National Review EXCLUSIVE: AOC Spotted in Miami Beach as NYC Reports Record Covid Cases
By HatetheSwamp December 31, 2021 2:55 pm Category: Health (0.0 from 0 votes)
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The BABYLON BEE: "AOC Claims Ron DeSantis Kidnapped Her And Held Her Hostage In Miami And Now She Is Dead"
Back in February, when Senator Ted Cruz (R., Texas) drew fire for taking a trip to Cancun, Mexico, during a winter disaster in Texas that left millions without power or water, Ocasio-Cortez joined the pile on.
“If Sen. Cruz had resigned back in January after helping gin up a violent insurrection that killed several people, he could’ve taken his vacation in peace,” she tweeted at the time. “Texans should continue to demand his resignation.”
"Further investigations found that AOC didn't actually die but was just knocked out from too many mimosas. "
Ain't Blue MAGA progressive hypocrisy just so cute?
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