’s a genius,” Giuliani said. “Of course he says he’s smart: ‘Hey Vladimir, you’re really, really smart.’”
What's with the people in the restaurant with Rudy? They look the cast and extras from "The Sopranos".