Impeachment is a charge of misconduct. The House can vote to impeach with a simple majority. To remove a president from office, the Senate must convict, which takes a two thirds vote of the Senate. This flowchart assumes that you are not a fan of Donald Trump and may be considering the call to action by Tom Steyer and others calling for impeachment.
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Should the House attempt to impeach Donald Trump?
| NO
Without impeaching him, the Dems can rein in Trump. The House has the “power of the purse”. House can conduct investigations of Trump and his cohorts.
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Trump declares victory. Trumpers are energized and emboldened which increases his re-election chances.
| NO
The House calls for a vote to impeach Donald Trump. Does the majority vote to impeach?
Senate then votes on conviction. 67 votes are needed to convict. The 47* Dems need considerable GOP help. Does the majority vote to convict?
| NO
Trump declares victory. Trumpers are energized and emboldened which increases his re-election chances.
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Pence becomes President, in good position to be the GOP nominee with the advantage of incumbency. Trump also is eligible to run.
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* Possibly 48 depending on Florida recount vote.
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