By HatetheSwamp February 26, 2022 6:28 pm Category: Politics (0.0 from 0 votes)
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I watched some of it. The CPAC crowd went more bonkers than I thought it would...wish it would.
Whether you want to admit it or not, he speaks for millions.
On Zelenskyy, on Putin (Check out the quote below. This is what GOPs and Indies believe.)
And, on Joe. Oy vey! He nails "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" to the wall.
Trump said the United States military was "humiliated" in its exit from Afghanistan.
"Joe Biden has turned calm into chaos," he said. "Stability into anarchy."
He touched on the crisis in Ukraine, calling president Volodymyr Zelenskyy "a brave man." He praised him for "hanging in."
"[The Ukrainian crisis] is an outrage and it should never have been allowed to occur, we are praying for the proud people of Ukraine. God bless them all," he said, adding that it never would have happened had he been president.
Trump called Biden "weak and grossly competent," blaming him for the crisis in Ukraine.
He defended his previous comment calling Putin smart, adding that NATO is looking "the opposite of smart," and that sanctions are a weak response.
"The problem is not that Putin is smart, it's that our leaders are dumb," he said. "They're allowing [Putin] to get away with this assault on humanity. Putin is playing Biden like a drum."
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