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In a social media post, Trump says, ‘He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.’
Personality by Curt_Anderson     February 15, 2025 6:04 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: (0 comments) [10 views]

JD Vance attacks Europe over free speech and migration
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Federal workers express shock, anger over mass layoffs: "You are not fit for continued employment"
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Mump totally capitulates to Putin
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Boy does history ever rhyme like a Shakesperian sonnet...
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JD Vance’s relatives are risking the life of daughter, 12, because of logically inconsistent religious views
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DOGE #2. "The ladies doth protest too much, methinks"
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Government selectors, pages, etc.
In consultations with India on Ukraine invasion, says US President Joe Biden
By HatetheSwamp
February 24, 2022 2:51 pm
Category: Government

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WASHINGTON: Even as he slammed Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine, announced “devastating” sanctions against Russia, and framed it as a battle between autocracy and democracy, United States President Joe Biden said that the US was in “consultations” with India on the issue of Ukraine and indicated that the differences haven’t been fully resolved between the two countries.

Responding to a question on whether India, a major US defence partner, was in sync with the US position on the issue at a Press conference, Biden said, “We are in consultations with India today. We haven’t resolved that completely.”

Separately, when asked if he was urging China to play a role in isolating Russia, Biden said he was not prepared to comment on that at the moment.

While this has given rise to a perception of differences with the US, Washington has, so far, been measured in its comments on India’s position...

There's an ugly truth connected to Joe Biden’s plan to prevail over Russia through sanctions.

Two of the world's largest economies, India and, more importantly, China, clearly are not with Joe.

This issue was raised when Joe Biden, The Roaring Lion, foolishly took questions after his monotonic, stuttering, stammering speech today.

Things ain't nearly as good in Ukraine as they even appear.

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Comments on "In consultations with India on Ukraine invasion, says US President Joe Biden":

  1. by Curt_Anderson on February 24, 2022 3:18 pm
    "Two of the world's largest economies, India and, more importantly, China, clearly are not with Joe." -HtS

    Economies larger than India, the UK and Germany, are with Biden and the US as are the rest of our NATO allies who are lot closer to Ukraine than India. Putin politely didn't interrupt China's Olympics so China is on Team Putin.

    Anyway, since when do we need permission or agreement from India or China on foreign policy issues?

  2. by Donna on February 24, 2022 3:48 pm
    It's pretty despicable to see a supposed Christian -- or for that matter ANYONE -- make fun of someone with a stutter. Hts does that regularly.

    The thing is, though, several times Biden stumbled over the words he was reading from the teleprompter (most people including myself do when they're reading aloud), but I don't remember him stuttering or stammering today. A good friend of mine has a severe stuttering and stammering problem that she's never been able to correct. I know what a challenge it is. It actually amazes me that Joe Biden was able to correct that problem for the most part.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on February 25, 2022 5:15 am

    Trust me, Donna. I have YEARS of experience with this. I know the difference between the sort of stutter normal people struggle with and the speech pattern of someone suffering from dementia.

    As he monotoned his way through that speech, forget the meaning of the text, our very own doddering old fool was demonstrating to Putin's medical advisors how far Biden’s dementia has advanced.

    You may live in denial of Joe's dementia. Clearly, Putin's factoring it into his attack strategy.

  4. by Donna on February 25, 2022 7:45 am
    I DON'T trust your judgment on this. Your armchair diagnosis is borne out of hatred for Biden and the Democratic Party and your dickish nature, not from objectivity or reason.

  5. by Ponderer on February 25, 2022 7:46 am

    There is literally nothing that anyone should ever trust you on, HATE.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on February 25, 2022 7:49 am

    My assessment is based in the decade both of my parents declined and died with dementia and lived in a nursing home unit reserved for dementia sufferers.

    I've heard Joe's speech pattern among many people. All had dementia.

  7. by Donna on February 25, 2022 7:52 am
    Bullshit. Your opinion is based on hatred. Everyone on this forum can see that. You're convincing no one.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on February 25, 2022 10:00 am


    Good, ol fashioned progressive omniscience. A golden oldie blast from the past.

  9. by Curt_Anderson on February 25, 2022 10:03 am
    I have never known anybody to brag so much about a family history of dementia as HTS.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on February 25, 2022 10:14 am

    Seems as if my real-life based understanding of the Roaring Bear is convincing you, though you'll never admit it.

    It's really compassionate. It acknowledges that the real Joe, when he had his brain, would not willingly engineer the deaths of so many.

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