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Military selectors, pages, etc.
Biden says he rejects findings of Army report on Afghanistan
By HatetheSwamp
February 11, 2022 7:53 am
Category: Military

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President Biden on Thursday said he rejected the accounts and findings of an Army investigative report in which military officials reportedly criticized Biden administration officials for failing to grasp the situation in Afghanistan as U.S. forces withdrew.

Asked if he was rejecting the accounts or conclusions of the report, Biden replied, "Yes, I am."

"I am rejecting them," he said.

So? What do we do? Fire military leadership?

How bout invoking the 25th Amendment and keep the military leadership which is reasonably competent?

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Comments on "Biden says he rejects findings of Army report on Afghanistan":

  1. by Curt_Anderson on February 11, 2022 11:51 am
    I would have rejected the Army's findings too.

    We have civilian oversight of the military for a reason. For twenty years the military thought it was a great idea for us to stay in Afghanistan. If it were up to the generals we would still be there and probably never leave.

    Two years ago Trump announced there we would be leaving Afghanistan. That is what he told the Taliban. And there was an uneasy peace until the date of our withdrawal which Joe Biden actually extended by 2 or 3 months.

    Our military was supposed to have trained the Afghan military to make for a smooth transition as we left. They obviously did not do that. They miscalculated and or did not properly grasp the situation.

    So no I don't put a lot of stock into their "findings".

    Incidentally for the past six months we have had zero American military casualties in Afghanistan. That has not happened for the past 20 years there.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on February 11, 2022 12:03 pm

    You define the concept of the sycophant.

  3. by Donna on February 11, 2022 12:20 pm
    Afghans Demand Truth About Kabul Airport Massacre as U.S. Continues to Deny Soldiers Shot Civilians

    The Pentagon is facing questions about whether U.S. troops may have shot Afghan civilians following a devastating suicide bombing last year outside the Kabul airport. The questions center on what happened on August 26, 2021, less than two weeks after the Taliban seized control of Kabul. At the time, thousands of Afghans were traveling to the Kabul airport hoping to leave Afghanistan. On August 26th, a massive bomb blast exploded outside the airport gates. At least 180 people, including 13 U.S. troops, died that day.

    The Pentagon says all of the deaths were linked to the blast, but Afghan eyewitnesses tell a different story. There were initial reports of multiple bombers as well as a gunfight outside the airport. The Pentagon spent months investigating what happened. It issued a report last week saying the attack was carried out by a single suicide bomber who detonated a bomb filled with ball bearings. The report also acknowledged U.S. marines had fired shots, but the Pentagon claims the shots didn’t hit anyone.

  4. by Curt_Anderson on February 11, 2022 12:58 pm
    I expect to see an Army report in which they deny any culpability and say the Afghani people failed to grasp the situation.

  5. by Donna on February 11, 2022 1:35 pm
    The Pentagon already released a report similar to that:

    "The Pentagon says all of the deaths were linked to the blast, but Afghan eyewitnesses tell a different story. There were initial reports of multiple bombers as well as a gunfight outside the airport. The Pentagon spent months investigating what happened. It issued a report last week saying the attack was carried out by a single suicide bomber who detonated a bomb filled with ball bearings. The report also acknowledged U.S. marines had fired shots, but the Pentagon claims the shots didn’t hit anyone."

    Yet the facts seem to contradict that:

    "Two new investigations by news outlets are raising questions about the Pentagon’s findings. One was published by ProPublica with the organization Alive in Afghanistan. The second was done by CNN, which interviewed 19 survivors who say they saw people shot or were shot themselves. In a moment, we’ll be joined by Nick Paton Walsh, CNN’s senior international correspondent, but first let’s turn to some of the interviews he conducted with Afghans who survived the August 26 attack.

    NICK PATON WALSH: Noorullah Zakhel said he was also in the trench, hit in the head by the blast, and tried to flee with his cousin, Suhail.

    NOORULLAH ZAKHEL: I told to my cousin, “Suhail, run!” We run together. We went — I tried to go climb out from the canal. I succeeded, but I think my cousin escaped. The soldier came directly, and they started firing.

    NICK PATON WALSH: When did you find out that Suhail was dead?

    NOORULLAH ZAKHEL: In the morning time. When I called my family, “Is Suhail OK?” they said he is martyred.

    NICK PATON WALSH: And how was his body? What were the injuries on his body?

    NOORULLAH ZAKHEL: There were just shooted, in two bullets, one on head in this side and taken out from this side, and another one on the shoulder.

    NICK PATON WALSH: A total of 19 survivors CNN has interviewed said they saw people shot or were shot themselves. The U.S. military said the witnesses we spoke to had, quote, “jumbled memories from a concussive event … and are doing their best to piece together what their brain is unlikely to remember clearly.” The volume of testimony from Afghan survivors, though, does present questions as to how so many witnesses could make such similar claims.

    Another survivor, Morsal Hamidi, had a bullet injury to the left side of her face, say her records from the Italian hospital in Kabul.

    MORSAL HAMIDI: I realized that the blood is coming from my face like water of a tap. I was hit by a bullet in my face, in my right jaw here, and the blood extracted from this part of my throat.

    NICK PATON WALSH: We spoke to a doctor who treated patients at Wazir Akbar Khan Hospital, one of the biggest in Kabul. He said he pulled bullets out of four injured patients from the airport that night. He said he found gunshot wounds on many other dead bodies he examined, suggesting the number of people shot may be much higher. He asked we hide his identity for his safety.

    DOCTOR: There was two kinds of injuries: people burned from the blast with lots of holes in their bodies, but with a gunshot, you can see just one or two holes, in the mouth, in the head, in the eye, in the chest. I removed bullets from four or five injured."

  6. by HatetheSwamp on February 12, 2022 8:18 am

    I'm not suggesting that the military's record is pristine but did you catch Joe's response to Holt's question about the Pentagon report? Joe did what he's always done, i.e., defend the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, which is not the issue and which almost everyone...not me...agrees with.

    And, did you catch Holt's startled expression when he asked the President of the United States if he rejects the report of his military!!!!!?

    You may agree that there's something lacking in the military's position. Many do. What's alarming is that the President allowed himself to be recorded announcing to the world that he's critical of his own military.

    You have to be able to understand that that's a very bad thing.

    How many more chinks in our armor do you think Russia, China and our other enemies need to be emboldened!!!!!?

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