BusinessReceiving process
A Flowchart by BigD
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Goods Receiving Process. Back Door!

Driver arrives with parcels. Check address ensure they are ours. Count total items ensure it matches drivers total.
If any one of these is incorrect DO NOT SIGN! Find Manager and inform!


Set goods in rear and begin opening boxes. Ensure all boxes have relevant documents attached!
If specific box has no visible document check inside the box and within the packaging.
Check box (or carton ) reference label for package total as supplier may have put collective document in only one box of a multiple send.
Call supplier and hold all boxes in that group till supplier can resolve. Inform Manager of situation!




If box contains firearms receive goods as normal but thereafter pass them to person logging them in. DO NOT ALLOW ANY WEAPON TO LEAVE THE REAR DOOR AREA FOR ANY REASON UNTIL LOGGED!
If box contains firearms receive goods as normal but thereafter pass them to person logging them in. DO NOT ALLOW ANY WEAPON TO LEAVE THE REAR DOOR AREA FOR ANY REASON UNTIL LOGGED!
If box contains firearms receive goods as normal but thereafter pass them to person logging them in. DO NOT ALLOW ANY WEAPON TO LEAVE THE REAR DOOR AREA FOR ANY REASON UNTIL LOGGED!




Once all goods are received and logged ( in the case of firearms ) put them on the cart and pass them forward to stock.
Once all goods are received and logged ( in the case of firearms ) put them on the cart and pass them forward to stock.
Once all goods are received and logged ( in the case of firearms ) put them on the cart and pass them forward to stock.