WASHINGTON: Even as he slammed Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine, announced “devastating” sanctions against Russia, and framed it as a battle between autocracy and democracy, United States President Joe Biden said that the US was in “consultations” with India on the issue of Ukraine and indicated that the differences haven’t been fully resolved between the two countries.
Responding to a question on whether India, a major US defence partner, was in sync with the US position on the issue at a Press conference, Biden said, “We are in consultations with India today. We haven’t resolved that completely.”
Separately, when asked if he was urging China to play a role in isolating Russia, Biden said he was not prepared to comment on that at the moment.
While this has given rise to a perception of differences with the US, Washington has, so far, been measured in its comments on India’s position...
There's an ugly truth connected to Joe Biden’s plan to prevail over Russia through sanctions.
Two of the world's largest economies, India and, more importantly, China, clearly are not with Joe.
This issue was raised when Joe Biden, The Roaring Lion, foolishly took questions after his monotonic, stuttering, stammering speech today.
Things ain't nearly as good in Ukraine as they even appear.