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Prominent cultists are openly defying and doubting Trump. That's good news for Democrats and democrats.
By Curt_Anderson
February 9, 2022 11:34 am
Category: Politics

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(People)Fox News personality Brian Kilmeade thinks it's time to move on from the 2020 presidential election — saying former President Donald Trump's continued assertions about the election being fraudulent are "an outright lie."

Kilmeade said, "they did a recount in Arizona, and the recount showed no difference almost, and he came out and said it showed that they won Arizona. That's an outright lie."

(WaPo)The Kraken is still backtrackin’.

The many dubious and false claims of voter fraud and irregularities made by lawyers aligned with Donald Trump after the 2020 election have forced something of a legal reckoning — a legal reckoning that continues apace. And perhaps nobody exemplifies that like former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell, who has now been forced on multiple occasions to acknowledge that the Kraken wasn’t what it was cracked up to be.

“Millions of Americans believe the central contentions of the complaint to be true,” [Powell's newest court] filing says, “and perhaps they are.”

"Perhaps?" Previously when Powell was making public statements and going to court of Trump's behalf she was certain that there was enough election fraud to overturn the election. Notice how Powell uses the George Costanza rationale: it's not a lie if you believe it. Fortunately our courts don't accept somebody's misbegotten belief as evidence.

Even Mike Pence knows it. "President Trump is wrong," Pence said. "I had no right to overturn the election." According to reports, Pence is being congratulated by colleagues and donors for speaking the truth.

The upshot of this, I believe, is that Republican party will be fractured into two wings: One side accepts reality, eager to move on from Trump. The other side are the dead-ender cultists who believe The Big Lie despite all evidence to the contrary. There will be primaries in which the nominated Republican candidates will be unacceptable to one wing or the other. In some cases, the Republican voters won't vote or will vote for a non-Republican in the general elections.

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Comments on "Prominent cultists are openly defying and doubting Trump. That's good news for Democrats and democrats.":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on February 9, 2022 12:34 pm

    Wow, Curt, Interesting. I probably listen to 30 minutes of Kilmead's show a month...

    ...and I caught that exchange. Amazing.

    The caller went on to point out that many irregularities in the counting of the Arizona vote have been exposed.

    Kilmeade then pointed out that there's no way to prove that Trump really won the state...something Kilmeade apparently believes...but he's convinced that what remains is for GOPs to accept that they were snookered in 020 and move on.

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

    I'm sure you're wrong that Kilmeade thinks the claims of fraud are dubious. Watching FOX AND FRIENDS regularly and listening to the radio show occasionally, I'm sure Kilmeade knows that the smoke filled room handlers of "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" screwed Trump out of the election. Remember. The great majority of GOPs do.

    We're remembering. And waiting.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on February 9, 2022 12:59 pm

    The upshot of this, I believe, is that Republican party will be fractured into two wings: One side accepts reality, eager to move on from Trump.

    My sense of you is that GOPs are like beasts you would check out at a zoo. They are separate species.

    Apart from the Liz Cheney ilk and Chris Christie, who is a political opportunist, very, very few GOPs believe that the smoke filled room handlers of "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" are guiltless in 020.

    Many of us who are GOPs want Trump and his rabid supporters to move on from 020 and to take the locking.

    What's going to happen, I suspect, is that Trump will prevail in the early 024 Primaries and win the nomination. Election integrity laws will curtail enough Dem cheating and that, in the end, GOPs will vote for Trump and Indies will puke and choose him over the Flatulent Fool or Kammy or Pete.

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