BusinessBarnyard LLC
A Flowchart by mjackson1242
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This chart is intended to provide Barnyard LLC owners a visual picture of future paths for the business.

Barnyard LLC
Payoff: * Existing Lienholders * Vendors * Clear outstanding check list
Update & Acquire * Improve Operations Front & Back * Acquire talent - Dealer Relations & Accounting * Codify operations standards (sustainability)
Partnerships * Enhance business opportunities by partnering


Property Purchase by other Manufacturer
Payoff: * Existing Lienholders Paydown: * Vendors * Outstanding check list
Update & Acquire * Search for potential new site * Acquire additional business financing to build or acquire new facility * Acquire talent * Codify operations standards
Partnerships * Explore all potential partnerships to maintain dealer base with room for expansion.


Property Purchase by Investor
Payoff: * Existing Lienholders Paydown: * Vendors * Outstanding checks
Update & Acquire * Search for potential new site * Acquire additional business financing to build or acquire new facility * Acquire talent * Codify operations standards
Partnerships * Explore all potential partnerships to maintain dealer base with room for expansion. Find best facility and relationship at right price