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New York Times Announces They Have Finally Confirmed The Watergate Tapes Are Authentic
By HatetheSwamp
March 19, 2022 6:46 am
Category: Humor

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When confronted about the corruption and malpractice of sitting on a bombshell story to protect a political candidate, Baquet replied "What do you expect? We're the ones who reported in 1939 that Poland invaded Germany. You shouldn't take us seriously. We're basically satire at this point." 

The New York Times later confirmed they are also close to verifying the authenticity of Monica Lewinsky's blue dress.

Ah, the SwampMedia, eh!?

And, everyone on the old forum, except O D and pb, sneered at the New York Post for reporting on Hunter's laptop.

Is there any reason not to understand that antiSwampers can come here to giggle at you Blue MAGA Swampers. Teeheeheeheeheeheehee, ahhhhhhhhhhh.

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Comments on "New York Times Announces They Have Finally Confirmed The Watergate Tapes Are Authentic":

  1. by Curt_Anderson on March 19, 2022 12:17 pm
    I know this is supposed to be a humorous mocking the NY Times and the left generally. I've seen the headlines in the Rupert Murdoch owned NY Post and FOX News, such as, "Now that Joe Biden's president, the Times finally admits: Hunter's laptop is real" and "GOP fury at Big Tech, Dems after NYT admits Hunter Biden laptop is real".

    The part I don't get is this: Who was claiming that Hunter Biden's laptop wasn't real?

    I recall that Hunter Biden took his laptop into a place call Mac's Mac Repair (or some such name) and "Mac" searched through his emails and turned them over to somebody (Giuliani?) who gave it to the FBI. I thought it pretty outrageous to think that computer repair people would scour through somebody's private email. Maybe others have the same thought which might explain why Mac, the computer guy, is nearly bankrupt.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on March 19, 2022 1:09 pm

    The SwampMedia assertion was that this was all Russian disinformation.

    I heard, I think it was on Fox News Radio, that the word is that something is about to break from a grand jury or a special prosecutor and the NYT wants to get out ahead of it.

    Spies who lie: 51 ‘intelligence’ experts refuse to apologize for discrediting true Hunter Biden story

    "...the 51 former “intelligence” officials who cast doubt on The Post’s Hunter Biden laptop stories in a public letter really were just desperate to get Joe Biden elected president. And more than a year later, even after their Deep State sabotage has been shown again and again to be a lie, they refuse to own up to how they undermined an election."

    The CNN YouTube link is truth truly stranger than fiction, a real kneeslapper! Bahahahahahahahahahaha

    And, you still seriously wonder why nearly half think the election was swiped.
    View Video

  3. by Curt_Anderson on March 19, 2022 2:03 pm
    How is the CNN story untrue? Their chyron reads, "US investigating if emails connected to Russia disinformation against Biden".

    Trump and Trump supporters (some still) considered Zelensky a thug and Ukraine a corrupt nation. According to them, that Hunter Biden did any business in Ukraine was a crime in itself. With no sense of irony Don jr. and Eric have accused Hunter Biden of profiting off his father's name. Of course, Trump's "perfect phone call" with Zelensky was supposed to derail Biden's candidacy.

    So in your way of thinking, that the Ukraine/Burisma smear wasn't successful, and that media didn't unanimously condemn Joe Biden, it's tantamount to stealing the election.

    Trumpworld figures admit campaign expected Hunter Biden laptop story to help them in 2020 election
    (Independent)Ex-president and former spokesman issue gloating statements over fresh revelations – but none of their claims withstand scrutiny.

    Former president Donald Trump and the manager of his failed 2020 re-election bid appear to have admitted that his doomed campaign had pinned its hopes for victory on negative media coverage of the contents of a laptop purportedly owned by President Joe Biden’s youngest and sole living son, Hunter Biden.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on March 20, 2022 5:14 am

    How is the CNN story untrue? Their chyron reads, "US investigating if emails connected to Russia disinformation against Biden".

    Well, of course, the CNN video is from before the election. CNN ultimately chose the repeat the Biden campaign's talking points.

    From what I know, since the NYT acceded to the truth about the laptop, CNN has been mute.

    Trump and Trump supporters (some still) considered Zelensky a thug and Ukraine a corrupt nation. According to them, that Hunter Biden did any business in Ukraine was a crime in itself.

    Oy, Curt, if I didn't know better, I'd think you've been watching Tucker again. Bahahahahahahahahahaha.

    So in your way of thinking, that the Ukraine/Burisma smear wasn't successful, and that media didn't unanimously condemn Joe Biden, it's tantamount to stealing the election.

    I was open minded about the content of the laptop from the beginning. Back in the day, I believed what the NYT is only now coming to believe.

    Embarrassingly, for youz,...

    ...the only reason you Blue MAGAs could think of to justify rejecting what its content revealed about Hunter, and Joe (AKA the big guy), is that it was a conspiracy by Russia to attack the Big Guy's campaign, or, Vlad did it. As it turns out, there's no evidence to support that conspiracy theory. And, your Russia conspiracy theory? Keeheeheeheehee.

    Here's what I think: Nearly half of likely voters are convinced that the 020 election was, to use OrangeMan's term, "fixed." There are many reasons people believe that with certainty and conviction.

    One is the profound circumstantial evidence summarized in David Catron's article, "What We Must Believe to Believe Biden Won," which I've linked to many times.

    Another is the mountain of evidence of ballot harvesting, vote fraud and the shenanigans, in states with Blue Governors, akin to what I linked to from Delaware County, Pennsylvania.

    And, there's the record of the SwampMedia's malpractice in handling Hunter's laptop.

    You still titter at the many millions who continue to believe that the smoke filled room handlers of "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" swiped the election. Fine. Go for it. Enjoy yourself.

    But, the truth is, the conviction of those many millions ain't a brainless myth.

    In fact, as the implosion of Dems who have to run in 022 with your Flatulent Fool in the White House, seems increasingly inevitable...we're over here cackling at the silly things you've chosen to believe to think that the Roaring Bear from Delaware really did win.

  5. by Curt_Anderson on March 20, 2022 9:17 am
    You posted the CNN video when I asked who in the media denied Hunter's laptop existed. Link to a video makes your and Murdoch media's case if you don't think that one did.

    I had Madison Cawthorn in mind. He obviously represents the views of some of his constituents and other Republicans.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on March 20, 2022 9:44 am

    I don't know that anyone denied that the laptop actually existed. I can't see how that's the point.

    Biden sycophants in the intelligence community agreed with the suggestion that the content of the laptop resembled Russian disinformation.

    And the Blue MAGA SwampMedia reported the story as if the case was settled...

    ...until the NYT broke ranks recently.

    Why the NYT has done that is the real story to me because the story was history. CNN and all of the SwampMedia had played lip service to the fiction that they'd vetted the data and that neither the Flatulent Fool nor Hunter were culpable. And, uh, Murdock media were content that the truth would not be told.

    Of course, antiSwamp policians continued haranguing. Cawthorn was only one of many.

  7. by Curt_Anderson on March 20, 2022 12:10 pm
    Ok, I'll bite. What crime do you think was revealed publicly from Hunter's laptop?

    And to take it a step further, what has been revealed in the emails that implicate Joe Biden?

  8. by HatetheSwamp on March 21, 2022 4:49 am

    I, apparently, am one of only a few Republicans who doesn't have copy of Hunter's hard drive so I can only tell you what people on Fox and Newmax and Miranda Devine from the NYP tell me.

    I'm guessing there's several thousands years of crack smoking violations. Dozens of paying prostitutes for sex.

    But, more to the point, exacting bribes from Chinese businessmen...claiming a percentage for "the Big Guy."

  9. by islander on March 21, 2022 11:39 am

    Teri Kanefield describes quite accurately what this sudden "Hunter Biden's laptop" controversy thing is all about.

    As she says in her short article on the link below.

    *"I explained the “whataboutism” technique to a friend, and the light bulb came on for her. She told me about a recent company meeting. Someone threw a “whatabout” at her, and she was genuinely flummoxed. It’s very difficult to respond.

    It seems to me that the best response is to say, “Are you aware you’re using a well-known propaganda technique that was developed and perfected in the Soviet Union?

    Like this:

    Person: “But what about Hunter Biden?”

    You: “Are you aware you are using a well-known propaganda technique that was developed and perfected in the Soviet Union?”

    Now you’ve changed the subject from Hunter Biden to propaganda techniques, which is a much more productive conversation."

    *Excerpt from her article

    And Teri is right. Rather than wasting time on questions like the one being discussed here, it will result in a much more productive conversation!

  10. by HatetheSwamp on March 21, 2022 11:42 am

    Welcome back, isle.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on March 21, 2022 1:04 pm

    Hey, isle:

    Nation Wishes There Were Some Way They Could Have Known About The Hunter Biden Laptop Story Before The Election

    "In confirming the authenticity of the laptop, the New York Times confirmed Hunter Biden's engagement in underage sex trafficking, abuse, felony drug use, corrupt multi-million dollar deals with foreign governments to enrich himself and his Dad Joe Biden, money laundering for the President, and really bad teeth. Yikes!"

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh.

  12. by Curt_Anderson on March 21, 2022 2:58 pm
    There isn't much difference between Soviet propaganda and pro-Trump propaganda. Court records of the hundreds of civil cases involving Trump paint a clear picture of an unethical businessman who routinely stiffed his suppliers and contractors. That Trump has the money to financially exhaust the little guy involved in litigation against him doesn't exonerate Trump. Hence, Trump labeled his 2016 opponent as "Crooked Hillary". But people with more than half a brain know who the real crook is.

    Incidentally, during the last presidential primaries, I posted in the old forum on that it was a strategic mistake for Trump to label Joe Biden as "sleepy" or "addled". To refute such labels, Biden only had a meet a low bar of being somewhat alert and cogent in the debates, which Biden easily did. Trying to demonstrate a person is not a crook in a debate is practically impossible.

    HtS floundered in trying to answer my question about how anything revealed from Hunter Biden's laptop implicated Joe Biden in any sort of crime. The best he could come up with was a litany of smears, mostly not involving Joe Biden.

    Unlike Trump, Biden released his income taxes to the public. We don't have to wonder if Biden is beholden to Putin or any other foreign despot.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on March 23, 2022 6:44 am


    I have to wonder what it must be like for someone such as yourself to have Donald J Trump living in your brain.

    Your very existence must be tortured, absolutely tortured!

    Trump Trump Trump Trump
    Trump Trump Trump Trump
    Trump Trump Trump Trump...



    Do you remember my TDS anthem from the old forum?, to be sung twice while washing hands, to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat":

    Trump, Trump, Trump is bad
    Nasty things Trump did.
    Carefully, carefully do we watch.
    Nothing will be hid.


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